So this b*tch is cheetin on me...


Well-Known Member
we still need pics of her...

just go find yourself a nice 20 year old and have her laying (naked) in your bed with you when she comes home.

of course take the anger and turn it into great sex with the 20 year old.
You should clean up the room. And next time she comes over or you talk to her, say "Look we need to establish some rules, I have my new chick coming over and I dont need your presence bringing us down, so when can you give me some alone time."

Along with condom wrappers every where.


Well-Known Member
lol i wish it was that simple...

when she says i'm a loser... it's true... i don't have a hole lot of friends... i can't drive a car nor do i have one... sleeping at a friends house wouldn't really work since i have to get to work, one of the reasons we picked this place is cause it's only a mile to my work... so it's a short walk...

and storage is not the problem... how do i move all my shit with no truck... noone to help me move my couches and chairs and bed...
damn man you need a :hug:. fuck the dumb shit and do whats best for you.

find that 20 year old fast...:hump:


Well-Known Member
lol i wish it was that simple...

when she says i'm a loser... it's true... i don't have a hole lot of friends... i can't drive a car nor do i have one... sleeping at a friends house wouldn't really work since i have to get to work, one of the reasons we picked this place is cause it's only a mile to my work... so it's a short walk...

and storage is not the problem... how do i move all my shit with no truck... noone to help me move my couches and chairs and bed...
next time she calls you a loser.... respond with "i'll be that, i'll be a loser.....but at least im not a lying slore" ????? at least you dont cheat!!!

i dont know...push her buttons dude!!!! she's obviously pushed yours.....dont go out like that!!!


Well-Known Member
next time she calls you a loser.... respond with "i'll be that, i'll be a loser.....but at least im not a lying slore" ????? at least you dont cheat!!!

i dont know...push her buttons dude!!!! she's obviously pushed yours.....dont go out like that!!!
true that dude, from what you've posted she has pretty much owned you.

You should have destroyed her and made her feel at fault for cheating, man up and bring that bitch to justice


Well-Known Member
lol i'm so pissed...

my heart wont stop beating really hard... and she's been gone for like an hour... but i still want to fucking kill them bolth...

how can i get my body to chill out?...


Well-Known Member
all this sex talk is not really helping guys... lol all though it is really funny...
i know homie, man it prolly seems all crazy right now. man dont ever let nobody make you feel like a loser. no matter what puff your chest out and be a strong man. maybe things have a way of working out for the better. life may become sweeter without her. she could be tearing you down.


Well-Known Member
true that dude, from what you've posted she has pretty much owned you.

You should have destroyed her and made her feel at fault for cheating, man up and bring that bitch to justice

smoke a blunt and chill cult

trust me, i know that shit burns.....but let that shit burn. karma is a motherfucking bitch and shouldnt be fucked sure karma will return the favor!!!


Well-Known Member
All these ideas are definitly funny but whats done is done just start the healing process. move out forget about her n out this whole thing behind you. oh yea and smoke a little


Well-Known Member
lol i'm so pissed...

my heart wont stop beating really hard... and she's been gone for like an hour... but i still want to fucking kill them bolth...

how can i get my body to chill out?...
Dude trust me on this one,

Time heals all wounds. Right now you still got the adrenalin in your veins, go do some pushups and have a seriously meditation on what your going to do next.


Well-Known Member
That's why you keep your friends man... don't let a bitch get in the way, and start hanging out with her everyday and lose all contact from everyone you have ever known. Cause when shit goes south, all you have is yourself. This chick sucks, she obviously doesn't care about you. Your only option is to stop caring about her, and move on with your life...


Well-Known Member
i don't really want to smoke weed... that will only make my heart beat harder with the paranoia...


Well-Known Member
fuck dude...

see i'm gonna move out but my apt wont be ready till the 6th... fuck fuck fuck

i don't know what to do...

that makes me a sad panda...


Well-Known Member
lol no tittie bar... i think a friend of mine might come over... he's the guy i'm getting an apt with...