Leaves turning brown & deteriorating PLEASE HELP!!!!!(SEE PICS)


Well-Known Member
Ok here we go... The 1st problem that I'm seeing the most is the browning of the leaves that's in pics 1 2 and 4. The second issue which is on 2 different plants is entire stems dying (pics 5-6) but not to a crisp where I can pull them off, and the 3rd issue is the deteriorating of the leaf which is in the 3rd pic. Other than those issues the plants appear to be growing fine and healthy for the most part with the acception of a few older fans yellowing or dying... I'm at 2 1/2 of 12/12 I didn't feed them bloom nutes until about the 2nd week in which I'm using earth juice bloom and meta-k (normal dosage) and a little monster bloom. As you can see I'm in a homemade green house (don't laugh) in which I'm inducing the night cycle by covering it up for 12 hrs with a black tarp. On sunny days the temp jumps up quite a bit (90s) because my room is holding heat for some reason (possibly the white plastic?) and at night originally the temp came down but the humity rocketed to like 80% that is until I added the inline fan in the pic which brought it down to like 60%. so that's bout all I can think of that would help in the diagnostics if it's anything else u need to know just ask I'm open to all input and suggestions so please help me out as best you can... Thanks in advance you guys never let me down...



Well-Known Member
Yeah I was thinking maybe they got burnt from the sun beaming off the white plastic, let's see what the seasoned growers think...


Active Member
I would take it to the outdoor topic....but they look really good otherwise. Weird stuff happens during flower as the plant changes and then uses up it's nitrogen....

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
I would take it to the outdoor topic....but they look really good otherwise. Weird stuff happens during flower as the plant changes and then uses up it's nitrogen....

Good Luck
Yeah I brushed it off for a few days just thinking I waited a little late in bloom to feed them nutes but after 2 feedings I'm getting worried... Yeah I'm gonna head over there and post it now...


Well-Known Member
what is the temp in there? If its over 95 F then it is probably heat stress. It could be all sorts of stuff dude. What nutes are you using? How often are you using them? at what strength? Do you have adequate ventilation and air exchange between the outside and the inside of your greenhouse? Stale air is no bueno.


Well-Known Member
what is the temp in there? If its over 95 F then it is probably heat stress. It could be all sorts of stuff dude. What nutes are you using? How often are you using them? at what strength? Do you have adequate ventilation and air exchange between the outside and the inside of your greenhouse? Stale air is no bueno.
Temp have hit over 95 but not constant and I think my airflow is pretty good. I'm using earth juice nutes bloom and meta-k along with monster grow normal strength


Well-Known Member
Hmm.. a truly puzzling question, i would agree with heat stress also lighten up on the nutes and you could possibly slit some holes to allow more air flow.


Well-Known Member
Hmm.. a truly puzzling question, i would agree with heat stress also lighten up on the nutes and you could possibly slit some holes to allow more air flow.
Yeah I'm leaning towards heat stress or something related too I just wish someone could confirm that for me or possibly let me know what I should do...


Active Member
Hi dude, I think you have more than one issue there. Iam leaning towards something like nutes being splashed on them! Mixed in with a calmag def and possibly a bit of nute burn. As mentioned, back off the nutes or maybe even a 2x pot volume plain water flush (not ph'd as this will make the plant absorb more nutrients) After this, if you can get some calmag, a light dose when watering would not hurt. Water, water, nutes @50%. Those temps will not be doing you any favours but I dont think that is the major issue, the big problem is air circulation and CO2 availability. Make sure you have air coming in and some circulation just in case mould develops. You dont want pm to ruin your crop. JMO W


Well-Known Member
I'll just throw my two cents in the ring. Looks likes bugs to me, the ones you usually don't see, the little bastards are under the leaves and as they grow sucl the juices out of the leaves. This is very common in outdoor grows but should be treated before they get out of hand. Many times you can not see the larva very well without a microscope, but close inspection is needed to ensure this is or isn't the problem. Young larva can be controlled easily with many different treatments just depending on whether you lean towards the chemical solution or the organic control.
One thing I should add is that you will never grow plants outdoors which look as unblemished as those grown indoors, even with massive sprayings. Saying this, it just becomes more important to carefully inspect plants for bugs and then going to google and look at insect images for indentification. Preventative spraying I also reccommend to help, again chemical or organic both have solutions but whatever you choose I would advise to use the mildest solution possible for the present problem.
Good Luck and Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
Hi dude, I think you have more than one issue there. Iam leaning towards something like nutes being splashed on them! Mixed in with a calmag def and possibly a bit of nute burn. As mentioned, back off the nutes or maybe even a 2x pot volume plain water flush (not ph'd as this will make the plant absorb more nutrients) After this, if you can get some calmag, a light dose when watering would not hurt. Water, water, nutes @50%. Those temps will not be doing you any favours but I dont think that is the major issue, the big problem is air circulation and CO2 availability. Make sure you have air coming in and some circulation just in case mould develops. You dont want pm to ruin your crop. JMO W
Ok thanks woody... Where can I pick that calmag up btw? Also I really don't think it's nute burn because the problem started before I even gave them some but they are due for straight water next time I water... And as far as air flow I have a fan circulating and a inline pulling air out. Is that enough at night when my plant are covered or should I have a source bringing fresh air in? I appreciate your help man...