Soil Mixes, Water Only, Recipe's


Well-Known Member
Ok.. see I wana see what you ppl use for fertalized soil...Note...this is only for ppl that dont add any nutes during growth...just whats in the soil..and water./...

So lets see yo pics , set ups, recipes...etc

I curently use Miracle Grow 6 month time relese, 150w hps...i dont ever ad nutes


Well-Known Member
I use the Miracle grow too, with great results, the key to using the MG is to never over water.

Do you add extra nutes?... or just miracle grow soil, and water? What kinda light do you use? I am gonna use miracle grow 6 month time relese etxra nutes, and a 150w hps.... what do you think i will got off one plant?
I grew some jack herer with miracle grow soil and a 100 watt HPS and 2 four foot florsents lights and got about 2 ounces of some killer bud. NEVER NEVER add extra nutes when growing in the Miracle grow soil!!!!!! Just soil and water, make sure you use a moister meter and only water when soil is dry. You should be able to grow 2 nice plants with a 150 HPS and a few floro lites.


Well-Known Member
I grew some jack herer with miracle grow soil and a 100 watt HPS and 2 four foot florsents lights and got about 2 ounces of some killer bud. NEVER NEVER add extra nutes when growing in the Miracle grow soil!!!!!! Just soil and water, make sure you use a moister meter and only water when soil is dry. You should be able to grow 2 nice plants with a 150 HPS and a few floro lites.
i woul lovrve to seee pics... im a noob..


Well-Known Member
My super soil mix is this: Fox Farm Ocean Forest, Fox Farm Light Warrior, Fox Farm Original Planting Mix, and Black Gold. Then I mix in a bit of powdery dolomite lime, Mykos, Azos, and Happy Frog Tomato and Veg

I put this all in a .8 gallon air pot and 6 weeks later still no sign of nute deficiency (I suspect the Azos might be most responsible if it really works). Compared to just plain Ocean Forest (NOTHING else added) which only lasts about 2 weeks in a .8 gallon air pot before showing nute deficiency.

Whatever mix you make, definitely buy some Mykos to mix in!


Well-Known Member
I got one plant right now in Miracle grow potting soil... It's 70% soil 30% Miracle gro perlite... Been using Miracle grow plant food since veg (1/4 strength) one watering week. As of today I just added happy frog fruit and flower fertilizer (5-8-4). Heres some pics. Curious to know... Im making the switch to fox farms for my next grow, I picked up a bag of Fox Farm original planting mix from my local hydro store as they were out of Ocean Forest blend... It says formulated for in ground use... but does anyone have experience with this soil indoors/containers? can I just add perlite and be alright??? any thoughts, opinions, advice welcome.


Active Member
Starting with Subcool's Super soil is a decent way to go:

8 large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil with coco fiber and mycorrhizae (i.e., your base soil)
25 to 50 lbs of organic worm castings
5 lbs steamed bone meal
5 lbs Bloom bat guano
5 lbs blood meal
3 lbs rock phosphate
¾ cup Epson salts
½ cup sweet lime (dolomite)
½ cup azomite (trace elements)
2 tbsp powdered humic acid

replace Bone Meal with Fish Bone Meal. My amounts are a little different. I incorporate some feather meal along with the blood meal. I also use my own compost mixed in. Water with different inoculates and compost teas.


Well-Known Member
over here in the third world its hard to find potting mix, so am all organic i have grown all kinds of vegese in pots but am on my first indoor grow and the soil mix was as follows, (SOIL). i mixed in sand humus{sterilized compost},red soil, i made sure it was pretty fluffy, (FOOD).composted rabbit manure{fine},seed meal,and when i transplanted for flowering i added s.s.p or super phosphate the plants are 7 weeks (2weeks into flowering)



Starting with Subcool's Super soil is a decent way to go:

8 large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil with coco fiber and mycorrhizae (i.e., your base soil)
25 to 50 lbs of organic worm castings
5 lbs steamed bone meal
5 lbs Bloom bat guano
5 lbs blood meal
3 lbs rock phosphate
¾ cup Epson salts
½ cup sweet lime (dolomite)
½ cup azomite (trace elements)
2 tbsp powdered humic acid

replace Bone Meal with Fish Bone Meal. My amounts are a little different. I incorporate some feather meal along with the blood meal. I also use my own compost mixed in. Water with different inoculates and compost teas.
so do u have to water this and let it sit for some time? if so how long?


Well-Known Member
First off, i would like to say that anyone who doesn;t ude liquid nute is missing out. majorly. AFF all purpose and AFF morbloom cost like $40 for 1 gallon of each..... and there amazing....

Current Auto-Flowering soil Mix. (they dont need added nutes, they only take an average of 70 days...)

3 gallons Peat moss
1.5 gallons Perlite
15 ML Carnivorous bat guano (High N)
10 ML Seabird Guano (High P)
10 ML Glacial Rock Dust
1 Cup Worm Castings
20 ML Gypsum (added cal+mag, helps PH stay @ 6.5)
1/4 cup dolomite lime.

top dress with Guano to supplement potassium and phosphorous when flowering begins :)

so do u have to water this and let it sit for some time? if so how long?
no you dont have to "cook" subcools soil. and you dont have to cook mine ethier (its a cheaper version of subs soil...) its good to let it sit for a month to let the beneficial microbes fix the ammonia nitrates into basic usable nitrates. but you dont have to, i often plant directly into the soil.


Active Member
so do u have to water this and let it sit for some time? if so how long?
You generally want to allow a 'super soil' to sit for a minimum of 30 days. Someone like SubCool has said he tries not to use a Super Soil that has sat for less then 6 months.

While you can use it as soon as 30 days the longer the better and in my garden we rarely run any SS thats less than 6 months old now the main and really only difference however is consistency.
Once you dial in the mix and make up a good amount in advance each harvest is picture perfect.


The main reason subcools mix needs to sit for 30 days is because dolomite lime takes 30 days to activate with water. if not ur plants will suffer.
I use subcools mix, but i use 3 gal pots for my veg, with a 50/50 mix of roots organic and ocean forrest and I use humboldt organic nutrients just for the grow period, for 3 weeks, and then give it good water flush before i transplant into my 10 or 12 gal super soil for finish, let the plant veg for a week more in the finishing pot with ss. then flip into flower. at this point im only using water and cal mag in my water. I also add humboldt nutrients honey es with my water after a couple weeks of flower to give it some extra carbs :)
You can also add other things to your ss like seakelp meal cottonseed meal, greensand, stronger guano seabird guano. I always try to add more K to my soil tho cuz it generallly has high nitrogen.
levels. this is my first grow with it too ;)
These pictures are from day 14 of flower with 1 600W Ushio
Pic 1 purple hindu kush (PHK)
Pic 2 PHK
Pic 3 G13 haze
Pic 4 NYSD 3
Pic 5 NYSD
Pic 6 NYSD
Pic 7 G13 haze
Pic 8 PHK
PHK 2.jpgG13 haze2.jpgNYSD 1.jpgNYSD 2.jpgNYSD 3.jpgG13 haze.jpgPHK 3.jpg


Well-Known Member
I veged in Happy Frog and just made a batch of "moonshine man mix" yesterday for the flower stage.
Says with the added fert 5-8-4 there is nothing but water needed. I 'll still throw a couple of teas in there...


Active Member
i use (for every 10 gallons)
1 bag of organic soil (black gold) which is humus, peat, washed sand, organic composted leaves.
1 bag of composted organic steer manure
1 litre of organic worm castings
1/2 cup blood meal
1/2 cup bone meal
1/2 cup kelp meal
4 tblspoons dolomite lime
2 tblspoons azomite

then innoculate with compost tea, fish emulsion, liquid seaweed, and liquid karma + molasses
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after it cooks for a minimum of 14 days i add the perlite (about 40% total volume)

i think that if you dont let it cook for a few weeks the microbes dont have time to break things down, but you can plant right into it if your plant is already well established, it might be a little hot for fresh clones/seedlings.

Chem Dawg

New Member
I also rock the moonshine man mix. Kick ass so far.. The key to this mix is the 3 required transplants and a top feeding day 30 of flower.. No liquid nutes necessary ..

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
So far for my amended soil i start with 10 bags of potting soil from local nursery. Then i put in 2 50lb bags of earthworm castings. 20% spaghnum peat moss 10% perlite 10% vermiculite. a few bags of old leaves from veg, 5 cups dolomite lime, 3 cups gypsum, 3 cups hi-mag, 5 cups kelp meal, 4 bags of guano, greensand, diametacous earth


i saw this mix in a mag but i do not know what to use as my base soil . i cant find organic soil with all the ingredeints they listed to have in the base would i make the base soil without screwing everything else up