Drooping leaves during sunset and night


Active Member
Whenever the sun starts setting and it turns night my plants leaves droop. During the day they are nice and up and moving towards the sun but when the sun goes down they droop. The bigger plants with the bigger leaves droop more than the smaller ones. It also seems to happen more the day that I watered. If I water in the morning, that same night it will be more droopy than normal but regardless of if I watered or not they still droop. I use 1 gallon to water 4 plants. So each plant gets 1/4 gallon of watering every 3-4 days. They are in 3 gallon pots so I dont think im overwatering. Is this normal for plants to droop at night or is there something wrong?
Cold plays a big part to the breathing and growing. When i water with nice cold and its a flush even under lights they do the same thing, the water makes the root cold :)
Some drooping during the dark is normal in some strains. And at 1/4 gal of water per 3 gal pot, it sounds more like underwatering. You need to water each pot until you get some runoff. Overwatering is not caused by watering to frequently but by watering to often......
Its normal for them to droop when the sun start to go down, and go back to normal when the sun is up! If there droopy all the time and look wilted, then your over watering

what Calmag said is right, its called tourpor... all plants do kit, some more than others... Tomatoes do this quite a lot and look very saggy at night, but its just the plants respiring (breathing), dont worry about it, unless they start doing it in the day light...

Alright thanks guys. Yeah they dont droop during the day at all. They perk up as soon as the sun comes up. And ill look into watering them more.
Whenever the sun starts setting and it turns night my plants leaves droop. During the day they are nice and up and moving towards the sun but when the sun goes down they droop. The bigger plants with the bigger leaves droop more than the smaller ones. It also seems to happen more the day that I watered. If I water in the morning, that same night it will be more droopy than normal but regardless of if I watered or not they still droop. I use 1 gallon to water 4 plants. So each plant gets 1/4 gallon of watering every 3-4 days. They are in 3 gallon pots so I dont think im overwatering. Is this normal for plants to droop at night or is there something wrong?

I use a beneficial microbe brew from earthworm castings and so forth.

I stopped using it briefly out of laziness and shortly thereafter i noticed droopage at night...i put up with it...then i had one start doing it during the day a little bit and that stirred my energies enough to brew up another batch and sure as chutes they sprung back to life at night within a couple days...

This is in DWC so you get a zone thats like a petri dish for bad microbes and i imagine this would be true - to a degree - in soil as well.

Either way, i would imagine theres a fungus in the roots or maybe even gnats chowing on fungus thats chowing on roots.

Microbe tea WILL eliminate those possibilities and do a lot of other good in the process.

Im sure your question is long since answered, but incase someone else is looking into this situation of nocturnal flaccidity...wormpoo tea is a very likely fix.

Also!! Dont believe that its not a problem...a lot of people have posted that they are of the opinion that its perfectly normal and while it may be usual for them, its not the posture of a perfectly healthy plant. It dosent look healthy as soon as you see it...because its not...even if they perk back up during the day.
One of my girls does this big time. I grow indoors and about an hour before my lights go off, she starts drooping. If you were to see her like this you would say she's sick.
But an hour after lights back on she is stiff again.

its nearly that time now, I'll do a before and after pic.
My plants used do droop at night but I've noticed right before going into preflower they all started to stay perky throughout the day and night, maybe a slight droop late at night but not much. I did increase the amount of water somewhat. I think by giving them more water it helped with the hydraulics within the plant structure. I think it pumped up the pressure within the plant keeping the plant more erect. Just my observation and conclusion.
Mine did too...and then they didnt.

Or now they dont, that is to say...Theyre crisp and praying all night long.

Junior - do you use beni tea?