Diablo OG In Dual Monster Plant System


Well-Known Member

Burp report: The nugs are getting super crusty and hardening up nicely. The smell is evolving every time I burp them. It literally hurts now to take a deep whiff of a jar directly. The bud is starting to take on its true form.

The Bud that Gone Done It...

Okay, I just took a pull of this here mofo. And you guessed it. Another level higher. The exhale was incredibly sweet. I can hardly describe to you the heavy sweetness of this smoke. It didn't taste like this yesterday.

I love you, Liquid Koolbloom... I love you.


Well-Known Member
Man, you lower my confidence.
Your day 16 shots look better than mine @ day 27+
Yes, nothing satisfies me more than knowing that I have lowered the confidence of another man... Lol. Kidding!
Think of this: Do you realize how many months I lingered as a shadow member here? I got my confidence shaken pretty good by lotsa RIU folks early in my game before I finally plucked up the courage to take the plunge and get serious about growing. But it was that very confidence-shaking early on that gave me all the information I needed to succeed. I really feel I owe the RIU community for that. That's why I'm trying to give a little something back by posting this journal and making a beautiful art photo book for you all.

Peace! And thank you ever so much for reading and commenting.


Well-Known Member
I don't plan on getting big boy lights for a long time, if ever.
I'm going to start practicing outdoor, and all my indoor exploits will be like less than 200w.
+ I have a lot of fun with single tree grows.


Well-Known Member
I don't plan on getting big boy lights for a long time, if ever.
I'm going to start practicing outdoor, and all my indoor exploits will be like less than 200w.
+ I have a lot of fun with single tree grows.
Yeah, I love that huge outdoor tree thing. Please post pix when you can.


Active Member
A few questions, if you don't mind.

Said and done, for my own personal record book:
-How pleased would you say that you are with the gradual and minimal flushing method?
-Did you notice that your buds were denser than previous grows on a level that transcends genetics?
-Do you notice any difference in the "greenness" of taste, not related to flush time? Chemmy/Fert tastes?
-Will you be using this method again?
-Has your perspective on what it takes to obtain quality medicine changed?

And, the real question of the hour:

-After trying both methods, do you personally think that it is necessary to straight-flush a healthy marijuana plant, in order to obtain ripe flowers with a smooth and pleasant taste? (I think we both know the answer here, but I would like to hear your take on it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I love that huge outdoor tree thing. Please post pix when you can.
I've never done outdoor, but I understand most of it.
I'm planning on preparing spots this fall, and coming back in the spring.

I have an indoor tree right now with 4+ weeks to go.
She's only 26" tall, but for CFL's, that's a tree.


Well-Known Member
A few questions, if you don't mind.

Said and done, for my own personal record book:
-How pleased would you say that you are with the gradual and minimal flushing method?
-Did you notice that your buds were denser than previous grows on a level that transcends genetics?
-Do you notice any difference in the "greenness" of taste, not related to flush time? Chemmy/Fert tastes?
-Will you be using this method again?
-Has your perspective on what it takes to obtain quality medicine changed?

And, the real question of the hour:

-After trying both methods, do you personally think that it is necessary to straight-flush a healthy marijuana plant, in order to obtain ripe flowers with a smooth and pleasant taste? (I think we both know the answer here, but I would like to hear your take on it.
-Very pleased. In fact I credit the quality of my crop to this more sensible method.
-I believe density is largely determined by genetics. Many argue that temperature and humidity play a huge role, and they do, but without genetics, you can't miracle density on them. The buds are dense, but I don't have a true sense of their density until further in the cure. I am very satisfied with their density, though. I've grown rocks before, so I'm no stranger to density. These probably aren't as dense as the Ghost nugs that appear early in my journal, but it's better overall weed hands down than the Ghost.
-Taste is everything here. This is the best tasting bud I've ever grown/smoked, and it can't be because of a change in nutes...so it must be the way the nutes were used. It has a very sweet, caramel roast front with a stinging, medicine, numbing after effect. The taste is so extraordinary, I regret not taking a batch to the Cup. Even among the best of the best growers there, I would have been confident and proud to smoke my stuff around... and I credit it to the more advanced flush method. There was no grassiness to speak of. What little chlorophyll remained dried up nicely in hang week. Absolutely no chem/fert taste. Just pure sweetness and love. I wish I could give you a hit over the internet.
-There is no other method of finishing a crop now.
-Yes! No abrupt flushes! Lol.

-The answer to the last question is: I think striking a balance between straight flush and no flush at all (which is exactly what that gradual draw down is) is def the way to go. I think the modern theorists are right. A harsh flush doesn't help. Keep the plants alive as they ripen. If it makes sense with all other flowering/fruit-bearing plants, it makes perfect sense for cannabis.


Well-Known Member
I've never done outdoor, but I understand most of it.
I'm planning on preparing spots this fall, and coming back in the spring.

I have an indoor tree right now with 4+ weeks to go.
She's only 26" tall, but for CFL's, that's a tree.
Well I ain't goin' nowhere. Such is the magic of the internet.


Well-Known Member

Burp report: The nugs are getting super crusty and hardening up nicely. The smell is evolving every time I burp them. It literally hurts now to take a deep whiff of a jar directly. The bud is starting to take on its true form.

The Bud that Gone Done It...

Okay, I just took a pull of this here mofo. And you guessed it. Another level higher. The exhale was incredibly sweet. I can hardly describe to you the heavy sweetness of this smoke. It didn't taste like this yesterday.

I love you, Liquid Koolbloom... I love you.
The way you describe your smoke I can literally taste it! Mmmmmm delicious! My past harvest is not the same, its aiight. But my next harvest, I can tell is going to be super sticky icky dank!


Well-Known Member
The way you describe your smoke I can literally taste it! Mmmmmm delicious! My past harvest is not the same, its aiight. But my next harvest, I can tell is going to be super sticky icky dank!
whew... I just blew out a huge hit through the nose. Incredible. I don't usually blow out through my nose, but this shit is more like magic vapor than smoke. Wow.


Well-Known Member
Okay. I've hit it for the day. I am mind-bendingly stoned. My eyes feel like they're fluttering into my brain... in a good way. Lol.

I was bad and didn't work on the book today. Sorry, I just feel awful about it. :oops:

But the upshot is that Jin is feeling really good. And the much needed day away from it will mean a refreshed perspective to get it done in the best way possible.

With that, I wish you a pleasant dream, whether you happen to be asleep or awake...:shock:


Well-Known Member
So when's the wake&bake update?
Hahaha just kidding.
But we all know you're going to anyways.
Well surprise, surprise to you, sir. I have not done a wake and bake today! I'm saving myself for later. Might have to make a trip to the driving range across the street later. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Nice! Goodmorning!
Clear minds are always fun. I love being sober sometimes.
Just warmed up on cello, finally awake.


Well-Known Member
Nice! Goodmorning!
Clear minds are always fun. I love being sober sometimes.
Just warmed up on cello, finally awake.
Yes. We cannot appreciate the light if there were no dark.

So having said that, I'll make this a non-smoke report.

As I said, I have purposefully skipped today's wake and bake to test the 'next day feeling.' I'm still high from last night. It's more subtle than an actual wake and bake, but last night's activities are still felt and it feels really good. I know all I have to do is look at my weed and the high will be turned back on again fully. It's like it's just waiting in the wings, ready to come out fully the next time I light up.


Well-Known Member
So one of my co-workers just had a bad break-up... And here I am chair dancing to 70's funk high off my ass.

I felt bad, so I laid a nice nug on the guy. He's one of those people who smokes once in a blue moon, but enjoys it very much when he does... In short, a rookie. I told him to be careful and to take only one hit and put it down.

So he sends me a text later that night telling me that he's feeling so good, he's fallen into a porn hole and he can't get out... and doesn't want to.

Nothing enhances porn better than my weed. Lol.


Well-Known Member
That's just funny shit right there, I don't care who your are!

So one of my co-workers just had a bad break-up... And here I am chair dancing to 70's funk high off my ass.

I felt bad, so I laid a nice nug on the guy. He's one of those people who smokes once in a blue moon, but enjoys it very much when he does... In short, a rookie. I told him to be careful and to take only one hit and put it down.

So he sends me a text later that night telling me that he's feeling so good, he's fallen into a porn hole and he can't get out... and doesn't want to.

Nothing enhances porn better than my weed. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I didn't wake and bake this morning. It is now 3pm and I'm still feeling mellow. But last night's session is finally starting to wear off, so it's off to the driving range!

I'll be back... Hee hee.