Anatomy Of A K-Hole

very tru. im sorry to hear about that. ive only done K like 4 or 5 times and it was put into my top 3 after that. but i do understand its power and try to be as careful with it as i am with most things. its like i always say, its all fun and games until someone loses their mind.
look at it from a situational perspective)

you should get hooked up to a skydiving instructor.. and smoke a FAT bowl of DMT right before you two jump out.... no problem he pulls the chute in a minute and your trip is (hopefully over) when you touch the ground...
very tru. im sorry to hear about that. ive only done K like 4 or 5 times and it was put into my top 3 after that. but i do understand its power and try to be as careful with it as i am with most things. its like i always say, its all fun and games until someone loses their mind.

Oh i know you do bandit! I was just saying as a generality for everyone, be careful with it lol

Yes i most def would put it in my top 4. Mescaline, Dmt, Ketamine, and LSD are without a doubt my favorites. I honestly wouldnt say i like one more then the other either, they all have their own time and place.

I will say though that K and Dmt are right on the same level of craziness hahaha. Seriously, i astral project like crazy off K...

Mmm i love it so much!

you should get hooked up to a skydiving instructor.. and smoke a FAT bowl of DMT right before you two jump out.... no problem he pulls the chute in a minute and your trip is (hopefully over) when you touch the ground...

Man Verde you really have no idea how much i would love to do this. Everytime i trip i ALWAYS think about how amazing a free fall would be...
I'm with Phelps for some reason K just gets me off man, my two good friends i did it wiht didn't really rate it. I didn't believe in K holes until 20 seconds after banging two lines then i was in love, still haven't been able to describe that shit since was so crazy.
Honestly I am really excited.

I am still not quite sure what to expect. The descriptions I have seen of nearly ever drug I have done don't seem the same after I become aquatinted with the particular molecule.
Here is my recent K experience... This was copied and pasted from a much longer trip report detailing my 4 day festival adventure.

I had already ingested 250mg or so of Mescaline HCL a couple hours prior to this..

Once at the camp I ingested another 100mg of mesc HCL.. It was amazing to have boost as normally with booms or dose booster doses don’t really do much but in this case within what felt like a very short time the trip intensified, not by much but def by a nice noticeable amount. Within sometime after that, thanks to a good friend, that an opportunity to do some K presented itself and i took two fat bumps, put my ipod to some pink floyd laid back on my air mattress and just dissipated into the omni-present universe. Shortly after becoming one with everything i shot out of my body through my third eye, before I knew it I was standing in a room that was filled with Blue Tiles on the walls, floor, and ceiling. After a moment I noticed a man with long blond hair, blue eyes, and a white robe. He was talking to me but for some reason I couldn’t hear what he was saying, it was if it was on mute. To think about it at this point I don’t think I could hear the pink floyd either, everything was on mute. After watching this man speak for a few moments I rushed back to my body and entered back through my third eye the same as I left. It was the most amazing O.B.E. I have ever had. Once I came back to I sat up in my tent and decided it was time to go out and find my friends, immediately upon standing up the world spun in a complete 360 at which point I proceeded to walk with the up most of difficulties. Finally I sat down at our chill spot with a couple friends and looked up at the stars while listening to music from the main stage. I was having so much fun at this point it wasn’t even explainable, the mesc/K combo was surreal. The stars were amazing, the way they continuously danced around each other non-stop.
I hear you there bandit :D

Here is one for you.

Next time you smoke some DMT put on Led Zepplin Physical Graffiti, Put on the song Kashmir.

That song really does have the BEST build up for a Deamsters trip, i promise you once Robert Plant hits his climax its almost as if you have a full body orgasm but 10 times better.

Fucking amazing i tell you!
i wish i had tried DiMiTi before phelps. but no such luck. but i will definetly try this out when i do take that ultimate trip. thanks man.

Damn im sorry buddy! I promise it will eventually find you some day. I wanted to try it for SOOOO long before the opportunity presented itself. Ive never looked back since then, it truly is an amazing experience to behold thats for sure!
So I tried the K last night. 35 mg split between each nostril.

I decided to wait 30 minutes to redose just to get my bearings straight. In 5 minutes I became so ensconced in the effects of the drug I was quite happy doing just what I was. At about 45 minutes the effects wore off.

The numbness of my frontal lobe was extraordinary. It was a drunken mobility but a very psychedelic head-space.
I might be trying some K sooner than I thought! I think I'll start with 25mg, and redose if necessary. Depending on how it goes, I may or may not try to experience a hole in the future. I'm more interested in seeing what the effects are like so I can combine it with LSD at some point.

How is smoking weed on K? Is it going to be similar to smoking on mxe, for those that have done both?
I might be trying some K sooner than I thought! I think I'll start with 25mg, and redose if necessary. Depending on how it goes, I may or may not try to experience a hole in the future. I'm more interested in seeing what the effects are like so I can combine it with LSD at some point.

How is smoking weed on K? Is it going to be similar to smoking on mxe, for those that have done both?

personally dont like it when im getting wrecked on K makes it more spinny and generally get that sea sick feeling thats me though