Anyone Else Here Grow For Their Own Use And Don't Sell?


Well-Known Member
It's a Karma thing for me I give it to folks I know who can't afford it and maybe some day if I'm down on my luck some one will do the same for me..


Well-Known Member
i give a lot too. when people are good to me, i remember and when i have it, i roll them a j or give them a few nuggets. it's nice to do something nice for someone.


Well-Known Member
i grow, dont sell (sold one gram once lol)

i like this too about not selling"Oh yeah! Most important benefit is that I don't have to pick high yielding strains! I can pick the higher quality pot with low yield because I dont' have to have so much excess, and would rather better medical and enjoyable qualities."

keeping the good strains alive! (so we dont just have high yielding medium ql strains when the insanity finally ends)


Well-Known Member
dont sell.but thats cause im a cheap bastard and refuse to pay $50 for an 1/8. literally sold tons back in day and when i did i ALWAYS gifted my friends cause i didnt want to be bothered to retail. to much foot mtraffic can bring unwanted attention. although a very social person and always had peeps at house very few knew my biz. thats the way it should be for all of us. too many people let their shit be known


Well-Known Member
I'm with you on this tradis the more I have to myself the longer it last me so I end up spending less on dealers trying to supply myself untill the next harvest
Anybody else out there grow Cannabis but don't ever sell it? I feel like i'm the only one who doesn't associate growing with money.

There are advantages to not selling your Marijuana. First off I always have medicine to smoke. Second I can seed my plants with males and have new crosses of quality strains! Also I don't have to work out what i'm spending vs what i'm making, instead I can grow in the most beneficial and expensive way because I don't have to make it economical. Fourth it really makes me care more about the plant because I know either I or the person who I caretake for will get the best quality. That and I don't charge the person I care for, I enjoy being able to grow mulitple strains.

THe way I do this, I'm not getting anything out of it but the highest quality pot I can grow.

Am I the only one or are there other people out there who share my love of weed over money?

EDIT: Oh yeah! Most important benefit is that I don't have to pick high yielding strains! I can pick the higher quality pot with low yield because I dont' have to have so much excess, and would rather better medical and enjoyable qualities.

Like Spacebomb, I love it, and never would have grown something so low yielding if I had to make a profit.


Well-Known Member
usually all i do is when i grow is 5 plants or less and its for personal. as i see it happens is people grow 10 plants to sell then realize they didnt get as much as they wanted. then they get greedy and grow 100 plants then gets busted. its not worth it to me at all. at the most ill give a few of my closest ppl some bud so when i run out they return the favor. but theres never money around just a favor to return down the road


Active Member
I thought I was the only one as well.

Everything here stays in house. Another benefit is being the only one with your stash. Nobody else can claim it or rep it. It can only be appreciated by myself and others close to me. And it is every time. Never bought or sold

The ability to enhance my life with this beneficial plant and the ability to make others lives a little better for a moment is good for me.

Quick story: was at the bar with friends and one of their friends stops in. He invites us all to his place to smoke some dank he says. He has a card as well, but he is more on the buyer side of that world. He packs a bowl.
"This shit right here is called vortex" he says.
I instantly get a little excited inside even though I'm last in a circle of about 7. I know I'm going to end up with a pretty much cashed hit but it doesn't matter. I just happened to order some TGA seeds earlier that day.

Anyway hes talking and says something about it being the best in the area. One of my friends shot my a look real fast. A nice hat tip towards my stash.

So I ended up with a booboo hit, but its still cool because this dude that only buys was cool enough to share with us all. I want to smoke him out now to say thanks, even though all I got was a booboo hit. The gesture was very appreciated.


New Member
I had a vertical gastrectomy because i had a heart attack at 350 pounds. Lost 190 pounds in just over a year because of how painful and nauseas i'd get out of eating anything. It was aliving hell, and I went from 350 pounds down to 155 and had zero energy. Now as time goes on and i'm healing thanks to weed i'm up to 180. However when I don't eat enough through the day I lose around 7 pounds in 3 days.

Course the blessing is I learned how to grow organic Cannabis that surpasses anything I could by (mainly because I get to choose the strain). I'm still a newbie grower, but i'm a newbie grower who discovered he loves growing for himself! I love every minute of it, and I come from a long line of agriculturalists so perhaps thats where I get it from. Granted most people on this site grow much better than I do, but for my needs I do fantastic!

Thanks to Medical Marijuana I can keep my weight in a safe zone. All my friends said I was the live version of the movie Thinner by Stephen King. There are advantages to being good looking and skinny, and there are disadvantages as well.

Anyway thats my story. When people hear I grow pot they all think i'm a dealer and I have to explain no, i'm not a dealer i'm a pothead.
Damn that's sad brother.. hope things get better. Peace.


Well-Known Member
I fit into this category. ;)

I never grow more than 2 (3 max.. and I rarely do 3) - I only grow for my personal consumption. I've never had the need to sell. I've never sold a bag of weed in my life in fact. I've been with someone that has.. but I personally haven't ever sold any. I just have no need to sell.

I grow for my personal enjoyment only.. and never do more than 2 maybe 3 per grow. I make up for the small plant numbers.. by making sure I use bigger pots so I get a bigger yield from both plants.

I'm about to finish harvesting the top half of my Afghani #1.. which will probably happen this week sometime. 70% of her pistils have died off and some have receeded back into their calyx's.. and most of the calyx's have already swelled up with resin.. so its very very close. I could go ahead and harvest her today.. but I want to give her another 7 or 10 days.. just to make sure she's fully plump/ripe and ready for harvesting.

I started two new strains about 3 weeks ago. I've got one Ice Berry (x) Blue Kush F2 - (I named that one Ice Kush) and then I have one 'Snow White' from Nirvana. The Snow White is a potent and wonderful smelling strain.. I've grown it before and liked it. As for the 'Ice Kush'.. it came from a breeder friend of mine.. from over at 'Breed Bay'. I get them free every time he comes up with a new cross.. he sends me 3 to 5 seeds each month for nothing in return.. though I have sent some things to him in return.. to show my appreciation, if ya know what I mean... ;)

I've never grown the Ice Kush before.. so I'm curious to see what it puts out. Both the Ice Kush and the Snow White, are in transition from veg to flower. They've been under 11/13 lighting for about 8 days as of today.. and both are looking quite beautiful IMO. Very healthy ladies.

And of course, I'm an all organic grower... and I'll never switch back to the old chemical/synthetic nutrients I was using. Those things were a biatch to flush out.. and with organics, there's no need to flush! However - I'm one of those people that live by the motto 'Better safe than sorry'... so even with me using organics, I still stop feeding my ladies a week or two before harvest time.. its better to be safe, than sorry.. and end up having a ruined harvest. I know most people disagree with me.. with flushing my medium since I'm using organics now.. but like I said, I just don't take any chances. Which is probably why I rarely have any problems with any of my grows...

But yeah, I don't sell my harvests.. never have and never will. Now, if my life long friend (who also smokes and also hooks me up with some kill from time to time..) if he needed some.. then yea, I'd help him out... but I wouldn't make him pay anything.. I'd just give him some if he really needed it. I'm just cool like that.. its in my nature I suppose.. :)

Anyhow, time for breakfast.. then time for my morning 'Wake-N-Bake'.

peace and hugs ppl.


Well-Known Member
Anybody else out there grow Cannabis but don't ever sell it? I feel like i'm the only one who doesn't associate growing with money.

There are advantages to not selling your Marijuana. First off I always have medicine to smoke. Second I can seed my plants with males and have new crosses of quality strains! Also I don't have to work out what i'm spending vs what i'm making, instead I can grow in the most beneficial and expensive way because I don't have to make it economical. Fourth it really makes me care more about the plant because I know either I or the person who I caretake for will get the best quality. That and I don't charge the person I care for, I enjoy being able to grow mulitple strains.

THe way I do this, I'm not getting anything out of it but the highest quality pot I can grow.

Am I the only one or are there other people out there who share my love of weed over money?

EDIT: Oh yeah! Most important benefit is that I don't have to pick high yielding strains! I can pick the higher quality pot with low yield because I dont' have to have so much excess, and would rather better medical and enjoyable qualities.

Like Spacebomb, I love it, and never would have grown something so low yielding if I had to make a profit.
I grow what I want to smoke, and I always end up with excess. Is it wrong of me to trade that excess for money?


i grow so i dont have to mess around with dealers, allways getting ripped off with quantity and quality and never knowing where you're hard earned cash is going or getting used for!


Well-Known Member
I grow for a living but I also smoke what I grow so I put a lot of care into it. And there's always free bongs and joints for friends.

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
One seed + one 400w HPS light + three month utilities = $250.00
One harvest that lasts all spring and summer long = PRICELESS


Well-Known Member
I grow what I want to smoke, and I always end up with excess. Is it wrong of me to trade that excess for money?
Morally? Not at all. I'm not saying that selling pot is bad at all, i'm just saying thats not how I do it. If I were to do it for money I wouldn't pay so much attention to my plants or care so much about the cure. I also get paranoid because of my weed and don't want any reason to lose my ability to medicate myself. I got nothing but love for dealers of pot. I live on a small island and just don't want to go to jail over needing medicine to survive.

Much love dsm!

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I guess I have to count my savings then, eh? I wish we could grow outdoors and save all that money we're forking over to the utility companies nowadays :(


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I guess I have to count my savings then, eh? I wish we could grow outdoors and save all that money we're forking over to the utility companies nowadays :(
I hear ya. But I flower outside under the Hawaiian Sun and my plants love it. I can flower hybrids year round because the sunlight only gets up to 13.2 hours at its longest and 10.6 and tis lowest.