25i-nbome trip report

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
well here we are again at the front lines of research. i am guesing i am 1 of the first in reseaching this.
as i have found with my research with the 25c-nbome that this will take a second look. tho first test with this was much more to my likeing. i didnt push things to far and stopped at 1mg. as learnd from the first go with the 25c that ended at 3.5mg and splitting headach all the next day. just to have the second time have 400ug knock my socks off. anywoo
i realy like this 1 i found the oev's to be even closer to lucy than the 25c. in the way that the 2c-x's to me give a fake oev. to were they over lay the things i look at. were lucy is a part of the things we look at. unless of course you get ahold of the real deal then you see shit that isnt there. anyway to the point. the 25i was much more apart of the sourndings rahter than over top of them.
i found there to be very little body load. very slight feeling in the gut but nothing bothersome or even enough to give a second thought over. nothing realy there on the mental side of it. afetr 5 hrs i stil have a nice buzz dont feel sleep would be a problem. but i will add i never dose without a klonapin as i like how it smooths out trippings sometimes rough edges.
so all in all i very much liked it and have high hopes for it. me being the twisted person i am enjoyed it to 1 of my fav tripping movies the cell
no doubt esp on my 100+ inch projector screen. nothing like having your own movie theater in you gameroom. and with a 7.1 souround sound system with klipsch speakers is realy what brings it to life. everyone should have 1
no doubt esp on my 100+ inch projector screen. nothing like having your own movie theater in you gameroom. and with a 7.1 souround sound system with klipsch speakers is realy what brings it to life. everyone should have 1
haha everyone should have 1, thats sounds awsome