Just Wanted To Wish Everyone Is Safe But Fun 4th Of July!


Well-Known Member
can it really be fun AND safe??? i just blew my fingers off with am m- 80... dammit why didnt i take your advice Guru... why? why? WHY?
Fuckin 4th of July... Some assholes are in the empty field next to my house throwing fireworks in the air and letting them blow up like 20 feet from the ground.


Well-Known Member
you dont like firecrackers? you and my best bud are the only people i know who dont like them.
Im not an American (I'm British) but want to wish you all a happy 4th of July
The ironic thing is that as Americans, we fought tooth and nail for independence from Great Britain, and now we are the most stalwart Angliophiles on the face of the earth. Seriously, when Princess Diana was killed in that automobile accident, it was covered with an intensity usually reserved for presidential assasinations. I don't need to tell you just how much we got into the royal wedding. So thanks, and I can honestly say that you guys make much better friends than enemies.

P.S.: Please send more Dr. Who and Monty Python.

For everybody else:


May you all enjoy your own special brand of fireworks today.