Livers/Blues, Psychosis, Critical Mass, 600 Hps and Soil


Well-Known Member
Easy sambo hows it goin bro, gutted for ya we that powder shit, and strechin them mate, bet they still look wicked tho lol!!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
HI Sambo, i hope your feeling better today.
i wish there was something i could do to help you out mate, i feel really bad about everything youve been going through.
what are you going to be growing next? is there any way to salvage your girls? man i hope so.. i hope its not so bad.
i will be hoping for the very best for you in the future.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt worry about it, mine have stretched like shit as well, sometimes they just love to go. I had a few spots of mildew appear as well but managed to catch it before it spread, hope you get it sorted mate.


Well-Known Member

slh (fingerz pheno) day 36 of 12/12

this is the only plant out of my 10 im happy with the rest are fucked imo and are now getting ripen so i can chop them early, the slh tho i will let go fullterm and she will also have a tent and at least 1 maybe 2 600hps for 3wks.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
nice plant but i'm loving the background stuff going on, kettle box and one random shoe lol ;) good skills bro she looks like a 4+ oz'er :)

edit its a toaster and iron box i think but all the same lol

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Beautiful Super Lemon Haze Sambo! would you be kind enough to share your other sick plant pictures with us, or just me if thats ok. Im really curious to see what they look like and just because they are sick they still deserve dignity and respect. Thank you for posting these beautiful pictures. Im glad the lemon was tough enough to make it through the rough ride. Peace broski! Amber
hahaha, ya ever see the EVIL BONG movies.. they are hysterical!!!!!


Well-Known Member

there u are doc thats 4 of the fuck ups! all my fault and thats what pisses me off even more.

its livers n pyscho n my only saving grace will be that what ever poxy small yield i get it will be high-grade cause of the strains.


Well-Known Member
fucking nice that lemon sambo, im gonna go all out an say 6oz :D I keep looking back to pukkas for reference haha.

the others look good to me mate, a little stretched but I think youre just being hard on yourself .... cause your ard lol


Well-Known Member
fucking nice that lemon sambo, im gonna go all out an say 6oz :D I keep looking back to pukkas for reference haha.

the others look good to me mate, a little stretched but I think youre just being hard on yourself .... cause your ard lol
i think the 6 might be acheiveable especially with 600-1200 watts and a tent to herself for the last 3wks but we will see, that mystery you got growing looks like a fucking yielder m8 and why ya burning tops of ya lazy twat move the light! sorry m8 that was me hardness getting away with itself then apology for the twat comment nob-head lolol


Well-Known Member
all this looking closely at me fuck ups has depressed me enough to go get a drink lol well thats my excuse for 2night anyway lol

although i have been doing very good this will be my 2nd drink in 5days, ok the other drink a couple of days ago was a bottle n half of vod and 5-6 blue wkd fucking el i was ill the next day lol


Well-Known Member
i think the 6 might be acheiveable especially with 600-1200 watts and a tent to herself for the last 3wks but we will see, that mystery you got growing looks like a fucking yielder m8 and why ya burning tops of ya lazy twat move the light! sorry m8 that was me hardness getting away with itself then apology for the twat comment nob-head lolol
yeh the lower buds seem to be filling in nicely as well, you're gonna be well happy with that one I reckon. hahaha that was a bit of a bi polar comment sambo man, think you should have a drink if youre feeling fine, remember what you said to me about moderation, maybe just the one bottle of russian ;) they been flying up and youre right, ive been a lazy fucker lol, im gonna go water in a minute and move it up a bit but running out of room cause of the chunky ol filter!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hi Sambo! Thanks for posting the pictures for me. I think ALLL your plants are very beautiful. I agree with wowzer, i think you are being a bit hard on yourself. Why not look at the cup half full instead of empty? Your girls look healthy and green to me. They have a lot of buddage, yeah maybe not as big as you would have liked but it will be potent and fuck you up good. It sounded like you were doing really well with your drinking problem.and now i feel guilty for having you post the pictures making you want to hit the bottle again. Have you tried non alcholic beer like O'Douls or ST. Paulies Girl.. they might work? Or maybe if you prune up the girls to give them a little more shape it would make you feel better..?? take care sambo, amber oh by the way did you see the post of the EVIL BONG trailer i posted for you? have you ever seen it?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hows the voddy intake man!? aint gonna ask bout your plants cos they look spot on man.

i'm on a new diet so its voddy for me too now!

swear at ya laters sambro


Well-Known Member
Easy sambo, hows it goin bro??.................That lemons gunna be huge mate, im gunna say 7oz so i beat wowzer if its more then 6!!! lol................the others dont look that bad mate, like you said least its grade A shit!!!!