
Ella Jean

New Member
Urca, Kodank is fun though, is he not?

I can only facepalm at your drunkenness though.

I like you. I like whiskey. But I still hate drunkards. Much rather smoke.

Please try to take care of yourself, because you're a cute girl and a nice person <3

how sweet of you :)
i just hope someone will also say those sweet things to me:(

Ella Jean

New Member
you are very pretty.. i like your lipstick, what brand and shade is it? its right up my alley
thank you!you are pretty as well:)
i actually didn't check the brand and shade..it was just a gift and i am pretty lazy when it comes to reading those kind of stuff..LOL:D


Well-Known Member
gah its gorgeous... i know guys dont like girls who wear lipstick and the like thats all bold and out there, but i love bright red and pink lipstick!!!! winged eyeliner and bold lipstick are my trademarks!!!

Ella Jean

New Member
gah its gorgeous... i know guys dont like girls who wear lipstick and the like thats all bold and out there, but i love bright red and pink lipstick!!!! winged eyeliner and bold lipstick are my trademarks!!!
go girl!!nothing wrong with using bold colors..besides, these things are created to be used by fabulous girls like us and nothing is definitely wrong with that..i dont care if guys hate lipsticks..i am not here to please them anyway;)


Well-Known Member
lol i know... thats why i like to dye my hair oink or blonde or purple... makes my natural red curly hair pop!! then throw some bright lisptick and liquid eyeliner my way, and some big gold hoops, or my favorite studs (fuschia colored metal flower with little crystals in the middle) and i look good... just need new clothes

Ella Jean

New Member
wow..i wish i can also dye my hair.. but i guess ill just stick to this original color..dont wanna mess it up again..im a fan of accessories also though i have more inclination to shop for clothes..i usually experiment with clothes so i really need lotsss of them:)


Well-Known Member
ah im a big girl so its hard to find cute clothes for cheap, and when i do, i wear them as long as possible, so atm my waderobe is sadly almost in disrepair... i need new clothes really bad, but the ones that fit my style are out of budget for me because clothes for fat girls are hella expensive

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
how sweet of you :)
i just hope someone will also say those sweet things to me:(
Don't make me charm the insecurities right out of you...Pff.

You and your gorgeous face need a proper man to make you feel right. All these women and their "I'm fat" or "I feel gross" bullshit.

Ella Jean I am optimistically assuming that's you correct? Ha.

Your stunning. Now be quite and realize it...shhhh...just let it soak in....beautiful...gorgeous...ravishing...voluptuous...dare I say sexy.

Lighten up. There is nothing wrong with any of you. Your just conditioned to think so. It's fucking science

Seacrest out.


Well-Known Member
ha there is something wrong with me... i got a pretty face and great hair but im fat as hell.. my fault, but yeah, my body aint any kind of sexy... thank god though i got a decent face, cause some big girls arer huge like me and arent every pretty, or even try to be pretty. I try very hard to look good


Well-Known Member
ha there is something wrong with me... i got a pretty face and great hair but im fat as hell.. my fault, but yeah, my body aint any kind of sexy... thank god though i got a decent face, cause some big girls arer huge like me and arent every pretty, or even try to be pretty. I try very hard to look good
I saw a badge "I`m fat but your ugly!" haha

Stop worrying about being overweight then, get going lady! Get some Adderall or Ephedrine work the magic :)

I don`t know what type of fat chick you are but some are damn sexy :) There was a thread about that lol

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
The only way you can be judged by others is if you judge yourself. Fat ain't an excuse. Loosing weight is free. So feel lucky.


Well-Known Member
Kodank is officially Awesome.

April, we're almost twins X3 But I got about 5-10 lbs more junk in the trunk -_-

Ella Jean, you are wonderfully attractive and lovely person to be around from what I gather around the forums. I don't usually like lipstick either (I keep my makeup minimal, besides eyeliner) but you carry it off great. That's a fantastic color.

Urca, sweetness, you are worth the world. It wouldn't hurt to try taking the picture. I hate my body, but when my ladyfriend makes me do lingerie shoots and says nice things to me, I come away feeling sooo much better. Even if you can't confidently say you like the way you look yet, knowing that other people out there do can help change that. Actually, I was just sitting here crying in my bikini because there's this huuuuuge swim festival in my town- usually, I never get out to events, but I got all excited about this all week. I thought, I'll actually do this and make an effort to look nice, so I went the whole hog- 1 hour soak, fruity scrubs, shave, body butter, nice swimsuit and waterproof makeup done... Then I get stood up. In the time I was waiting, I started feeling less and less secure looking at myself, then I cried and went on here.

But after rereading your posts and feeling prompted to say what I have to you, I also feel alot better, because I thought about it and maybe I should take my own advice.

I hope we both really benefit.

*sigh* The sun has gone in anyway, so I'm gonna go put some clothes back on...

Ella Jean

New Member
Don't make me charm the insecurities right out of you...Pff.

You and your gorgeous face need a proper man to make you feel right. All these women and their "I'm fat" or "I feel gross" bullshit.

Ella Jean I am optimistically assuming that's you correct? Ha.

Your stunning. Now be quite and realize it...shhhh...just let it soak in....beautiful...gorgeous...ravishing...voluptuous...dare I say sexy.

Lighten up. There is nothing wrong with any of you. Your just conditioned to think so. It's fucking science

Seacrest out.

now..you are terrific :)...thank you for making me feel really beautiful..mwuah:)


Well-Known Member
I broke my knee playing football in high school and got fat.( i was a solid 190lb fullback) benched 375 3xtimes as my max . it was a big life changer. i felt so bad being fat, but now i just converted all that negitve energy twords my studies.


Well-Known Member
ha there is something wrong with me... i got a pretty face and great hair but im fat as hell.. my fault, but yeah, my body aint any kind of sexy... thank god though i got a decent face, cause some big girls arer huge like me and arent every pretty, or even try to be pretty. I try very hard to look good
fat is subjective. if you're like 150, that's not fat, that's chunky.

i have always been petite but i have my own baggage LOL, everyone does. be confident & love youself, i am sre you are adorable, a few extra pounds isn't a big deal. i will admit that fat is as bad a demon to face as any but i beat chunk and i am thin again so i know it's doable. it requires a lot of determination and a lifestyle change.