My first LSD experience

Annabel Lee

After hearing so many people around me's experiences with Lucy, I finally had the opportunity yesterday. I firmly have believed, from what I have heard of other's experiences, that Lucy increases your senses 10 fold and, when done in higher doses, makes you see microscopic things that you can only see normally with, well, a microscope, Lol.

My husband is Da'at, and has been an avid member here for a while, as well as a close friend of psychedelics. He was the one who sat with me and that I shared this with.

We started slow with a 1/2 tab, and when that seemed comfortable, upgraded to the other half. The day started out playing Batman: Arkham Asylum. If you've played the game, you know how trippy it can be all on it's own. I started zoning hardcore on the fight scenes and everything seemed generally slowed down. I had all the time in the world to makes the moves I wanted to and figure out what I needed to do. The detective mode was especially interesting as it has a lot of crazy colors and patterns by itself.

After getting bored of that, we went outside for a smoke and I found that I could see and hear EVERYTHING! The tree's branches stood out in clear detail. The sun was beautiful and warm. Sitting on our balcony near our flowers was wonderful. I could hear someone walking by who was 100ft away and 3 stories down. I could smell the breeze and trees and sunshine. It may sound stupid, but I felt like how I always thought a vampire must feel...If they were real. (I am a MAJOR vampire buff and have loved and seen just about everything with vampires.)

We went back inside and I needed to use the restroom, and I noticed the laminated "wood" door patterns were popping out of the doors in our hallway. The laminate tile had faces everywhere I looked (which I know is a general human response). The faces weren't always human, and most of them were "evil" or malicious. Although, I use that term loosely, as I don't really believe "devilish" and "goat" faces are evil all the time. Having been Wiccan, I understand the symbolism of the goat's head. I was able to tell myself that that was not the kind of thing I wanted and change things into other things, that were nicer. Goat heads became smiling wolfs and devil faces became tigers. (we were up and down from the couch many times and the visuals were nearly always the same in the restrooms and hallway. I went into each different bathroom to see what differences there were, which wasn't really very many.)

I came back out of the bathroom and sat on our couch. Da'at got up to go down the hall and we have a rug under our couch that never sits right. When he walked across it, I could see all the ripples it made and the impact of his actions. Everything wavered and moved. I had the thought that this was all like a dream world, or a "fake" world because when we went outside it wasn't as wavy or anything quite as intensely as it was inside. Anytime we went inside the waves and the feel of the fabricated tile and doors and couches, everything, seemed to be extremely "fake." It was like we were supposed to enjoy this gift outside, in nature. Being an ex-Wiccan/Pagan, this spoke very much to me. I am now Hindu, so nature, and respecting it's gifts and how we all are connected with EVERYTHING else, in the most basic sense of the word, is still fairly prevalent in my life. (This was how I felt before Lucy, Lol.)

After the restroom, we decided to watch "Microcosmos," and that was entracing with all the beautiful colors and sounds. It was very stimulating.

We stopped that after a bit, and went outside again. (I noticed that I didn't see any "evil" when we went outside. It was like the inside was a trap, or something. It was like being inside this prefabricated "dead" place was not natural, or practical.) I placed my hands in one of our lilly pots, in the dirt, and felt the need to meditate and try and help it bloom and grow. I felt this great energy coursing through me and wanted to share it. Although Da'at was right there, I was afraid to ask him what I really wanted, which was to share that feeling with me.

Being outside made me realize just who I really am, and that I had been concealing and crushing who I am as a person. It also made me realize that parts of the faces I saw inside were also those parts of myself that I keep carefully controlled. I always am afraid of looking stupid and have very low self-esteem, so when an opportunity to trance came around, I was afraid to go with it and see what I would find.

We went back inside after my meditation ended and, from there, I can't really remember specific order of events. I always am very planned and controlled, so this aspect does feel a little weird. (After drinking enough to blackout several times, I don't really like forgetting the way things happened.)

There were times I zoned into the movie, then the floor and could see patterns rise and fall out of everything. We went to our computer and decided to look at some pictures and listen to music. I was actually very surprised that I held so much of myself and didn't feel "dumb" like pot makes me. (I hate pot for that.) I was able to see things pop out at angles out of the screen and change and morph. As long as Da'at was with me, unlike in the restroom, I felt safe enough to zone out. (We figured this out later before bed, that being together was a much different experience than being separated.)

After the peak...(at least I think it was the peak because I had this idea we needed to DO something for me to try and experience it all in one "trip" and it distracted from what I was really feeling and seeing.) Anyways, after what I think was the peak, it started feeling as if the high was going away completely, so we decided to try and make it come back "up" with some K. Taking that was a very strange experience all on it's own, as I had never put anything up my nose, Lol.

After we took that we started watching Alice in Wonderland, the new one. The very beginning was strange in that the faces in the beginning were changing and morphing. When they did a close-up of someone their face would totally change into smirking creatures, and then change right back when I "told" them to with my mind. Now that I think of it, that was probably the peak of the Lucy, as it hadn't been 5 minutes from taking the K.

We watched that, went outside occasionally. It was always better outside, more free and open. I was able to breathe. Inside, especially with such "dark" stuff around, felt as if I was going to go somewhere that I didn't want to be. I was, however, always able to maintain my sense of self and where I was in order to not go to the darkest places of my mind and keep things as airy as I could.

At some point, on yet another restroom trip, I looked down at my arms. I have the Eye of Horus and Eye of Rah on opposite wrists and they were "squinting" and blinking at me. That was a little freaky, as things that do things ON me I find gross and chilling. We forgot to look at the tattoos I have on my back of a very intricate Angel and Devil, my conscience, Lol.

Near the end of the trip, it seemed the Lucy had a last "hoorah." Now that I was laying on the couch with my love and after we had talked about me not looking or seeming stupid, I was able to free myself. I looked across the room and we have a blanket sitting on the edge of our love seat against a wall. This blanket is lain as such that it looked like an old man with a long flowing beard. As I watched, he started opening his eyes and blinking at me. They were yellow and strange. They blinked, and winked. They would close very slowly, and then pop back open, as if he were tired. When "he" started becoming scary to me after a while of trancing, I thought "I don't want that, I want a...bunny!," and it became a rabbit's head, haha. It started blinking and looking at me as well, and started to rise off the couch arm. Then the whole love seat back and arms seemed to grow taller. I blinked and it all started shrinking again.

I turned my attention from there to our couch, which has some crazy patterns in green all over. I was leaning against one side and looking out of the corner of my eye at the side closest to me, and I started to see a man with a falcon's head, like an ancient Egyptian god. Then it changed into an "evil" face and I wanted it to be a knight. It became a knight, with my husband's bodily features. Then it became a man's face, once I had thought of him, and became him. There was another shape just outside the knight that was an eye. As I looked it blinked at me and started squinting. Then the pupil in it was rolling around trying to find something.

At one point, I decided to try our ice cream (Neapolitan) and it felt SO strange when I let it just melt in my mouth and throat. It was very odd. Then Da'at mentioned it looked like mountains, and we started cracking up "seeing" people run for their lives as we ate out of the plastic tub. Then, some time later, we became hungry again and I thought that eggs would be the PERFECT thing. Boy, was I right. The heat from the stove, the smell, the stirring (was hilarious), the taste when they were finally cooked. We had them with toast, and I mentioned they were like clouds, so nice and fluffy and wonderful. Then we thought of the ice cream and the people, and started laughing all over again. A lot of things just seemed ludicrous and funny, in the sense that it wasn't our true reality.

All this time, I tried holding our cats to hear their purrs and feel their fur. We had a fan going as it was quite hot in our apartment, which was VERY loud the whole time.

There were so many things all together, that it is very difficult to describe what happened. All I know is that I learned many things about myself and who I have tried to be vs who I AM. It also confirmed my feelings that it somehow lets you see the things we can't normally see as we are so blinded by everyday life. It allows the mind to truly be free and clear of all wonder and doubt, if you let it. We forget that the mundane is beautiful and nature is there to work with us, not against us. We are so busy in life, we forget to love each other and really appreciate everything nature does for us and has sacrificed for us. (I felt all this before, but have now been "confirmed.")

I really have no more to say, other than I'm sorry about such a long post, but I like to be descriptive and really try to let others SEE and FEEL what I have.

Hope this is helpful to someone thinking of trying Lucy for their first time, and I recommend starting small, and being in great company in a good atmosphere.

Annabel Lee

Yeah, sorry about that. I like to be as descriptive as I can. Besides, I get very into writing and reading. Being a girl, that makes sense, right? Lol...


Sounds like you had a very insightful time. Traveling through the levels of the mind can be very rewarding and taxing at the same time. In the end it is better to know thi self and worth it. Listen to what your mind is telling you, happiness awaits!

Annabel Lee

Now that the experience is wearing off, I'm not entirely sure what my mind was telling me. Go back to Wiccan? I found that I was in the mood/mindset to try a spell, because I was so easily put in a trance. But Hindu is a more evolved form of that, in my mind. Really, I think all religions are the same as they all have the same basic principles. Should I get out more, be in nature? So many questions, and it feels as though I've barely scratched the surface.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a nice first experience. Those tattoos sound pretty cool... and trippy. So I'm guessing that was a first K experience as well? K and lucy is always a crazy mix lol.


bud bootlegger
Yeah, sorry about that. I like to be as descriptive as I can. Besides, I get very into writing and reading. Being a girl, that makes sense, right? Lol...
lol.. i tend to be overly wordy as well, i guess that is the woman in me, lol.. sounds like you had a great time, and that was an amazing read.. glad to see that you had no problem's recalling most of the trip...
it's also to know that you've got such a loving partner and he you as well whom you were able to share this wonderful trip with.. i've yet to meet a girl who enjoys a lot of the things i like doing, and i'm glad that both you and da'ath have each other.. see, told you i can get long winded, lol..
anyhoo's, thanks for the trip report, and welcome to riu, hope you're going to hang around for awhile..

Annabel Lee

Sounds like a nice first experience. Those tattoos sound pretty cool... and trippy. So I'm guessing that was a first K experience as well? K and lucy is always a crazy mix lol.
Yes, it sure was. Didn't really like the "perpetual loogey" feeling after snorting it and it seemed to intensify the trip. Which was what we wanted, however I had started seeing major morphage, which I did not expect. But, the morphing could have been the peak of Lucy, as well. Hard to tell for a first-timer, I think. Da'at had really not told me what it was supposed to do other than be a compliment of Lucy and a downer.

Edit: He's telling me now and trying to explain it's effects. Lol.


Now that the experience is wearing off, I'm not entirely sure what my mind was telling me. Go back to Wiccan? I found that I was in the mood/mindset to try a spell, because I was so easily put in a trance. But Hindu is a more evolved form of that, in my mind. Really, I think all religions are the same as they all have the same basic principles. Should I get out more, be in nature? So many questions, and it feels as though I've barely scratched the surface.
Why not combine what you like from both into your own unique principles and ideals? We are all individuals aren't we? There is no RIGHT or WRONG, only your interpretation. Adjust accordingly, be happy, and LIVE. There is negative and positive energy, you know the difference! I believe you said you have an angel and devil tattoo. You are bombarded with both energies. Listen to what you think is right and you can't go left, err I mean wrong. Something to that effect! Take care!


Active Member
Why not combine what you like from both into your own unique principles and ideals? We are all individuals aren't we? There is no RIGHT or WRONG, only your interpretation. Adjust accordingly, be happy, and LIVE. There is negative and positive energy, you know the difference! I believe you said you have an angel and devil tattoo. You are bombarded with both energies. Listen to what you think is right and you can't go left, err I mean wrong. Something to that effect! Take care!
Annabel Lee says~I pretty much do that, the incorporate different things. I add and subtract things from religions that I don't agree with. I pretty much have my own, lol!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Annabel Lee ...
What a fantastic read this was ... every word.
(I love your descriptive nature and 'fresh eyes' YOU look through in this experience)

It sounds like Both of YOU had a fantastic time !
What are YOU folks doing on July 15 th ?


Annabel Lee

Annabel Lee ...
What a fantastic read this was ... every word.
(I love your descriptive nature and 'fresh eyes' YOU look through in this experience)

It sounds like Both of YOU had a fantastic time !
What are YOU folks doing on July 15 th ?

Thank you for such kind words. Da'at was afraid people wouldn't read my post as it was so long. I told him people would probably be interested no matter what. It is a virgin experience, after all. Lol.

Lol, we're going to be camping with family and the little one from the 11th to the 17th. So, not able to participate, sorry. Wish we could. We still have 2 more left, too. We may, we may not. It all depends on what's going on. We'll be at the beach, too, which would be the perfect place. Aw, well.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for such kind words. Da'at was afraid people wouldn't read my post as it was so long. I told him people would probably be interested no matter what. It is a virgin experience, after all. Lol.

Lol, we're going to be camping with family and the little one from the 11th to the 17th. So, not able to participate, sorry. Wish we could. We still have 2 more left, too. We may, we may not. It all depends on what's going on. We'll be at the beach, too, which would be the perfect place. Aw, well.
It was long, i thought i had read the whole thing, then saw someone mention tattoos had to go back and re read entire thing, just to be sure... First time ever trip reports are the best.
Nice post for sure.

Annabel Lee

It was long, i thought i had read the whole thing, then saw someone mention tattoos had to go back and re read entire thing, just to be sure... First time ever trip reports are the best.
Nice post for sure.
I want to post pics of my tats, but Da'at doesn't think I should...They are very pretty.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Ya we are all friends here ... BUT this format is public ... to many EYEballs
Better save the pictures for behind the closed doors communication ... in the Green Room.
Your Hubby is a smart MAN !



Active Member
I have a tat as well. Have wanted more, but there are more important things in life. :)

She's saying if anyone wants to chat tats to give her a holler.