Chris' New Perpetual Multi-Strain Grow With Weekly Updates & Ton of Pics

Which Strain That I Am Currently Growing Is Your Favorite?

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Congratulations on a great looking harvest bro. Considering you had so many problems with the unwanted insects I'd say you did pretty dang good.:clap::clap::clap::weed::weed::weed::clap::clap::clap:
Man that AK looks good! I'm rooting for some Purple AK for you! Can't wait till tomorrows update √
sorry it took a lil while guys. was busy this morning. heres sum pics of all the flowering plants. =) teh 2 GG's and the Floja and the 2 bastard Bubbas. =D just transplanted teh 2 GG's adn the FLoja yesterday. the Gorilla Grapes looks GREAT! same for the bubbas. im loving the sativa pheno. buds are VERY VERY light green... should be sum nice lookion bud. heres sum pics!!

Gorilla Grape 1 & 2 (GG 1 is about 2 weeks and GG 2 is about 1 week)


Bastard Bubbas 1 & 2 (Sativa and Indica Pheno) *Both at 26 Days Flowering


Floja 1 Clone About 5 Days Flowering


thats it guyssss! hope u like the pics. i really live the sativa pheno if the Bastard Bubba... not likin the indica pheno much.. lots adn lots adn lots of leaves. I think the GG's are gonna turn out to be pretty impressive.... just have a feeling.

attempting to make sum hash now. might post pics if i remember. lol
nice bro! those GGs look jus like mine...are yurs eating like pigs to? mine are jus startin to pack on some purple buds yet on the GG but i got one MM that looks like amethyst on a stick lol

damn that Bastard sativa spear is killer lookin!

nice update man!
nice bro! those GGs look jus like mine...are yurs eating like pigs to? mine are jus startin to pack on some purple buds yet on the GG but i got one MM that looks like amethyst on a stick lol

damn that Bastard sativa spear is killer lookin!

nice update man!

the GG's are deff very very hungry.... all the friggin time. lol. yeaa all 3 of my GG's seemed to grow exactly the same. deff not much variation on them. but thats good. =) cant wait to see them in full bloom adn yeaa i saw the pics of ur MM. they look GREAT! kinda like my floja did in the beginning.

and yeaaa shes a tall one!! i have her on the floor. adn had to raise up all my other plants by at least a foot and shes still stretchin closer to the light! the bud formations look great tho. very impressed with it.. even tho i like growing indicas more... idk.. this Bastards changin my mind a bit.. hahaha
the GG's are deff very very hungry.... all the friggin time. lol. yeaa all 3 of my GG's seemed to grow exactly the same. deff not much variation on them. but thats good. =) cant wait to see them in full bloom adn yeaa i saw the pics of ur MM. they look GREAT! kinda like my floja did in the beginning.

and yeaaa shes a tall one!! i have her on the floor. adn had to raise up all my other plants by at least a foot and shes still stretchin closer to the light! the bud formations look great tho. very impressed with it.. even tho i like growing indicas more... idk.. this Bastards changin my mind a bit.. hahaha
yeah almost no variations in the MM untill i flipped is super resious, one looks liek a huge yilder and one is just normal but all are nice and REAL hungry lol.

Thanks for the comment bro...yea i did think it looked a lil like DPD or yyur started out red and now its dark purple...ill get some newer pics up tonite whne they wake up.

Dude that spear is just plain sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love sativas and satty phenos!
really nice shots of the ak48 man, looks a heavyweight for sure.

gorilla grape seems to be holding its own on the mite front. you think you've got them on the run?
really nice shots of the ak48 man, looks a heavyweight for sure.

gorilla grape seems to be holding its own on the mite front. you think you've got them on the run?

ughhh. i fuckin hope so man!! lol. yeaa the GG's seem to be pretty resistant to the mites. =) thats always good. gettin sum good money this thursday. soo gonna get sumthin else for the mites.. i wanna use teh hot shot NPS.. but it just worries me that we have other animals in the house.. and babies.. =/
yeah i can understand the worry but in the short term they should be fine. as long as your babies and animals aren't in the room there shouldn't be a prob.
the GG's are deff very very hungry.... all the friggin time. lol. yeaa all 3 of my GG's seemed to grow exactly the same. deff not much variation on them. but thats good. =) cant wait to see them in full bloom adn yeaa i saw the pics of ur MM. they look GREAT! kinda like my floja did in the beginning.

and yeaaa shes a tall one!! i have her on the floor. adn had to raise up all my other plants by at least a foot and shes still stretchin closer to the light! the bud formations look great tho. very impressed with it.. even tho i like growing indicas more... idk.. this Bastards changin my mind a bit.. hahaha
wierd sativa pheno in that bastard....havent seen one like that yet. lookin great! how the trichomb count? can you elaborate on smells for the bastards? whats wrong with that indica pheno? looks fine to me. i bet you will like the body high she will pack. looks like bubba with a bit of bastard....not sure where the sativa traits came from...something buried in the genetics of the parent plants.
Just wanted to point out two things. First your PPM concentration level is way to high. Second you have spider mites! Was wondering what is your ambient air temperature and relative humidity level?
Looking Good. . .

How long did you Veg on the WarLock & AK ?? What type of yields did you get ? My WarLock seed got crushed in a DVD case .. I no longer store them there. Haha. Also lost a White Dwarf Auto that way.
And how many plants flowering at a time? Biggest Yield ? Thanks

Sorry, on my first grow. Excited to see what I might yield

- ThcHead
wierd sativa pheno in that bastard....havent seen one like that yet. lookin great! how the trichomb count? can you elaborate on smells for the bastards? whats wrong with that indica pheno? looks fine to me. i bet you will like the body high she will pack. looks like bubba with a bit of bastard....not sure where the sativa traits came from...something buried in the genetics of the parent plants.

yeaa its a nice pheno tho. i like it. the sativa pheno has a good amount of frost. i can see it pilin up now. it has alot more frost than the indica pheno.

the sativa pheno has almost a sweet/minty smell to it. i like the smell alot.
the indics pheno has more of a musky smell.. not 2 strong of a smell tho. u have to really sniff to smell anything.

and its not that i dont like the indica pheno. its just very very leafy. hard to make out any bud at the top due to all teh leaves. and theres not much frost on it at all.. but its still early. sooo we'll have to wait and see b4 any real judgement can make.\

and yeaa its kinda cool i ended up with this cool ass sativa pheno. looks promising
Looking Good. . .

How long did you Veg on the WarLock & AK ?? What type of yields did you get ? My WarLock seed got crushed in a DVD case .. I no longer store them there. Haha. Also lost a White Dwarf Auto that way.
And how many plants flowering at a time? Biggest Yield ? Thanks

Sorry, on my first grow. Excited to see what I might yield

- ThcHead

roughly about 4 weeks. the AK was from seed. and the warlock was from clone. ur missin out on the warlock man.. i like this strain alot. very unique smelling and growing buds. the Warlock came up to about 24 grams dry. adn im still waiting on the AK to dry/cure for a final weight.

biggest yield was 3 1/2 ounces off 1 plant. it was Nirvanas White Widow. that 1 i only vegged for 3 weeks and flowered for 8 weeks. heres the link to that thread. its on the harvest page.

usually flower about 5 plants at a time.. good luck with ur 1st grow man. =) im sure youll do fine. tehres plenty of useful info on here
wierd sativa pheno in that bastard....havent seen one like that yet. lookin great! how the trichomb count? can you elaborate on smells for the bastards? whats wrong with that indica pheno? looks fine to me. i bet you will like the body high she will pack. looks like bubba with a bit of bastard....not sure where the sativa traits came from...something buried in the genetics of the parent plants.
The Bubba I grow is a Sativa Dom, flowers from 9-10 weeks.
I smoked soem Warlock a few years was real good strong smoke..taste was 9/10 to! Magnus has some tight strains...they like to make odd THC profiles..but thats why i like em