
tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Not sitting around, you just feel bloated and happy sitting around, but jumpging and dancing and that get's me a bit green around the gills. When i've had a few drinks and i've money to spare, i probably do more damage to myself in 15 minutes of eating than from the evening of alcohol abuse :D cheesey chips on the way home is a priority. With humous. Mmm

Steve French

Well-Known Member
I'm confused...eating is what helps you not puke...and a bottle of wine ain't shit. Lol. Step your game up girl!

And I never got my picture :D
I've seen some ladies having an extended conversation with the porcelain telephone after two or three shots. So maybe for this person chugging a bottle of wine was like chugging down a fifth (26 ounces of hard liquor?) in one go.



Pickle Queen
Hey i'm 5'1 100lbs and i can pound back the liquor straight, last long weekend i drank half a 26'er in 5 hours, no mix, hell i think i was posting on here, i can spell, walk and talk, just because i get drunk does not mean i'm gonna act like a 20 year old college girl .

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Hey i'm 5'1 100lbs and i can pound back the liquor straight, last long weekend i drank half a 26'er in 5 hours, no mix, hell i think i was posting on here, i can spell, walk and talk, just because i get drunk does not mean i'm gonna act like a 20 year old college .
Would love to see you act like that. With picture and video evidence of course...for proof.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, i'm the opposit, when i was at school i could handle my drink to no end. These days, and i'm not quite mid twenties, i literally send people running inside when i light up my joints, which is a rather depressing way to end up smoking said joint, but on the other hand 3 pints of 5-6% and i'm slurring all over the place :D


Pickle Queen
Would love to see you act like that. With picture and video evidence of course...for proof.

LMFAO keep at Urca sweety she still owes u a pic, we all know who gets my pics and videos ;)
I'm a native french/irish canuck, i can fucking drink lol, my last family reunion was EPIC!! Live bands, unlimited booze and family, lol we all had matching liquor/sweat stained tshirst- our faimly motto is " loud and proud" HELLS YA!!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I wish my family was like that. Was at a blues n bbq festival last night and while we were sat off with some cider and some hash, there were all these must have been 70-80yr old folk just giving it absolutely everything, and not just crazy odl people, but doing as the bands ordered etc, good n old but still just loving life.


Well-Known Member
Ah. That'd make more sense. Still not sure on how eating makes you puke..
yeah i had quite a bit to drink before the wine, and was fairly drunk when i came home and decided to eat bbq chicken... then drink a bottle of wine with a huge glass of orange soda.... ugh two beers, and some mixed up drink my friend made with a red tilt, a blue tilt, and some vodka, drank hella of that, came home and drank a bottle of wine. I was done for.


Well-Known Member
I`m 1.83 68kg and the most I ever drunk without throwing up was when I was a few years back. Some nights I have a special mood thing where I can just take the booze! We had beer, tequila, absolute vodka and absolute 100 :D

Over a course of 5 hours I drunk 3 pints of beer, 5 vodka cokes, plenty of shots of absolute and absolute 100 and at one point I filled a water glass full of Absolute100 and just downed the whole thing and said "yeaa man its just water" or something around those streets :D Finally we got the tequila shots out and did 2-3 shots (memory VERY vague). It was an obvious game over...

I was told in the morning that my brother was helping me stand up and a friend gave me a slap and I punched him right back in the face :D

I got up around 10 the next day and kept colliding with things in the workplace :D


Well-Known Member
Urca, Kodank is fun though, is he not?

I can only facepalm at your drunkenness though.

I like you. I like whiskey. But I still hate drunkards. Much rather smoke.

Please try to take care of yourself, because you're a cute girl and a nice person <3


Well-Known Member
haha i know.... im much more fun to be around when i am high... i like smoking more too... but since i am taking a break from smoking, drinking is all i can do..

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
What? Why? On the basis of me being an internet persona...I think you have nothing to loose. Maybe it will boost your selfasteam or show you your passion for adult entertainment. Seriously...it could happen. I've seen more spine in jelly fish.


Well-Known Member
hahah no... even if i didnt think it was a dumb ass idea, which it is, im fat anyway. waste of time. and a dumb idea