Beanz's Redemption Grow 2011


RIU Bulldog
exited you chopping them down soon right.
Pretty soon yeah. This Tuesday will be day 42 of flower. I'll be taking them on day 56 exactly. One of the plants is already yellowing pretty good so that's a good sign.
The buds look about the same to me, maybe a little bigger, but I'm gonna put new pics tomorrow while I'm watering them.
If I'm honest, the harvest looks like it'll be modest.
But hey, I need that first grow under my belt, and besides, I've learned so much.


RIU Bulldog
Just hitting the boards before I call it a night. I thought the buds looked about the same but when I squeezed them I realized that they'd gotten really dense. Nice thick buds. My b-day's coming up on the 9th too.

kevin murphy

New Member
were all getting old lol...give us a message when back on lad and get sum pics up when u get chance lol...wanna see thm thick buds..


Well-Known Member
early happy b day bro cuz am so high right now i might not remember :( , and he is not getting older he is getting wiser ,,... haaha


RIU Bulldog
Well I've made it to week six, and the plants look pretty good. They're not gonna break any records or anything, but they're mine, na'mean?
The weird, harsher, deisel-y skunky smells have mellowed out and are now better smelling. I thought the bud stopped growing because they look almost the same, but after a closer inspection I saw that they put on a lot of weight and were really dense. Even the popcorn buds put on enough weight to make them worth while. Needless to say, I was happy. They're nice and tight when I squeeze them and when you do, it's like popping a weed-berry. Now there's two weeks left, and I think now is when they'll put on most of the weight. I'm in the final stretch baby, and thing are looking good.
I've separated the snaps by plant so you can see the subtle differences in the strains.

Delicious Seeds Sugar Black Rose (Black Domina x Critical+)

Female Seeds X-Line White Widow x Big Bud

Delicious Seeds Northern Light Blue



Well-Known Member
they're lookin the beanzness mate :mrgreen:, 2 more weeks and they're gonna look so mouthwatering we'll be able to almost taste them through the screen. Silence the nay sayers with that Bud porn bro ;-)
Stay up's!!


Well-Known Member
Wow they keep looking better and better man!!! I am excited I think I am about to put my WW in flower I can only hope mine looks something like yours hahaha!!!