The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

Yes, of course he would object. He wouldn't FORCE you to stop but he would most definitely engage in discourse because he has something you have repeatedly shown a lack of. Class.

See you're turtle-fucking yourself once again. You bitch that i ask you to please use a little common courtesy and decency and you simply show, once again, that you are a waste of space. You sure do have the right to say it. And i wouldn't try to FORCE you to stop even if i could. Though i am not sure you would show me the same courtesy lol.

It has nothing to do with your intelligence but simply your lack of couth.
Don't mistake freedom with being "right". Your posts show they are vastly different although you seem to think they are interchangeable.
I feel that you are wrong about Ron Paul, but I don't tell you to stop posting...I just debate you when you do... and if i feel that you guys are tin foil hat wearing nuts with some of these conspiracy theory's (Alex Johns) then its my right to voice my opinion even if its in satire...Now once again why are you trying to take my freedoms..are you and Ron Paul only to have freedoms...
The problem i have with that though londonfog is that this is not a joking matter to many of us. This is the future of our country.

Sometimes you come to that point in time when you have to make a decision to either watch your life and country as well as all your loved ones slip into a very dark, very dangerous situation or stand up and fight the seemingly inevitable. At times i don't really think there is a snowballs chance in hell that ANYONE can stop or soften the fall that i see on the horizon. And i sure as hell know that the status quo isn't going to help. At the very least they perpetuate it through ignorance and at worst actively participate in it's decline.

So, with all due respect london, would you please stop with the sophmoric attacks? There are a TON of other threads to joke around in, but again, it is my opinion that this is not the one. It is offensive to some, slanderous to others, misleading to yet others, and totally out of place here. If you had started the thread i would by no means ask you to cease and desist, but you didn't. Deprave did. And he did it because of his passion for his country. i believe i am pretty close to what he would say here. Either way, Please?

and just because someone started a thread in the politic forum does not mean he/she can tell you what and how to post....suggest you take that attitude to the grow side...its politics here!!!! and for the record please note you really can't tell me to do shit...last time I checked I sign my owned damn checks ....Now I won't be supporting Ron Paul and I will tell the truth about Ron Paul and if you don't like it...too bad
Say what you want about Ron Paul. It's a debate of politics, cool, perfect section about it. My point in my post is defaming people, because of their opinion will only cause people to blind themselves from those views, as well as discourage future ideas and political discussion for fear of more "tin foil hat" jokes and ridicule. It does nothing except promote ignorance and bullying tactics are not a form of positive intellectual discussion.

If you want to continue to further contribute to the lack of intelligence our country has been ever increasingly displaying, be my guest. Just hope that you will feel satisfied with the results.
No couth, no class. Free to say as one wishes. Proving their low-class. Amazing how some people are so far down on the eviolutionary chain that you simply have a very hard time not feeling superior. Gives one the impression of debating Socrates in a kindergarten class sometimes lol.
No couth, no class. Free to say as one wishes. Proving their low-class. Amazing how some people are so far down on the eviolutionary chain that you simply have a very hard time not feeling superior. Gives one the impression of debating Socrates in a kindergarten class sometimes lol.
hell I'm tired of folks like you doing nothing for this country but putting fear in the air..the sky is not please remove the hats ( but it is your right to keep it on). tell you what go out and do something positive....go feed the hungry,go save a puppy from dog pound, heck go to a shelter and donate something ( old and new clothes alike) something positive instead of this steady dose of negative bullshit..Doing positive things always makes me feel positive and may frame a much better picture of the world for you
hell im tired of folks like you doing nothing for this country but putting fear in the air..the sky is not please remove the hats ( but it is your right to keep it on). tell you what go out and do something positive....go feed the hungry,go save a puppy from dog pound, heck go to a shelter and donate something positive instead of this steady dose of negative bullshit..

Sounds like a huge assumption, combined with a heavy dose of denial, to me.
hell I'm tired of folks like you doing nothing for this country but putting fear in the air..the sky is not please remove the hats ( but it is your right to keep it on). tell you what go out and do something positive....go feed the hungry,go save a puppy from dog pound, heck go to a shelter and donate something ( old and new clothes alike) something positive instead of this steady dose of negative bullshit..Doing positive things always makes me feel positive and may frame a much better picture of the world for you

I doubt you even know any of our first names. How can you even begin to say that we aren't foster parents, big brothers, volunteering, running a homeless shelter, or anything of that nature? You realize that Libertarians and Republicans are more likely to do those things than Communists and Democrats, right? That means you are much more likely to be sucking on the greasy tit of society, as society slowly dies. I feel sorry for you, London. Anyone who does not understand that liberty is more important than protection is ignorant. If you limit others, you limit yourself. You are ultimately voting to take away your own freedoms. You and Uncle Ben are of the same nature. You aren't retarded, just ignorant and unable to accept that your lives are what they are due to your own motivation and ability, or lack therefor. Even worse are the people who believe they are fine but everyone else needs a mommy for life because they are incapable of taking care of themselves. Most people give up their childish imaginings when they grow up and move out into the world. In some ways I envy you whatever world allowed you to grow up and have no responsibility for yourself, your actions, or inactions. They even reward you for it, that is like telling a puppy good boy because it pissed on your carpet.
I doubt you even know any of our first names. How can you even begin to say that we aren't foster parents, big brothers, volunteering, running a homeless shelter, or anything of that nature? You realize that Libertarians and Republicans are more likely to do those things than Communists and Democrats, right? That means you are much more likely to be sucking on the greasy tit of society, as society slowly dies. I feel sorry for you, London. Anyone who does not understand that liberty is more important than protection is ignorant. If you limit others, you limit yourself. You are ultimately voting to take away your own freedoms. You and Uncle Ben are of the same nature. You aren't retarded, just ignorant and unable to accept that your lives are what they are due to your own motivation and ability, or lack therefor. Even worse are the people who believe they are fine but everyone else needs a mommy for life because they are incapable of taking care of themselves. Most people give up their childish imaginings when they grow up and move out into the world. In some ways I envy you whatever world allowed you to grow up and have no responsibility for yourself, your actions, or inactions. They even reward you for it, that is like telling a puppy good boy because it pissed on your carpet.

when my puppy pissed on the carpet their nose is put in it while I firmly tell them no no no...then we go outside and when they piss I say nicely good boy/girl....chances are if you are a negative person with a negative attitude you do very little to help if the shoe fits..wear it
what I really find funny is how people like to put labels on themselves...Just like to box themselves right on in a box..Hell at times I can be conservative..other times I can be very liberial..NO PARTY has a claim to me...and I don't fit just one label...but hey thats me..your right to be in a box wearing a tin foil hat talking only I got a business to run, world to see again, and a life to live...and I refuse to let you take away my freedoms
Neutron and Carthoris pretty much said all that needed to be said. London doesn't know me and would trip out on how far from the truth his assumption is. i guess this time assuming made him the ass and left me out of it lol.
I doubt you even know any of our first names. How can you even begin to say that we aren't foster parents, big brothers, volunteering, running a homeless shelter, or anything of that nature? You realize that Libertarians and Republicans are more likely to do those things than Communists and Democrats, right? That means you are much more likely to be sucking on the greasy tit of society, as society slowly dies. I feel sorry for you, London. Anyone who does not understand that liberty is more important than protection is ignorant. If you limit others, you limit yourself. You are ultimately voting to take away your own freedoms. You and Uncle Ben are of the same nature. You aren't retarded, just ignorant and unable to accept that your lives are what they are due to your own motivation and ability, or lack therefor. Even worse are the people who believe they are fine but everyone else needs a mommy for life because they are incapable of taking care of themselves. Most people give up their childish imaginings when they grow up and move out into the world. In some ways I envy you whatever world allowed you to grow up and have no responsibility for yourself, your actions, or inactions. They even reward you for it, that is like telling a puppy good boy because it pissed on your carpet.

you realize this was as insulting as anything in this thread, right?

you basically make out ron paul worshipers on the right to be holding an old lady's hand while she crosses the street, while saying lefties 'suck on the greasy tit of society' causing its demise.

you say we 'don't understand liberty', that we hold others back, that we hand out our freedoms.

you say we are 'ignorant', that we have 'childish imaginings', that we have 'no responsibility for ourselves, our actions or inactions'.

then you go on to compare us to a puppy that pisses on the carpet.

but, let me guess: somehow WE are the trolls, not you?

ron paul is a turtle fucker. i would not be surprised if you were, too.
Neutron and Carthoris pretty much said all that needed to be said. London doesn't know me and would trip out on how far from the truth his assumption is. i guess this time assuming made him the ass and left me out of it lol.
I take that just like your other lie about Allensworth colony....
Once again, you ASSume wrong.

and you lie to try to make a point...tsk tsk...go read up on the history of Allensworth colony and then tell me you still want to stick by your claim that the Civil rights movement caused its demise...I stand firmly by the fact the colony was dead before the civil rights movement..I say the colony was dead by 1930-40's...keep it real and you won't have to worry about shit coming to bite you in the ass...
so ron paul and a turtle walk into a bar...

Two turtles named Troy, Andy and a congressman named Ron Paul, decide to go on a picnic. Troy packs the picnic basket with beer and sandwiches. The trouble is that the picnic site is ten miles away so it takes them ten days to get there. When they get there, Troy unpacks the food and beer.“OK Ron give me the bottle opener”
“I didn’t bring it” says Ron Paul
“I thought you packed it”
Troy gets worried, He turns to Andy, “Did you bring the bottle opener?”
Nope Andy didn’t bring it. So they’re stuck ten miles from home without a bottle opener. Troy and Andy beg Ron Paul to go back for it. But he refuses as he says they will eat all the sandwiches. After three hours, they have sworn on their turtle lives that they will not eat the sandwiches, Ron Paul finally agrees.
So Ron sets off down the road at a steady pace.
20 days pass and he still isn’t back and Troy and Andy are starving, but a promise is a promise.
Another 5 days and he still isn’t back, but a promise is a promise.
Finally they can’t take it any longer so they take out a sandwich each, and just as they are about to eat them, Ron Paul pops up from behind a rock and shouts, “I knew it! … I’m not f***ing going!”
you realize this was as insulting as anything in this thread, right?

you basically make out ron paul worshipers on the right to be holding an old lady's hand while she crosses the street, while saying lefties 'suck on the greasy tit of society' causing its demise.

you say we 'don't understand liberty', that we hold others back, that we hand out our freedoms.

you say we are 'ignorant', that we have 'childish imaginings', that we have 'no responsibility for ourselves, our actions or inactions'.

then you go on to compare us to a puppy that pisses on the carpet.

but, let me guess: somehow WE are the trolls, not you?

ron paul is a turtle fucker. i would not be surprised if you were, too.

It is only an insult because you don't think its true. You don't support what Ron Paul supports because ______. Lemme guess, because he fucks turtles? You think that socialism sounds great, and in 20 more years the people like you will then think that communism sounds great. The Republicans aren't any better, and are heading towards fascism. Your entire ideology involves being submissive to the whims of the government. You would and do destroy the constitution to achieve your goals just like the Republicans would and do. The Constitution is a document with a very libertarian view. It is there to protect the individual from the government and society by limiting the governments power to take property, rights (real or imagined), and freedom. Every time you support the ideal the government has the power to tell you how to live, you are destroying freedom. Whether it is banning abortion, outlawing flag burning, socializing medicine, raising taxes, regulating guns more, or letting the president start wars for no reason. The 'left' and the 'right' are both disgusting. The only thing separating them are which rights they choose to take away and from who. To me, being libertarian means accepting that everyone has the same rights and responsibilities. The government should be our greatest fear and strictly controlled. Rep and Dem's rally for gun control and drug control by giving the government more power. All the while, the governments of the world are the cause of more death and destruction than anything else in the world. You cannot protect your lives, and the lives of your descendents by giving the government more power. While I understand you think you are doing the right thing, you are making the world worse by the day and don't even understand it. It is a lot like having a grease fire in your kitchen and then throwing a cup of water on it. Sure, your intentions were good, but you were ignorant to believe that would make it better.

Ron Paul supporters aren't on the right, they are centrists. The fact that they take equally from the beliefs of the left and the right puts them in the center of our current political atmosphere in our current accepted understanding. In reality the left and the right are the same thing. Both are oppressive - whether using society or morality as a justification of that oppression changes little.
Two turtles named Troy, Andy and a congressman named Ron Paul, decide to go on a picnic. Troy packs the picnic basket with beer and sandwiches. The trouble is that the picnic site is ten miles away so it takes them ten days to get there. When they get there, Troy unpacks the food and beer.“OK Ron give me the bottle opener”
“I didn’t bring it” says Ron Paul
“I thought you packed it”
Troy gets worried, He turns to Andy, “Did you bring the bottle opener?”
Nope Andy didn’t bring it. So they’re stuck ten miles from home without a bottle opener. Troy and Andy beg Ron Paul to go back for it. But he refuses as he says they will eat all the sandwiches. After three hours, they have sworn on their turtle lives that they will not eat the sandwiches, Ron Paul finally agrees.
So Ron sets off down the road at a steady pace.
20 days pass and he still isn’t back and Troy and Andy are starving, but a promise is a promise.
Another 5 days and he still isn’t back, but a promise is a promise.
Finally they can’t take it any longer so they take out a sandwich each, and just as they are about to eat them, Ron Paul pops up from behind a rock and shouts, “I knew it! … I’m not f***ing going!”

I'm pretty sure Ron Paul would just use a stick to open the beers, I guess being a screw off top drinker you wouldn't know how to open one without a bottle cap opener. I'm not even sure what you were getting at to be honest. Let me try this game.

So Obama and the harlem globe trotters go on a picnic. They all fuck Obama in the ass and whank on his face. He loves it. Michelle pops out and whips his dick out too and fucks Obama. "Aha" Michelle cries. "I am a man and I have a big penis - but everyone can tell that by looking at me", and that's how the ant died and the grasshopper ate all his acorns.