The year it happened is a little booze-hazy for me.
It was between 1992 and 1995-ish, or so.
He jumped at about 13,000ft up and calmly, perfectly, and ever so lightly, landed on a circle painted on the ground that was about as big as both of his feet.
All the while, there are other transport planes flying around dropping cargo out the back onto the ground while still flying, and explosions are going off all over to simulate cargo drops during combat.
And he didn't seem make a whole bunch of turns or course corrections as he came down (well, that WE idiots could see). He just honed in on his spot, locked in on it with his tractor beam and pulled himself down to that one tiny spot like he was meant to be there all along.
Was amazing.
We had cut our cable TV dwon from the platinum service (everything) down to just the most basic broadcast TV (though it does include The Discovery Channel, an odd bonus).
But have been devoting more time to getting my hands in shape (lots of bass playing) and just didn't miss it.
I still don't.

The only things I miss are the science shows, and the documentaries.
But netflix has a growing selection for rent and for streaming, thankfully.

WHY does THIS show make me laugh so freakin' hard!?!?!?!?
(*edit: oh.... I just realized I'm smoked out when I watch it...
