WTF? I'm reading that with nowt but hugely negative thoughts. How is a 24 hour map a special weekend? Last game i played i told my computer what map i wanted and how long it would be played for and loaded up the server. Fuck black ops!

is that the same with the pc version or is it just a console thing? Either way i'd still take BF games (not 2142!) over the recent CoD games any day, CoD 1 and 2 were great though.
Havn't found many great games of late, playing through far cry 2 again to see if i can't stick with it long enough to finish, plan on giving gta4 a whirl but other than that there's not much that takes my fancy. I just love games where you can be a snealy sniper or change tactic and grab an ak and charge in, but all with a bit of planning and realism, but not too much, if that doesn't narrow things down too much

sniper ghost warrior seriously rocked though, fantastic fun. I havn't bought a computer game in years and years, i do love that aspect of the PC
I like to play it on the hardest setting,m then you don't get the red dot with the scope, gotta gague wind and distance yourself

also refuse to use the slow mo button.