First battle with spidermites!


Active Member
:finger: Spider mites!!!

So like I said this is my first battle of a long life war for us all... our enemy...SPIDERMITES!!!!!:wall:

I have plenty of expierence with the plant and i know how to kill these fuckers!

my clones i just put in dirt had white spot all over so they got mite o cide! sample from stop n grow!

my flowering girls that have been for about 2 weeks got a tbs of rubbing alcohol and a 1/2 tps of azomax to a ltr of RO water

gonna attack again next monday!!!!!!!

i also spray around my grow with azomax!!!!!!!!!!

WISH ME LUCK maybe some advice would be pretty cool.bongsmilie


Active Member
spary the flowring plants with water every morning to make mechanical control , if ur strain(s) are ok with humidity and have not any rot problems spray them in miday too when they are the most active , add alcohol as soon as u can , i dont thing everyday would be ok for the plants up u should know better , if the plants are small or atleast can fit into ur freedge u can put them for an hor or so and just open 1-2 times to take fresh air , mites are gonna hate u so much !

once ur plants are stiull early on flowering u can dip them in cold water and win a huge battle , dont do it once big time flowering starts , despite the fridge the cold water shocks them way faster


Active Member
from what i can see they just started setting up shop
so it shouldnt be that hard to get rid of them

they hate cooler temps and mi humidity like 45 percent and up

I havent looked at my grow this morning yet

thump easy

Well-Known Member
i use a product the sell behind the counter it fucken works wish i had the name thats y i dont do soil they bake the soil but still those lil bugg eggs r a mother fucker wen they hatch i goten it all even these animals that havent even been idetified long worm looking 5 tyms biger than spider mights i bout the hole line at the hidro store n nothing just like the lil bugers mites this product ill find it to day after work gota go n replace some moter stones on a wall... but after work ill stop n find out it kills them three days later they hatch n slap there ass with it again n nevor more sure thing i nevor have problems n i got three dogs running around all day outside bringing in all kinds of bugs on thier fur.. ill stop thier n ask for the name its a shure shot


Active Member
Azamax doesnt kill them but it stops them from reproducing and ive hit them with rubbing alcohol...THAT KILLS THEM i used a 50/50 mix with water


Active Member
Things are looking good so far:joint:

my spotted leaves havent gotten any worse and my new veg on my girls is coming out a rich green and super healthy looking:leaf:

i have been spraying with water and a cap of rubbing alcohol to a qt

gonna attack with Azamax and 30/70 alcohol to a qt, tomorrow night after lights go out(special OPS style):clap:

:fire::finger:these fucking little bastards are going down:finger::fire:

afterwards im gonna smoke another:bigjoint:bongsmilie:peace:

T Ray

Well-Known Member
To save you a lot of hassle and trying a bunch of crap that doesnt work (I know from trying everything any forum, book, or magazine said). Use the No Pest Strip that you can buy at Home Depot for around $10. Look people are going to be telling you how bad it is and all that bull, but believe me a few weeks with one of those and your mite problem (as well as any bug problem) will be gone. Now, look I understand this is a chemical that does it, but the one and only Subcool uses them (that's where i got the idea) and he grows organically. If you don't believe me check out his youtube page under the title "Watering and Feeding part 2" at about the 5 min 30 second point in the video he addresses these strips. Look I've tried everything when I had a mite problem and these things are the only things I actually tried that worked. Wish someone would of just told me this when I had em' and save me a whole lotta cash money. Also make sure to check out his supersoil thread because that recipe is top notch and dude is at the top of his game. Just check out any mag chances are the pic is his. Much love Sub. I follow his techniques and am having the best results ever by a long shot.



Active Member

i think ive got them under control with the azomax and rubbing alcohol

ive been spraying with water and a lil alcohol 2-3 times a day

if i see any more signs of them i might just have to pull out the big guns and buy like 3000 lady bugs

hahaha my gf might kill me if i do this


Well-Known Member
I'm back to growing rock wool:clap:There are more problems with dirt:sad:Low ph,easier to burn, bugs:oWith rock wool you have high ph and salt build up and that it~If you give'em a little flush you don't have this problem:clap:


Active Member
i just took a good look at my girls
they all seem to be doing fine

i see no sign of web devepment or any more damage to the leaves

the only thing im having trouble with is 2 of my flowering plants are a bit too big ...i just have to cut them back some more they are only 2 weeks in and are forming sweet nugs

eternal noob

Active Member
keep checking for spider mites everyday, they have a habit of regrouping in a small area and coming back around week 5 or 6. I rotate these 3 at 3-4 days apart Forbid® Miticide 4F, Floramite SC and Abamectin E Pro 0.15 (which is the same as avid) Floramite protects for 4 weeks Forbid protects for 4-6 weeks (so if your plants finish in 8 weeks, using forbid at week 2 might be a little close....but forbid is translaminar and can be sprayed on just the tops of the leaves and kill the ones on the bottom too) Abemectin/avid protects for 4 weeks and also kills aphids, thrips and whiteflies


Active Member
just sprayed the girls with another dose of azomax
i havent seen any signs of them being back but better safe then sorry

ps my flowering girls look freaking awesome and are starting to smell pretty sweet