
So Cannabis420. How many times did you manage to milk each pod? I can't get more than 2 out of mine. I suspect that I am still not waiting long enough, you saw my last pic, what do you think?
I finished all of mine. You were right cannabis420420 it wasn`t enough lol I had about 60mg alltogether

Figure that the best o is about 10 percent morphine. If you ate it you would get what? 6 mg? I doubt yours is in that range, more likely 5 or 6 percent so you didn't quite get enough. If, however, you had any other opiates it would help. You can mix your small amount with 10 mg of hydrocodone perhaps, or 5 mg of oxy and you will find that the oxy or hydro is greatly enhanced. Better than wasting it alltogether.
So Cannabis420. How many times did you manage to milk each pod? I can't get more than 2 out of mine. I suspect that I am still not waiting long enough, you saw my last pic, what do you think?
yes it seems about few times for each pod but i cut those fucking bulbs each and every way possible LOL to get as much as i could :) it was a nice experience and learned a lot from the plants :) will never forget it :D but you should let your pods swell up a lot more be 4 cutting them :D
Nice one your already doin better than i did,sowed a whole pack and nil,maybe they came through the next year but had to move loca',proper good luck with these pal will keep sub'.

send me some seeds? you have an amazing variety
how many poppies would u need to catch a buzz?:leaf:

Depends on the size, the genetics and the time you harvest. If they are really good, and they are golfball sized I would say 4 would get you where you want to be but I tried out my little crop and it took almost all of it to work adequately - that is about 10 pods total. I think I milked them too soon or watered them too much. It was very tasty and I went into that wonderful space for 4 or 5 hours. I should have eaten it but my pipe was very lonley.
Why do you cut them? you cutem to get the opium that comes oozing out like so much goodness....
shallow vertical lines 3-5 at a time and you can milk each pod several times....

What is that almost erotic sensation when you cut them and see that slightly curdled milk pop forth from the top of the cut and ooze out at the bottom? I think that is a problem for me, that is a reason I tend to cut them too soon I think. I discovered something though. A pod brushed up against one of my cacti and oozed at the puncture. One of the things I fear most in this endeavor is that the obvious cut marks makes it plain that the grower is interested in more than the pretty flowers. The cuts are little flags and they are in the open for several days. I find that the pin prick method leaves the bulbs virtualy unscarred and you can prick the stem as well to get even more of the goodness (although they say not as strong). Try it, you might like it.
What is that almost erotic sensation when you cut them and see that slightly curdled milk pop forth from the top of the cut and ooze out at the bottom? I think that is a problem for me, that is a reason I tend to cut them too soon I think. I discovered something though. A pod brushed up against one of my cacti and oozed at the puncture. One of the things I fear most in this endeavor is that the obvious cut marks makes it plain that the grower is interested in more than the pretty flowers. The cuts are little flags and they are in the open for several days. I find that the pin prick method leaves the bulbs virtualy unscarred and you can prick the stem as well to get even more of the goodness (although they say not as strong). Try it, you might like it.
The stems you say....
ive never had that..... i do find it rather hilarious that a cactus was trying to steal your magical goop...
why no officer i was not cultivating opium i love the pretty colors.. hes your culprit..(fingerpoint.. background music <dun..dun..dun..>) The Cactus!!!!!