Ok I upgraded my clone/vegg cabinet.
I temporarily put a computer PSU and fan controller (see later) inside for fan connection and controll. I will move the PSU to the back of the cabinet and put the fan controller on the outside aswell. You can see there the extraction fan working on 5v (around 500rpm) and the cheap but reliable timer. Excuse the mess from the PSU.
This is the fresh air intake fan, also working on 5v (500rpm) These are just 120mm 0.36A computer fans.
Here you can see the air moving fans. These have the same power output as the other fans but the have slightly better blade design so they don't make as much noise as the in/out fans thus moving more air. These are connected to the fan controller and can run from 500-2130 rpm. I currently have them set at 900 rpm. You can also see the SMALL airpump connected to the DWC bubbler.
Here is the fan controller. you can see it's very easy to adjust the fan speed and in the first it's on full power and in the second it's set at 900 rpm. It also has tree tempeture probes which I think is neat. One is set a the top of the cabinet, one at plant level and one is down inside the resivoir soaking in water ( don't know how much good that is) its 3 °c off what the other thermomiters say.

Here you can see four of six temp probes and meters. (and ofcourse my seedlings) The ones with toothpicks in them are Red Chili and the ones without picks are Habanero chili. GOOOD munchin'!!!
Here are the readings of the three themomiters I have. First and third are water temp and the second is air temp.

And here are the chilis. Sorry about the bad picture quality.. (damn cheap crap phone)