150w Hps & 156w Cfl Scrog Grow


Well-Known Member
Day 40... Looking good today. Gave them a watering with straight water. I noticed major growth on the smaller plant. So depending on how they look tomorrow im going to shut the lights off at 11pm for 24 hrs and start 12/12 tuesday night at 11pm. Wish me luck!!!


Well-Known Member
I think you're going to be well pleased with your results! Can't wait to see the bud forming man!


Well-Known Member
Thanks psychild.. Man i sure hope so.. Trying to be patient sucks but if id be depressed if i got a shitty harvest out of all this work cause i rushed it and didnt fill my screen. Me and my chick smoke alot so my harvest will pretty much be split up 3 ways so i need alot lol. This is a test run to make sure i can grow good shit though. My partner is moving back to his house from his apartment so i will have alot more room to grow alot more weed if this is successful.


Well-Known Member
Thanks psychild.. Man i sure hope so.. Trying to be patient sucks but if id be depressed if i got a shitty harvest out of all this work cause i rushed it and didnt fill my screen. Me and my chick smoke alot so my harvest will pretty much be split up 3 ways so i need alot lol. This is a test run to make sure i can grow good shit though. My partner is moving back to his house from his apartment so i will have alot more room to grow alot more weed if this is successful.
Man I know how that goes.....Patience was the ultimate yield factor in my first grow. Temperatures kind of sparked my impatience, but not the less I still should have vegged longer, and let them do what they want! I promise, even if you use bag seed you will not be dissapointed. Especially with that HPS light in there! Don't let yield get in the way of good quality bud. I'm sure your friend will understand once that juicy thick bud comes out. Especially when he's watched it grow himself. Quality > Quantity anyday....if you prefer quantity stick to buying weed, or convince them to let you get that bigger setup!


Well-Known Member
Haha the bigger setup is his idea lol. He looks at them more than i do i think. He wants to go commercial but im not trying to get busted selling you know. Probably go with a perpetual with a 600w hps, a t5 for clones, and a 150w cfl for veg. Im all about quality. With that being said, i dont want to have badass weed that lasts me 3 weeks and then im back to smokin other peoples shit. My temps are hanging around 79 here in 104 degree texas on a 24hr cycle so i should be ok especially when i go 12/12 with the lights on at night. Im anxious to give this uv light a try. I dont understand why its not a staple in indoor grows.


Well-Known Member
Haha the bigger setup is his idea lol. He looks at them more than i do i think. He wants to go commercial but im not trying to get busted selling you know. Probably go with a perpetual with a 600w hps, a t5 for clones, and a 150w cfl for veg. Im all about quality. With that being said, i dont want to have badass weed that lasts me 3 weeks and then im back to smokin other peoples shit. My temps are hanging around 79 here in 104 degree texas on a 24hr cycle so i should be ok especially when i go 12/12 with the lights on at night. Im anxious to give this uv light a try. I dont understand why its not a staple in indoor grows.
Man you would be surprised how many people use those things! I've seen at least 5-6 people (I know it's not a lot, but honestly half of this community is clueless anyway....it's a shame people have been fed bad information for so long.)

Don't let your friend get carried away with it! MJ is a great plant, and most everyone loves it....but it's still not worth going to jail over. There aren't many things in life that are. I do however understand the need for a quantity for yourself, because if it were up to me I'd easily smoke an 8th to a quarter a day, of good good. You should definitely consider a 400w CMH over a 600w HPS ANYDAY!

I was born in San Antonio, still have a lot of family there! If your around that area you should pm me, and next time I come in we can blow down!

edit: Accidently sent that rep without finishing my message...anyway, check it out!


Well-Known Member
Day 42.. Haha well i got baked off of some crazy homegrown last night and had to pass out so i didnt get to turn the lights off for the 24hr period. Ive smoked all kinds of ''named'' medicinal weed and never have i got that high. So im shooting for tonight.


Well-Known Member
I think uv supplementation is getting a little more play out there but ive been reading for a while and have just come across the info. It should be in all the ''How to grow indoor'' manuals imo. I calmed my friend down about going commercial. The feds arent really looking for that personal grower. They want a star on their badge for busting the commercial grows and he understands that now i think. Ill def look into a cmh bulb. I have heard nothing but good things about em. You think a 400 cmh is comparable to a 600 hps? Im in the DFW area. Always looking to do a little vacationing though:)


Well-Known Member
I think uv supplementation is getting a little more play out there but ive been reading for a while and have just come across the info. It should be in all the ''How to grow indoor'' manuals imo. I calmed my friend down about going commercial. The feds arent really looking for that personal grower. They want a star on their badge for busting the commercial grows and he understands that now i think. Ill def look into a cmh bulb. I have heard nothing but good things about em. You think a 400 cmh is comparable to a 600 hps? Im in the DFW area. Always looking to do a little vacationing though:)
IMHO a 400w CMH blows a 600w HPS out of the water!

https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/430453-beanzs-redemption-grow-2011-a-32.html#post5892836 There's more GREAT CMH info in that link I sent you via rep....just do a little searching. The UVB added by a CMH should be enough for you to throw out the HPS idea anyway. √


Well-Known Member
Ive done my fair share of reading about cmh bulbs.. A little confused though. Is the uv in the cmh the only benefit outside of the obvious heat issues between the two bulbs?


Well-Known Member
Ive done my fair share of reading about cmh bulbs.. A little confused though. Is the uv in the cmh the only benefit outside of the obvious heat issues between the two bulbs?
Hell no, the spectrum is way better too! That link to Beanz grow shows the spectrums of all the popular lights with the exception of LED's

Eye Horti 400w HPS

Phillips CMH


Well-Known Member
Well i was a little late but 22 1/2hrs should get the job done. Shut the lights off at 12:30 and ill turn them back on at 11pm tomorrow for their 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Day 47...Day 3 12/12... Been a while. Had a little hicup on my first morning after the lights came on after their 24hrs of darkness. They sucked the soil dry and looked terrible. Since i had already known that my ph was a little wacky (thank you FFOF lol) i went out and bought some garden lime pellets from HD. I went home and watered them thoroughly (1tbp per gallon) with the lime spread out on the surface. Let them dry out a little and then gave them a feeding of Grow Big and kept my fingers crossed. Wow they liked something and took off over night. Lots of growth for one day:) Got some Tiger Bloom yesterday. I watered them with straight water this morning real good with some more lime. After ph'n my runoff was at 6.5... Lime works good and fast. Going to give them Tiger Bloom at 2tsp on their next feeding and up from there. Going to 50/50 their feeding after next with GB and TB and hopefully ill have some Big Bloom by than to throw in at 1tbp. That will be their last nitrogen feeding. Hope that lasts. So we are looking good and my screen still has a little room. Uv light is in at an angle on the back wall 1' away. Expensive little fucker. 18'' t8 13watt=$30...
P.S... I hate the lines in the pictures.

