This thread has went way off topic
imho the info he gave about the way he tops and trims is good info ,
my bottom branches on my plants are the weaker ones also and when i water im having to work around it so the leaves and shit dont get smashed into the ground
im definitely gonna try it and say how it does , ( it never hurts trying new techniques )
some methods works for some people and some methods dont
he never said that you HAVE to grow that way and he never said that this thread was for newbies only , he was just sharing the method he uses when he tops and trims
im pretty sure their are different methods other people use and they share what they do also
just cuz i like my hotdogs with chilly and cheese does not mean you all have to eat it that way ,
Their is nothing wrong with extra info , you can choose to try it out or not
And why is everyone making a big deal about him using cat shit ?
how many of you use cow shit or bat shit , its still ( SHIT )
would it make you feel better if he said ( Cat Manure )
all methods of growing started from some where , from cow and bat shit , and now cat shit ( so what ? if it works it works )
AND NO im not trying to kiss fdd ass
its just info is info
Every time someone does something and its not the way that they do it , then the other person is automatically wrong and then the insults start coming
If you never tried cat shit yourself then how do you know it wont work
No one ever tried cow and bat shit before until the day someone tried it out and found it beneficial ,
now people grow with cow and bat shit ,
im pretty sure you all know where im going with that
im not trying to start anything with anyone ,
im just saying theirs nothing wrong with sharing your grow experiences and letting people know what has worked and what has not
This thread was very informative for me , cuz it seems like i would benefit from doing that way on my outdoor plants then how i previously been doing it
but just cuz i would does not mean everyone else would
either try it out or dont
like i said , im not trying to start anything with anyone , ( HAPPY GROWING
