Las Fingerez Grow Journal - Various Strain Scrog


Well-Known Member
Mornin las howsm thing mate?................These were good last night, did a good 1 with that maverick sabre but its not on yet!


las fingerez

Well-Known Member
thanks guys and girls :) busy busy busy but thanks for the visits :)

check this randomness out now..... i've got 1 seed from my livers, its dark brown and spotty. what u guys thinking? stray pollen or have i now also got a femmed livers seed to go with my femmed lemon haze seeds???? :)


Well-Known Member
laz what gwan my yout. u got da exo cheese yet? i had to put my cheese project on hold for a while. working on an original first. u wanna test some of my cheeses?


Well-Known Member
I love that song, almost as much as i love this thread!lol whats up peeps i hope the weekend is treating you all with much love and plenty a stone!!


Well-Known Member
morning las
hope your w/end was great!! its been so nice here this last couple weeks n this w/end was no different.lovin this lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
4tat it was 30+ oC here today which 2 be fair is bloody hot for "sunny" england lol

Lily 8 weeks jack russel

Lemon doing the gangsta lean for the 1st time, think she was a bit shy before, this was a few days ago its worse now lol

livers x cherry cheese, blue cheese and lemon haze

a year ago i would of binned that str8 away but i'm learing now that the lemon is a resliant little bitch lol

Psyco and Livers scissor hash. i spoke with 2 uk riu-ers that evening on msn and i felt like i was drunk lol deff class A matirial right there lol u smoke that all the time u'll have no brain cells left i'm telling ya ;)

quick dry livers and co all the popcorn buds

some burning down the bottom from the to strong bicarbonate of soda spray but everything thats coming out now is un effected by the wilt/mold/fungus gonna re-spray slightly weaker before transfuring to the new tent.

a really random mystery seedling, noticed it in one of my dead clones before i threw it away. whats random about it, is i havent been anywhere near any seeds lol :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Las, What a sweet little puppy mate. Nice rescue on the clone, perhaps you should shoot over here and gies a hander with my clones, I seem to kill all mine at the minute, lmao. Anyways, what with this popcorn Livers???? Now that is a mystery, I never got any popcorn bud from my livers, only solid nugs ;) har-de-har-har, gonna have to step yer game up lad, lol.

Much ganja love, DST

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
bless ya D thanks a lot :) i also like larger dogs but i'm a lover of most dogs but big bad manored ones, like my mates pit who wanted 2 eat me lol.

lol the fluffy pop corns where from underneath the screen bro where i didnt remove so much, i was gonna chuck it in the butter but i smoked about 10g with my mate and it was lush for quick dry.


Well-Known Member
Under the screen he say's, lol.

Seriously she's a lovely one. I think I smoked about 2 calyxes that had fallen of one of the buds. But it was still a bit squidgey. All the buds that I got could seriously stand up on their own, nae fluff at all, was super chuffed. Being an eua natural sort i always end up witth batty fluff, but adds to other delicious goods as you know;)

Take it easy Las,



Active Member
Really nice thread Las, hope you don't mind if I tag along for the ride! Good decision on the Jack Russel btw, Yorkies are evil bastads! She's one sweet pup, you should have called her Lassy! Are those Blue Cheeses chopped yet btw mate? Hope all is going well


las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i'm loving this so much right now, funny little interview at the start but if u just want the tune, skip it about 1 min 30 secs :) oh and hit reload once its played through lol

thanks TheCannabist and welcome to my thread. no the blue cheese aint down yet but its just had its "final supper" its last feed of plain water so will be down in the next 2 days if the weather stays like this lol

thanks for the kind words everyone else, its a pleasure having u guys and girls hang out at my thread with me :)

edit - in my head he's saying 7 tokes for the assholes not 7 toasts lmao ;) fuck alcohol ;)


Well-Known Member
come las fess up m8te, the pup is a chick magnet n you know it lol, no wonder there painting the curb for a new bus stop in the front of your house lmao
for real bro thats a fine choice for a partner you made. im a dog lover n have a couple of mongrels :) my pup is 7 n the old boy is 15 now. i dread the day he goes,has been my best friend n confidant since i pulled him from the teat. i think this wil be his last yr, im trying to make it a good one.
lovin the gangster lean lol peace!