Club 600

mr west

Well-Known Member
yes in two weeks lol, not long to heal but never mind. Im pretty stoned now so its all good, happy smiling face and everythin.


Well-Known Member
I can honestly say that recovering from having wisdom teeth removed has been my worst experience re hospitals and dentists, and I have been under the surgeons knife many a time. It's just 'orrible.


Well-Known Member
I just hated the constant bleeding, felt like I was sucking on an iron crow bar all the time. And I had this stupid bit of guaze that I couldn't remove...pain in the! And all because I was getting infections under the's away and I still get infections, haha.


Active Member
anyone grow hindu skunk or silver haze,,,,,, ime having trouble figuring out wich is wich will get some pics posted soon does the hindu have a indica type leaf,,,,,



Well-Known Member
Mornin 600!!
The purp dawg didnt fully recover, maybe because I closed the bag last night. I opened it back up.

Ithopkins inbox is clear


Well-Known Member
It smelled soooo strong when I trimmed it. I forced 4 oz in a jar and capped it. after 2 days burping the jar I found it to smell like grass.
The chlorophyll in the leaf material is what gives it the grassy smell. It is also what burns black and makes weed harsh. By curing the bud, you are allowing the chlorophyll to deteriorate at a faster rate than the thc does, so by curing you get rid of the grass smell but keep and increase potentcy


Well-Known Member
How do I know when to jar it again? I noticed when I opened the jar last night b4 putting in the bag that the buds were soft. When I originally jarred it it was firm.

The mango is still a lil wet maybe, but the smell is soo strong it still over powers the grass smell! The mango is a real strong smoke too:fire:

Does anyone else start to hallucinate and get body waves etc after trimming for several hrs lol?


Well-Known Member
Bassman, do not close the jar lid. When I cure my jar lids initially are generally off for most of the time or certainly open in the first week. Buds will feel hard but inside there is moisture still present. When you jar them you just even out the moisture. Leave the lid off for the next couple of days and just give the jar a turn so the buds don't settle on each other for too long (i,.e a whole day) I tend to turn my bottles at least 2 times a day at first.


Well-Known Member
If you have a shoebox put it in that and leave the lid half way off the box. If the bag is plastic please remove the buds from the bag, if it is a paper bag just keep them in there until you can feel the bud stem snap when applying pressure. So leave bag wide open, check tomorrow. If dryer close the bag 50%, then check the next day. Then stick them back in the jar and leave the lid slightly off. Same process, next day, check and if the stem still cracks when pressure is applied, close the jar lid and burp twice daily. Hope that makes sense lad, I am smoking my first joint of the day so the synapses have started firing ten to the dozen ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanx dst.
So should I take it from the bag back to the jar then?
Yeah but leave the lid off at first.

When I cure, i go to jars without lids, then I slowly close them, starting for maybe an hour at a time, then reopen. After awhile all the moisture will have came out from the insides, and you can leave the lid on indefinitely, but not until the moisture is mostly gone.

I know when I open the jar after it has been sealed overnight, and the buds still feel firm to the touch, they are ready to be sealed for good.


Well-Known Member
Thanx a lot guys!!
I cant afford to have this batch go bad like my last one.

Sorry guys cant rep either of you right now, ill owe ya one.


Active Member
I can honestly say that recovering from having wisdom teeth removed has been my worst experience re hospitals and dentists, and I have been under the surgeons knife many a time. It's just 'orrible.

especially when the antibiotics make you puke :finger: