Acid Therapy


Well-Known Member
Fellow Psychonaughts, I present to you, well to those who do not yet have this wonderful track the famous Acid Therapy by NASA.

A massive Chillout/Ambient Session lasting 4 hours (I wonder what for :D)

Hallucinogen - Herb Garden
Entheogenic - Pagan Dream Machine
Hallucinogen in Dub - Spiritual Antiseptic (Minty Fresh Confidence Mix)
Shulman - Small Grey Creatures
Shulman - Instability
Jaia - Livresse Des Profondeus
Vibrasphere - San Pedro
Carbon Based Lifeforms - Epicentre Second Movement
Drum Druids - Last Summer (Dub)
RA - Sirius
Aes Dana - Shouting Valley
Battle of the Future Buddha’s - Mars Mellow
Solar Fields - Union Light
Shpongle - Vapour Rumours
Son Kite - On Air (Medieval Punditz Remix)
Aes Dana - Aftermath #3
Shpongle - Once Upon the Sea of Blissful Awareness
Delerium - Silence (Chill Mix)
Bjork - All Is Full Of Love (Stigmata Mix)
Paul Oakenfold - Southern Sun (Solar Stone’s Chill Mix)
Iio - Rapture (Soulside Mix)
Sub 6 - Ra Heya (Shulman Remix)
Hallucinogen in Dub - Gamma Goblins (Its Turtles All The Way Down Mix)
Vibrasphere - Manzanilla
Entheogenic - We Are One
Carbon Based Lifeforms - MOS 6581
H.U.V.A. Network - Synetric Life’s
D. Bastitatos - In the Bottom of the Ocean
Hallucinogen in Dub - Angelic Particles (Buckminster Fullerine Mix)
Shpongle - Divine Moments Of Truth
Shpongle - Beija Floor

All these tracks are joined together like the links of a chain, its wonderful! So SmoooOOooOOth :)


That is like eating a speck of the whole cake!!

I belive this track deserved a seperate place other than the Trippy Music post. Its an exception and I want to encourage!!


Enjoy!! :-P
U... Nice ... I love this shit ... !
Nice Jam ... !!
Perfect time 2 !

Thanks Buddy !

These 9 drawings were done by an artist under the influence of LSD—part of a test conducted by the US government during its dalliance with psychotomimetic drugs in the late 1950s. The artist was given a dose of LSD-25 and free access to an activity box full of crayons and pencils. His subject is the medico that jabbed him.


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The perspective thing in those pictures are quite interesting :) Nice track and the atmosphere looked like the stuff, I really want to go! :)
awesome playlist tenner. i will definetly be using it no my next journey with lucy. theres a bunch of really good stuff on there i havent heard in awhile too.
Its one great track for sure I`m glad everybodys liking!

Used to get very high plug the headphone in and start doing poi. While passes sweat pours look at the track time its something like 2:15:36 :D ZOMG!
ive always wanted to learn something like that. i know its gonna sound stupid, but whats the one thing with the 3 sticks and you use 2 of them to juggle the other? is that the same thing? cause thats really badass.
Bandit ... this is what at least 3 of US here... that I know ... do on LSD ....
U should try it with sting and glow sticks it is a trip ...


ive always wanted to learn how to do that. how do you go about getting the stuff to do it? i wouldnt even know where to begin to look for those.
Project MKULTRA, or MK-ULTRA, was the code name for a covert, illegal CIA human research program, run by the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence. This official U.S. government program began in the early 1950s, continuing at least through the late 1960s, and it used U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects.[1][2][3][4]
The published evidence indicates that Project MKULTRA involved the use of many methodologies to manipulate individual mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs and other chemicals, hypnosis,[5] sensory deprivation, isolation, and verbal and sexual abuse.
Source Wiki ...


The Victims of “Project Paperclip”

On April 13th, 2006, the following message was posted on The WHY? Files Forum.
We have been in correspondence with Mike of late and received a number of Emails which put in no doubt about his sincerity.
It is incredible but true! The German medical personnel smuggled into the U.S.A. during Project Paperclip were, in fact, partly responsible for the inhuman experiments on unwitting members of the U.S. Military.
See: “Conspiracy” on this site -
Hi, all who may read this, Geoff already knows who I am. I am one of the human test subjects of the Edgewood Arsenal Cold War tests. The ones that were supposedly "safe", since the publication of the March 2003 IOM Sarin report by Dr William Page, the world now knows it was all a big lie.
75% of the men used at Edgewood in the "tests" are either now dead or disabled, as of FY 2000 when the last data was gathered the men were found to have 2098 of them dead, (could not be located) or 54% of the 4022 th report did find were disabled, the report did not detail what or how caused the disabilities, the report ignnored three main body systems, pulmonat, cardiac and gastrointestinal, all known to be affected by exposure to chemical weapons, and unknown effects of the illegal drugs such as LSD, PCP, etc.
The Veteran Affairs agency has refused to help these men or their widows since 1975, they accuse the veterans of lying, forging paperwork. Then if that doesn't work, they just deny and ignore the real issue, chemical weapons and drug tests that violated the Nuremberg Codes of 1947.
I will answer questions anyone has, but it surprised me to see my picture at the age of 18 on this website, I am the soldier in the pic of the "getting experimental gas" from the documentary "Bad trip to Edgewood" it was taken in June thru August 1974, in the "new" lab that had just opened in the Edgewood Area of the Aberdeen Proving Grounds.
The government has claimed that I only participated in equiment only tests, and that the only known tests I was in involved me listening to a radio, so I have asked them to name that "radio" what is the nomenclature, I have never seen one like it before. I do know it is not a PRC77.
My name is Mike ****** and I am a disabled veteran of Nam Era and the First Gulf War. I now am in a power chair, never ever volunteer for anything.
Source ...


Did Israel use LSD-25 in the 1967 6-Day War?
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LSD — My Problem Child

Ten this book will blow your mind ...

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this sounds amazing. thank you so much. i have been searching for something like this for time! this is going to be my soundtrack for all kinds of adventures..once again, thank you! =]
ive always wanted to learn something like that. i know its gonna sound stupid, but whats the one thing with the 3 sticks and you use 2 of them to juggle the other? is that the same thing? cause thats really badass.

Thats called the Devil Stick :) Its quite fun to do but is more of a mental occupation like juggling 3 balls, more "in front of the eye" than "in the flow". I highly reccomend Poi to you! Once you reach the freedom of movement theres nothing like it! Unlike the Devil Stick, you completely free to move, run, jump, turn around, keep turning around, close your eyes and rapid spin a 360 (a.k.a pirouette) :D I end up laughing out loud to some of the stuff I come up with while doing it, I wonder what people think of me sometimes uh oh :D And people think dancing while high is cool :D

The most common thing people tell me while I do Poi is "you do it just like a dance" and "your so in touch with your body" and thats people who never tried it. Its certanly an art. A body art :)

Puffer thanks for that post I`m gonna give it a read :)

Edit: I do do a tiny bit of devil stick, its a very fun thing but poi is the stuff =)
ive always like to watch it when i saw people doing similar thind at sum raves.i definetly wanna get sum Asap and start practicing. i have a feeling im really gonna get into this.
i agree. i cant wait to start this. maybe ill learn enough to do a little something at a rave i wanna go to around my b-day. that would be too cool.
The fire passes so close to your face its unbeleivable but you don`t even think, its like walking you don`t think of falling over. Licks and burns the hair in my nostrils as I spin them babies :)

People think your actually putting yourself under danger. No theres no danger, just watch you don`t trip over something in the dark while watching me ;)

I`ll submit a video of me spinning some fire at one point but I`ll need to find a cameraman first :)

Found this one though:

My brothers front and I`m the one on the back :) Exciting times for sure! :D

The music was UTTER SHIT though. Poi and Pop`ish music... Oh my gosh... Talk about adaptability :P
nice. so where can i buy what i need to start?

Pair of socks and 2 golf balls are ideal start. Completely homemade is 2 knee lenght socks with 2 more normal socks with 70-100g`s of rice/lentils in them. Put the small socks in the large ones and tie a knot on the bottom. In fact look up "how to make sock poi" on youtube and you got it. is based in new zealand and sells the cheapest poi gear I know of. If you type in "Cemal" to your referral code there may still be my %15 discount there too. Homeofpoi has a library of what you start off learning etc.. Buy a pair of beginner poi, sock poi are the best for beginners or you could buy some "Cole Cord" and golf balls and make your own.

Fire poi are for later and start from $70 a pair at the cheapest I think.

(That was an amazing wank... ahem... continuing :P)

Homeofpoi is the place to be they have instructions to make poi, sell materials to make it cheap, sell ready poi, poi videos and poi forums too.

Go get em bandit! Digging up some socks and rice are you first best bet. Basic weave is the first move to go for