My big problem with LSD !


Active Member
Your best bet, seeing how you don't know anyone in the "circles" that LSD usually circulates, would be to go to a festival and just ask around. Ask someone who looks like they are tripping hard, but not too hard, because that person might get paranoid and think you're a cop!

The only people who offered me acid were hippy girls, so maybe ask girls.... Bring weed with you if you smoke as a friendly gesture. Smoke some people up, and they will be way more likely to help you out. Also, then they know you aren't a cop!


Active Member
I believe that karma is a force that is carried when someone does good for someone else, any act that can make the life of a fellow human a little easier. This definition in its broadest sense clearly defines what karma is. But when you look at it from a non-believers perspective you may see it as a type of mystical force that obviously sounds too fucking stupid to be real. But what it really is the fact that when you do good for someone else they are inspired to do good for others. This trickles down...... well not down I guess but it just gets around. If you do good than eventually someone will do good for you. I don't think its an even trade off of good vs bad things happening with your good and bad actions but the more good you do the more good others do and the more good that will eventually get back to you. And that is a fact. Nobody can really argue with that. The one arguement I can think of is that good will be done for bad people and they wont keep it going. But honestly I think that the smallest good action to the worst of people still may inspire some goodness to get passed around.

The bottom line is just do good for others and trust that eventually it will get back to you and if not, at least you helped out your fellow man.

If every abided by this rule the world would be a utopian paradise where people just live in peace


Well-Known Member
Woah !!! Look what you fuckers have done to my thread !!! LOL I leave for a drive in the mountains, come back, and there is quantum physics in my thread ??? Sheesh !
I LMAO at that :D Grow some shrooms and I might be able to help you out in a few months if your on the forum :) You could also take some RC`s? Sven Diesel has a post saying he will help people who PM him become researchers.

Mmm instant noodles kick ass! :D

Nice way to put it Asdf1. Can`t rep you yet though :)


Active Member
Back to how to find it where to get it. I need some help as well because any source i've come across always wants 15 a hit and is so flakey we can never even meet up. Always through a friend of a friend or a friend of a friend of a friend. Its just too hard to do it that way.

Full Circle

Active Member
Well then ... I have enough Karma saved up now, someone is bound to hand me the keys to a new Vette filled with drugs soon ! LOL

I believe that karma is a force that is carried when someone does good for someone else, any act that can make the life of a fellow human a little easier. This definition in its broadest sense clearly defines what karma is. But when you look at it from a non-believers perspective you may see it as a type of mystical force that obviously sounds too fucking stupid to be real. But what it really is the fact that when you do good for someone else they are inspired to do good for others. This trickles down...... well not down I guess but it just gets around. If you do good than eventually someone will do good for you. I don't think its an even trade off of good vs bad things happening with your good and bad actions but the more good you do the more good others do and the more good that will eventually get back to you. And that is a fact. Nobody can really argue with that. The one arguement I can think of is that good will be done for bad people and they wont keep it going. But honestly I think that the smallest good action to the worst of people still may inspire some goodness to get passed around.

The bottom line is just do good for others and trust that eventually it will get back to you and if not, at least you helped out your fellow man.

If every abided by this rule the world would be a utopian paradise where people just live in peace

Full Circle

Active Member
I LMAO at that :D Grow some shrooms and I might be able to help you out in a few months if your on the forum :) You could also take some RC`s? Sven Diesel has a post saying he will help people who PM him become researchers.

Mmm instant noodles kick ass! :D

Nice way to put it Asdf1. Can`t rep you yet though :)
Huh ? RCs ? Whasat ?


Well-Known Member
No way ! Last time I did shrooms, I saw Jesus talking with Elvis at 60,000 feet ! Scared me to fucking death ! LOL
I always liked MDMA and LSD much better for some reason.
Connect with some fellows at festivals, express your ideas and be a part of them. As your doing this roll a generous spliff and bring the subject to what acid shows us. Tell them you really miss it and you have been looking for it for years with stoned grin :D You should have some friends and acid at the end of this :)

RC`s are Research Chemicals. I didn`t know of them till recent. Starts all the way from synthetic cannabis to MDAI, ketamine alternatives, 2c family, 4-aco-dmt etc etc I`m not that into taking them but there are lots of people on this forum which are well into their RC`s :D

Full Circle

Active Member
Your best bet, seeing how you don't know anyone in the "circles" that LSD usually circulates, would be to go to a festival and just ask around. Ask someone who looks like they are tripping hard, but not too hard, because that person might get paranoid and think you're a cop!

The only people who offered me acid were hippy girls, so maybe ask girls.... Bring weed with you if you smoke as a friendly gesture. Smoke some people up, and they will be way more likely to help you out. Also, then they know you aren't a cop!
Oh man .... Good advice. But I can promise you the ONLY festivals in Virginia where I have been for the past year were Nascar and Budweiser festivals ! LOL

Full Circle

Active Member
Anyone know of a good resource to find out about upcoming festivals ? That would REALLY be easy if I just knew where to find them LOL


Well-Known Member
I know I shouldnt be talking about this openly, but I dont give a flying fuck. Spread the love. Soon I'll send all you guys 100 hits for free ( a vial) I am seriously going to be making millions in a bit, im not joking I like living on the edge.


Well-Known Member
cant quite afford a thumbprint at that price hah.
I can get it down to 7 right now, thats about it for a sheet. As I said I will be spreading VIALS around, if you agree to do the same only.. For free or cheap. I am trying to spread the use of lsd anyway I can.


Well-Known Member
I smell dedication and determination! Good stuff but watch yourself Haddaway, your a nice clever dude and prison isn`t for you.