My big problem with LSD !

same here. keep thinking negative and negative things will happen man. even if you dont believe it, what would it hurt to do good things and not get any good back. doing something good should be enough.
There is no such thing as karma. Too much good happens to the bad and vise versa. Trust me things would be WAY different if there was. I do wish there was such thing as karma, but there isn't unfortunately. I hate when people blame things on karma, I mean seriously, think about it, how stupid does sound when u really think about it.

Well explain my original question since you guys are karma experts. When good happens to good or bad to bad, its karma, but when good happens to bad, its nothing. Why is that?
Some people exxagerate the whole "think bad and bad happens" thing though. I had some very stupid ideas suggested and backed up with this belief system.... lol

Also how can you fully analyze things if you block off all bad thoughts?
cause bad fuckin sucks. you seem awful intrested in something you dont believe in. why dont you just go back into your gayporn website and leave the thinking up to us. its just not working for you man.
I'm trying to make sense of something that I apparently don't understand. And instead of explaining it me, you bash me instead. I thinkin I'm starting to understand....
I'm trying to make sense of something that I apparently don't understand. And instead of explaining it me, you bash me instead. I thinkin I'm starting to understand....
We're actually part of a super secret cult. We brainwash people into believing in karma for some sick personal gain. It feels like LSD to us.
I know someone who is negative all the time and bad things don't really seem to come his way. I just think that if there was such thing as karma, that it would be universal, apply to everyone all the time. But it just seems kind of pick and choose all the time. I guess thats why I have a hard time understanding even how to even start to believe something like that
hes right. were all in a cult and are awaiting the next comet to hop on and leave. except our kool-aid is electric and not fuckin cyanide. haha.
Ahhh the intelligence oozes. Can't even defend your point of view. I ask a legit question, and instead of a good answer, all I get is stupid comments and bashings. Kind of what I expected lol. You guys just proved my point. None of you could even come up with anything close to a legit answer. You remind me of kids in grade school. This is what I expect for you next comment. "O yea! You just said something intelligent, so your gay!"
Ahhh the intelligence oozes. Can't even defend your point of view. I ask a legit question, and instead of a good answer, all I get is stupid comments and bashings. Kind of what I expected lol. You guys just proved my point. None of you could even come up with anything close to a legit answer. You remind me of kids in grade school. This is what I expect for you next comment. "O yea! You just said something intelligent, so your gay!"
ummm, how can anyone give a concrete answer to something that isnt concrete? your missing a key element FAITH.
yea I think I have to agree with hgk here. seems like you guys are saying, "what? you don't understand? well we can't explain it or counter your points, so you're stupid." just how it seems to me though
ummm, how can anyone give a concrete answer to something that isnt concrete? your missing a key element FAITH.

So I'm just supposed to blindly believe something that doesn't make any sense and in fact contradicts itself? Maybe I've just seen too many bad things happen to genuinely good people.
Ahhh the intelligence oozes. Can't even defend your point of view. I ask a legit question, and instead of a good answer, all I get is stupid comments and bashings. Kind of what I expected lol. You guys just proved my point. None of you could even come up with anything close to a legit answer. You remind me of kids in grade school. This is what I expect for you next comment. "O yea! You just said something intelligent, so your gay!"

Your heavy with logic and sense, but what about quantum physics? Its not like... constant or solid or anything. Particles can appear and dissapear at any random location at any given time yet its a big part of science these days. So many quantum effect examples that don`t fit our "normal understanding". We have grown a little used to them now, I have anyway.

And your hitting on this in the nuts and bolts way which you already know hasn`t worked to prove one part of science.

Every belief, idea and fact is all us humans looking at nature and obtaining information in our own terms. Just like we looked at a fire, sun or an animal and drawn it on the cave wall. Just like the first symbols of the wheel or the hand cart. Its all a part of information, details of a working mechanism... Like physics books, biology, astronomy.... Now this idea applies for everything we think we know, religion and science both included. They are forms of written data we gathered.

Science may be a little more methodical and higher expectancy of what it records but there is no way you can point fingers and say that karma and "think bad get bad" are not valid mechanisms, symbolised by words and terms just like anything else. In my terms, there is a finger pointed at a mechanism and I`m interested to see what lies within. Its a subject I cast black on at first but I`m observing it now and it does seem to work if you belive in it. Whats the problem with that? :)

Edit: And who is saying that a mechanism should work up to infinity? What about Hooke`s law of elasticity where you have the constant K and the boundary where the elastic breaks? Its okay in science to say "Valid up to the limit of proportionality" :D