Root rot?


Well-Known Member
So I'm a noob, this is my first grow, and instead of watering my seeds every few days, I was misting them constantly. End result is that two of my seeds totally rotted away and disappeared, and it looks like my other seedlings aren't doing too great either. What do you think?

Is there anything I can do with them, useful or otherwise? Or just toss it all and start fresh.



Active Member
man from the looks of it since your not far along at all, i would can it and start again. you should water them only when the soil is dry to the touch, when mine were seedlings i only had to water every other day


Active Member
no prob, yea just make sure the soil is dry at least a inch down then water, i was having heat problems in the very begining and they were drying out so fast they needed water by the end of every day but i got that all cleared up , and now they are almost done flowering :) bout 2 more weeks


Well-Known Member
Nice! What strain are you growing?

Btw I just pulled out my seedlings and one of them (the one with only one leaf - I broke off the other by accident) has actual roots and I transplanted it into better soil.


Well-Known Member
Those babies look good and burnt:lol:You really need to find out whats wrong so you don't repeat it:cool:What kind of light & how far from plants do you have it:idea:What kind of dirt your using & don't mist your babies:clap:


Well-Known Member
Those babies look good and burnt:lol:You really need to find out whats wrong so you don't repeat it:cool:What kind of light & how far from plants do you have it:idea:What kind of dirt your using & don't mist your babies:clap:
Started them out under a 2700K CFL, when one popped I decided to put them all under my 400W MH, but that dried out the soil real bad, so since then I had been misting them like crazy ( bad decision, which I think ultimately led to the problem), and then when my two 6500K CFLs arrived I put them under that. Also, I was using generic America's Choice soil... it's shit, don't use it. It's basically back yard dirt.

I started out new seeds in Fox Farm Ocean Forest under the two 6500K CFLs and one popped this morning and it's looking great, I tossed all the other seeds (the one I transplanted died overnight) and hopefully won't fuck 'em up this time around.


Well-Known Member
Got a drainage hole in the bottom of that pot?
I'm a diehard. Until it's dead I try everything. Don't fert.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, there's drainage holes. Doesn't matter anymore, they're all dead, I tossed them out.

Question - when watering seedlings, do I wait until the soil is completely dry or just when the soil is moist but not wet?


Well-Known Member
those babies got way too much water. leave them alone and hope for the best. you will prb have to start over. those don't look salvageable.


Well-Known Member
Seedlings must not dry out. I may even water my seedlings twice a day IF needed. And I only water so that the little root gets some water. Not much. A teaspoon is often times enough for a seedling.

kbo ca

Active Member
when you fill your container with soil next time, before you put water on it, lift it up, feel the weight of it... Then put your first dose of water on the soil, pick it up again, feel the weight... now when you're wondering when to water next, pick up your container. You don't want it to feel as light as when it was dry, and you don't want to water when its heavy. Take a look at the surface of the soil, it should dry up a little bit, but under the surface it should be slightly moist still. good luck next time, and Respect.


Started them out under a 2700K CFL, when one popped I decided to put them all under my 400W MH, but that dried out the soil real bad, so since then I had been misting them like crazy ( bad decision, which I think ultimately led to the problem), and then when my two 6500K CFLs arrived I put them under that. Also, I was using generic America's Choice soil... it's shit, don't use it. It's basically back yard dirt.

I started out new seeds in Fox Farm Ocean Forest under the two 6500K CFLs and one popped this morning and it's looking great, I tossed all the other seeds (the one I transplanted died overnight) and hopefully won't fuck 'em up this time around.
your gonna burn your seedlings in fox farm ocean forest soil!the soil is way to hot for need to use foxfarm light warrior or plain old pro mix if anything.


Well-Known Member
Burn? Nute burn? How? I only have the Ocean Forest... I don't have Light Warrior and I don't know where to find it. No hydro stores around here. What's pro mix?

One of the two seedlings I put in the Ocean Forest popped up this morning, and it's looking great, I expect to see the other one pretty soon.


hello,FFOF has way to much nutes mixed in with the dirt for seedlings.seedlings dont need any nutes for about the first 2 weeks or there first 3 to 4 sets of true leaves.light warrior is especially made for seedlings and pro mix is a peat based soiless dirt sure someone else will come along and read this thread and tell you the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Then what do I do? I already started off two seedlings in the ocean forest and I have two seeds that are almost done germinating and are going to need soil soon. I don't have any soil other than generic A&P soil and that's definitely no good. My local hardware store might have something but they don't have Light Warrior. What should I get?


Well-Known Member
I guess I'll go to my hardware store and see what they have for seed starter soil... and hope my FFOF seedlings survive. Thanks for the heads up man.