My big problem with LSD !

That does suck. Stick around these forums for a while and maybe something will happen.
I belive the people saying they can`t find acid for years are acting too grown up while looking for it :D

Stick around the forum for a while though :) This place is a gold mine heheh
same here bro, then i finally decided i had to drive somewhere. san francisco is the SHIT. it's gonna get some more shipments in too!
sometimes you dont find lucy, she finds you. alot of the other drugs are have said to be returned to you in the form of karma.
I swear to god this is so true. I fucking can never find it and then all of a sudden I get it for free with guys in liquid vials!!!! WTF! RANDOMLY?! idk how it happened honestly I can't remember at this point. Maybe tomorrow. I am tripping too hard to think. Try type. lol My brain is on hyperdrive quite a feeling lol And I swear ever since I did it too, I get so fucking lucky.. Free slushies at burger king when we dont have a lot of money, but there was like 100 different events.. I just wanted to stop thinking about it cause it was happening too much.
that was awesome puffer. i cant even hear that song without thinking of Zoolander! hahaha.
sometimes you dont find lucy, she finds you. alot of the other drugs are have said to be returned to you in the form of karma.

There is no such thing as karma. Too much good happens to the bad and vise versa. Trust me things would be WAY different if there was. I do wish there was such thing as karma, but there isn't unfortunately. I hate when people blame things on karma, I mean seriously, think about it, how stupid does sound when u really think about it.
When good happens to good, or bad happens to bad, its karma. So what is it when bad happens to good? Anti-karma? People only apply it to one side of things, and when its the other way around, its just, "oh uhhh it just happens". How much sense does this make. Am I the only one who sees the fallacy in this so called logic?
When good happens to good, or bad happens to bad, its karma. So what is it when bad happens to good? Anti-karma? People only apply it to one side of things, and when its the other way around, its just, "oh uhhh it just happens". How much sense does this make. Am I the only one who sees the fallacy in this so called logic?
It's a general energy you collect. You attract certain kinds of experiences because the kind of person you are, your mind bends the universe that way. I understand if you don't understand. it, doesn't mean it isn't true. Just because bad things happen to good people or vice versa doesn't mean that it happens over and over again
ive yet too see the bad side of karma, cause ive been one lucky fucker...
ive always had a feeling it will catch up with me though.. cause honestly ive been way too lucky.
It's a general energy you collect. You attract certain kinds of experiences because the kind of person you are, your mind bends the universe that way. I understand if you don't understand. it, doesn't mean it isn't true. Just because bad things happen to good people or vice versa doesn't mean that it happens over and over again

So every energy known to man can be measured in some way, but mysteriously this cannot. How odd is that? Imagine the odds of that. Lol