Deser Sativa Did Any One See It Before?


i bring stiva from arabian desrt i bring it with 7 seed and i put it in poting soil and coming 2tree male and one tree of fmale after around 2 month i make tree marge with 2 male arabian sativa fuck them sister

note: the growing time in 6-1-2011in very cold and very dry weather "out door"

some time outdoor some time indoor beacuse my lamp is inside my home after around 3 month I agrow it with more than 800 seeds and 200 gream weed and its very high leavel of THC but i dont know how many?!!

and i try to grow the seed and i see one of the defrant plant i dont see it before

its 5day old

i take foto from my camra nikon D90 with micro lens
_DSC0041.jpgabu stiva1.jpg

you see that i mean it plant with her brother

and very sorry for my bad english


Well-Known Member
That's a new one to me my friend. Thanks for sharing. I'm curious to see how it looks as it matures. Please keep us posted with my photos.


MR ganja thank you
hasbroh Looks like some type of thistle.
but what is mean it is it mean good or just normal ganja
mmm its really wired, i never saw like this in my life, as you know abusativa, the wild desert marjuana normally 80% similar to there mom and dad, and the reset is totally new strains,,( different smell different size) i guess it will have extreme high,, worth to study it
try to do sexing for it with different type of males indica and sativa, , (keep some for testing) ;)

the problem with desert marjuana that its smell less (even if we grow it indoor) , so try to make sexing with very strong smell strain, and checkout the result

abustiva do you have none arabian strains? (indo kush, OG, ak47 etc)


Well-Known Member
I would guess that is not a canabis plant. Were did you get your soil. did you pre-sprout that plant?
I would guess that is not a canabis plant. Were did you get your soil. did you pre-sprout that plant?

its cannabis but its kind of strange strain, look closely to the leaves 99% its cannabis, but the question is, how it will look when it will mature, i guess it will be WOOW


Well-Known Member
So where did the soil come from and did he presprout that seed? I would still guess that is not cannabis. JUst a guess....pretty extreme pheno's there to assume it is actually Cannabis. Keep it growin. It will be cool if I am wrong.
I did contact abustiva, he just put the seed inside the soil, he didnt done any presprout, and he used premuim potting soil, so there is no doubt about being cannbis, (he saw the cracked seed sheild in day 1), do you think the high from this planet will be diffrent?

Its too strange, will look fantastic when it grows more


Well-Known Member
it doe snot looks like any type of cannibus really more like a cacti.

also i just wanted to say ive sen 3 threads about this same thing posted by you. how many more threads are you gonna make about this lil seedling?


any way after few days i will take new pic and i will show you
but iam sure is good quality potting soil made in germany and the seed is cannibus i grow it by my self one by one