My First Legal Medical Grow

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I have thought about it, but still havent taken the plunge to brewing my own tea yet. Organic scares me a bit.
I made the plunge last week. I'm using it with my synthetic H&G line up and they kick ass together! All my natural based fertilizers from H&G get along great with with my new organic teas, and when you have synthetic and organic working together in the same brew it makes something magical happen. My plants couldn't be happier, and I already thought they were as happy as they could get.

Brewing organic tea's is a lot of fun too! You save money, get to drink beer doing another hobby in the garage, and it is so cheap you can put it on your prized roses, vegetables, or fruit trees and see explosive results within days. The only draw back is that I need to clean my run-off catch more often because it can start to stink, but as long as it is in the root zone it stays fresh.

Read up on this month's Urban Garden magazine, this month is dedicated to organics, do it yourself organics (composting), and making liquid compost solution (brewing tea!) It's a fantastic article and puts your fears to rest about brewing organics and the dangers it could present to your plants. As long as you do it right, which is easy, it'll stay fresh for a good long while and your plants will love it.

Here is another great link I used to learn how to brew my own:
This is directed toward DWC growers mainly, but I do not run a lot of DWC in my garden, just every now and then for giggles because I can. Sometimes I just don't feel like playing in the dirt. But this recipe works great for my soiless mix (coco, pete, perlite) and it works great in normal dirt in the ground. My recipe is a little different than Heisenberg. But I'm happy to share it.
I start with 4 gal of water and I add the following (these are pretty rough measurements you can adjust it to your own desired strengths):
-4 cups worm casting
-1 cup Jamaican guano
-6-8 oz kelp extract (buy the powdered formula, I got the liquid and it goes way to fast!)
-Recommended dose of Aqua Shield (I think it was 8 tsp, I'm not sure.)
-Healthy dose of your favorite mycorrhizae product
-3tbs of molasses or carboload or whatever else you would like use instead
-The recipe calls for a powdered humic acid, I actually got a job last week vending humic acid powder but haven't started yet, nor have I got any to try out yet, so I need to wait until next week. For right now I am using Liquid Karma because I have a LOT of it. I mean a whole lot, and most of it was given to me. I don't recommend using an expensive product like this.
-You can go ahead and throw in any extra beneficial life you may have and want to play around with. Tea is very forgiving. If you want more calcium you can pick up some bone meal and throw it in there, you can do a lot of different stuff. Some people like to use fish emulsion but I don't need all that Nitrogen, I have plenty, plus it smells like hell! I had a gal of Big Bloom laying around from a year ago (because fox farm sucks for growing pot, great veggies though) and I threw some of that in there becauses it is basically concentrated tea. and I have plenty to spare.

Any product where you see a bunch of latin on the back naming of species of something you've never heard of, pour it in.

I get a net pot bucket lid and stick a stocking in it, and I fill my stocking with all my products, make sure it is submerged, and go ahead and bubble it 48 hours. It works after 24, but I saw big improvements after 48. Go ahead and stick it in the fridge for up to 10 days after brewing it, and put a poison sign on it so nobody drinks it. Because if you didn't know it was liquid compost solution you would think it looked refreshing as fuck! Strangely enough, it stays fresh for up to a week outside the fridge if it's in your root zone. A wonderful organic relationship, so it works for DWC.

Hope that inspires you a little.
I made the plunge last week. I'm using it with my synthetic H&G line up and they kick ass together! All my natural based fertilizers from H&G get along great with with my new organic teas, and when you have synthetic and organic working together in the same brew it makes something magical happen. My plants couldn't be happier, and I already thought they were as happy as they could get.

Brewing organic tea's is a lot of fun too! You save money, get to drink beer doing another hobby in the garage, and it is so cheap you can put it on your prized roses, vegetables, or fruit trees and see explosive results within days. The only draw back is that I need to clean my run-off catch more often because it can start to stink, but as long as it is in the root zone it stays fresh.

Read up on this month's Urban Garden magazine, this month is dedicated to organics, do it yourself organics (composting), and making liquid compost solution (brewing tea!) It's a fantastic article and puts your fears to rest about brewing organics and the dangers it could present to your plants. As long as you do it right, which is easy, it'll stay fresh for a good long while and your plants will love it.

Here is another great link I used to learn how to brew my own:
This is directed toward DWC growers mainly, but I do not run a lot of DWC in my garden, just every now and then for giggles because I can. Sometimes I just don't feel like playing in the dirt. But this recipe works great for my soiless mix (coco, pete, perlite) and it works great in normal dirt in the ground. My recipe is a little different than Heisenberg. But I'm happy to share it.
I start with 4 gal of water and I add the following (these are pretty rough measurements you can adjust it to your own desired strengths):
-4 cups worm casting
-1 cup Jamaican guano
-6-8 oz kelp extract (buy the powdered formula, I got the liquid and it goes way to fast!)
-Recommended dose of Aqua Shield (I think it was 8 tsp, I'm not sure.)
-Healthy dose of your favorite mycorrhizae product
-3tbs of molasses or carboload or whatever else you would like use instead
-The recipe calls for a powdered humic acid, I actually got a job last week vending humic acid powder but haven't started yet, nor have I got any to try out yet, so I need to wait until next week. For right now I am using Liquid Karma because I have a LOT of it. I mean a whole lot, and most of it was given to me. I don't recommend using an expensive product like this.
-You can go ahead and throw in any extra beneficial life you may have and want to play around with. Tea is very forgiving. If you want more calcium you can pick up some bone meal and throw it in there, you can do a lot of different stuff. Some people like to use fish emulsion but I don't need all that Nitrogen, I have plenty, plus it smells like hell! I had a gal of Big Bloom laying around from a year ago (because fox farm sucks for growing pot, great veggies though) and I threw some of that in there becauses it is basically concentrated tea. and I have plenty to spare.

Any product where you see a bunch of latin on the back naming of species of something you've never heard of, pour it in.

I get a net pot bucket lid and stick a stocking in it, and I fill my stocking with all my products, make sure it is submerged, and go ahead and bubble it 48 hours. It works after 24, but I saw big improvements after 48. Go ahead and stick it in the fridge for up to 10 days after brewing it, and put a poison sign on it so nobody drinks it. Because if you didn't know it was liquid compost solution you would think it looked refreshing as fuck! Strangely enough, it stays fresh for up to a week outside the fridge if it's in your root zone. A wonderful organic relationship, so it works for DWC.

Hope that inspires you a little.

Kinda like the Humtea they sell at the hydro store huh, 10 bucks a gallon?

How much does it cost you to make your tea, and how much does it make?
Well the worm castings were 8 bucks, the guano was 8 bucks, the molasses was 4 bucks, the kelp extract was 10 bucks, my cheap ass rooters mycorrhizae by Earth Juice is 13 bucks, but a lot of people prefer Zho which is like 22 bucks. Whatever you can get a hold of that has life in it, this "Thrive" product is pretty cheap and is full of beneficial bacteria and mycorrhizae, I picked up some free samples today. Aqua Shield is 20 bucks. I get free Carboload, but you don't need it, I just like all the different types of sugars in it, molasses is what most people use. And you can get pounds and pounds of dry humic acid for anywhere between 10-50 bucks depending on where yo look.

So with my formula, minus the liquid karma, it cost about 43 dollars, let's say you get 5 pounds of humic acid and lets call it 53-70 bucks. This gives you enough supplies to make well over 100 gallons of tea. Possibly 200 gallons of tea. You would go through a 2 bottles of molasses, and a extra case of sea kelp, but that is it.

You can add fish emulsion for 10 bucks, but I juice everything I own with ca/mg so I don't need anymore N than I have in my regular synthetic fertilizer line up. You can do so if you'd like to green up everything in veg. But the recipe as it stands will do a great job of greening everything up.

I usually make anywhere between 3-4 gallons at a time in a 5 gallon bucket. I don't need to make this much, but I like to feed it to my outdoor plants that I like. If I'm bringing in all this gardening shit all the time, I better have the healthiest yard on the block, or it just looks suspicious.

Throw all the ingredients into a stocking, and put an airstone or 2 in your bucket and let it go for 48 hours. Depending on the strength of your tea it will keep in your fridge for 10-14 days. My tea runs around 1250PPM so it only last 10 days, but I can go anywhere between a 50%-90% dilution rate, and I see great results. The more roots I have the stronger I make my final feeding solution.

Nothing is better than fresh custom brewed tea. I can do a neutral tea with a balanced NPK for youngin's and transplanting, I can do a high PK tea for bloom, and if I use my fish emulsion (have it, just hate the smell) I can make a high N feed for vegging plants. But my vegging plants love the high PK tea as it is. Best of all it keeps it's pH really well, I can usually count on this recipe giving me pH 5.9 - 6.3
we all knew that already.....................................................................................................................................................................................................

not ne where near ne one else................... srry if i got u up and rieled
Iv also been using teas in my synthetic rdwc to prevent any slime :-) Good microbs but pretty much no nutritional value to the plant. O think they do help the plant take nutes up though anf helps roots expload.
Also been brewing kelp and guanos for my soil ladies for a year now. Much more alive than any bottle you cn buy off of a shelf and its very easy and cheap to make... Dont let grow shops rip you off on this stuff, make it yourself :-)
I got pistils and or balls growing out of a Fan Stem, kinda odd...


you always come up with the damndest things lol, keep us posted on what that is. did you ever get any pollin from the sour diesel dog? i didnt see wheather you did or not. id love to sprinkle a limb on these bitches i got running. ive not really gotten into seed n such with mmj but im tending to lean that way. ive crossed several toms in the veg garden, n bag a branch every yr to keep true but thats the extent of my experience.
whats the run time on your red kush n cougar? ill throw up some pics of those re veged plants this week, there mutants for sure :)
edit: ment to ask how that ppl cheese is doing, that is an awsome looking plant!!! give us a peek at her when you get a chance.
lotsa shit show up in f1's an i dont know which side contribute the freaky shit
wit da f1's you get the recessive shit mixed in on sum- rolin bones - you never know
unles it peaked yo interest there is always termination

im really into dogs my boxer is way up there
anyway i knew i guy a serious breeder woul deliver pups wit a bucket of water near by for any he did not want to bring in
day get dunked -ther is always termination- especially if they did not cost you to much -an even if they did - if they can harm rest of yo operation-day gota go
must consider the majority

filled wit controversey as we move forward wit dese bullshit seeds fems an autos dat are not what they say - shit dont germ wirdos -gona be alot of strange shit in our future if we grow enough to se the bad percentages

guranteed more strange shit is a part of our future

U will C
Yeah I saw that on another thread. Subcool Apollo strain or some shit. If it is only pistils and not a herm trait that I am seeing, then she is gonna be a keeper most likely, or she is gonna get dusted depending on what happens :)
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