Raided By The Police, Not For Growing

Me to I jumped before I read: ok so I didnt realise there was a page two when i asked about the dog...but ppl need to know, WHAT HAPPEND TO THE DOG!!

File suits against anyone any everyone you can. I didn't see if you were growing, but if it was just possession none of the things you did are anywhere near as bad as all the things that took place on the other side. I am against frivolous lawsuits, but even I see this as a huge encroachment of personal rights and they should be reprimanded immediately! Get some money to pay for that wedding and get back to stabilizing your life. Lie and say it was under the amount that makes it a felony. If they don't have the raid on record or the confiscation then who the fuck cares what they "think" happened. Because if it isn't in their paperwork they can't really use it against you.
He did reply about the dog, they were put in a kennel at animal control and allowed to be picked up later. People just choose to read which posts they want :)

I was following: this is first I saw about the dog? Wife # 4 I get along with my inlaws; it is the wife I have to sleep with.
wow its amazing they gave them to animal control.
In the vid medi posted I think the dog was actually in a cage and they still unloaded like 6 rounds in it.
Your dogs lucky so you better get it out of animal control before they decide to put it down.
I was about to say, they thought you had her hostage two different occasions? If so the first time it happened and proved to be false is more support for why they shouldn't have gone Barney Fife on your ass.
wow its amazing they gave them to animal control.
In the vid medi posted I think the dog was actually in a cage and they still unloaded like 6 rounds in it.
Your dogs lucky so you better get it out of animal control before they decide to put it down.

Like I said Barney Fife "misfires"
Yes, it's sickening. And it's even more sickening to realize that those cowardly, "swat" raids happen over 100 times every day in the US. These pigs are out of control, and they are just salivating at the thought of maybe a dog in the house so they can shoot it. To them, it's easier than calling animal control, plus they get a sadistic thrill.
check this video guys, This happened in that very same city (a video tapped about a year and half before that last video)...
Just goes to show you they have zero intention on changing things, anything they say to the media is just to cover their ass.

Remember, before you marry this girl, take a LONG HARD look at her mom. That is the woman she is going to be in 20 years.

Plus, it sounds to me like she is leading this guy on. You need her to make it very clear to him to leave her the fuck alone. I would put pressure on her about filing a restraining order. Also, if you're there when she tells him to fuck off, he'll probably just think "She's only saying this because he told her to."
sounds like a lot of drama over a woman, if you truly love her then fine thats cool, but she needs to get some balls and sit her fucking family down, obviously her family are tools to believe her ex over you and her.. and get a lawyer be smart about it
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Hi beautiful. :)
Yes, it's sickening. And it's even more sickening to realize that those cowardly, "swat" raids happen over 100 times every day in the US. These pigs are out of control, and they are just salivating at the thought of maybe a dog in the house so they can shoot it. To them, it's easier than calling animal control, plus they get a sadistic thrill.

Worst of all if I kill one of their dogs or even hit it for that matter. I'm a cop killer or assaulted an officer... Wow. Bet your ass if a dog is chasing me down I'm gonna put it in a headlock and choke it out or drown it somewhere. They care so much about their police dogs but they would just shoot our caged animals.
shit man bad times indeed- Im pretty sure that he planted that shit in your house then called on the aunt saying all that crap then she called the cops and inadvertently completed her usage as a tool. Sucks getting framed ;) but no Im sorry to hear that dude
My question is why is the family still trusting her crazy ex? Ask yourself that. Its clear her family liked the guy and they don't like you. Why would they not just call your fiancee and just ASK her if she is being held against her will? This whole things don't add up. Ask yourself if this woman and her drama are worth ruining you name and career. Seriously anything you get in trouble for now is your fault. Safest thing would be to just walk away from this HUGE RED FLAG!!