DMT pKa question

Hey everyone,
I was rereading QT's dmt extraction tek on erowid (and this message board too: and had a question come up that I'm not too sure about and I was wondering if someone here could help me out? The pKa of DMT is 8.68 according to merck, but final basification steps take typically (at least in my experience) take place at around pH of 11ish. Would lowering the pH of the basification steps to ~8.7 help increase yield? Or would it not really do anything since the dmt/dmth+ is whats contributing the hydrogen ion (and thus the acidity)? I know pKa doesnt determine solubility, but it seems like keeping the pH at the pKa of the alkaloid would help solubility...thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I think this is more of a question for a site specifically into DMT extractions like the Nexus. I have no bloomin idea :) Is this really necessary though? Or are you just a perfectionist, no issues with that :)

Or are you this guy?




Well-Known Member
The things is, as you add naphta and do extractions the pH keeps dropping anyway. If it hits a low enough point the mixture is likely to form a tough emulsion. So, in my experience its better to basif ythe living crap out of it before you start.


Well-Known Member
The things is, as you add naphta and do extractions the pH keeps dropping anyway. If it hits a low enough point the mixture is likely to form a tough emulsion. So, in my experience its better to basif ythe living crap out of it before you start.
Very true. I just got in hand a kilo of mimosa hostilis. Got Naptha and Calcium hydroxide. I am hoping I get at least a couple grams from this..


Well-Known Member
The pH at half-neutralization is numerically equal to, if you only lowered the pH to 8.7 during the basification step, in theory you would still have half of the DMT present as its (water soluble) protonated form. raising the pH higher and higher, you can shift the equilibrium towards having (proportionally) more and more DMT present as the (water insoluble/naphtha soluble) free base form.

Bottom line...if you're trying to extract DMT freebase from an aqueous mixture using an organic solvent, it's best to make the pH very high.


Well-Known Member
This guy definitely knows what he's talking about. I would comment further.. But yeah.. I'm tripping nuts lol.


Well-Known Member
Lol, he just translated what I said back to the scientific form :P
That could be true.. As you know I'm tripping super hard and didnt even have time to evaluate it at all. I didnt even really read your statement lol


Well-Known Member
Lol, he just translated what I said back to the scientific form :P
Yep. My comment was just meant to clear up the op's misconception about pKa values.

From an operational point of view, raising the pH may very well help to avoid an emulsion (as you say)...just another reason to "basify the living crap out of it."

That's what the calcium hydroxide is for. Ca(OH)2 is a strong base (like sodium hydroxide, or potassium hydroxide). It neutralizes acidic solutions (raises the pH). Add enough and it will make the solution very alkaline.


Well-Known Member
lol, my friend took off with my kilo of mimosa, he was gonna help me extract it. Maybe the money was too much for him? idc if he needs it whatever, I have money right now lol