Mellokitty's Mellow Medigrow


Well-Known Member
Just a thought but when you flip to flower you should give Liquid Light and Saturator from Dutch Master a try. Just buy the little bottles as you only use 60ml at a time and do it for the first 4 weeks. Use on half of your plants and decide if you like it. I found it made a difference when I used it and will continue to..

Looking real nice, do you use the Bad boys to flower or just veg? There doing a great job.


Moderatrix of Journals
thanks for the suggestion, but i've never been a big fan of dm products. not to mention i am not a big fan of paying for shipping from across the globe, especially when we have such fabulous local nute companies right here in bc. between the next 2 towns over, i have 3 (although one doesn't count because i hate the owners' guts personally and wouldn't use their products even if they fell off a truck).

and, ever since i found out that grotek liquids are humic based, i'm no longer a fan of paying for water. (actually i've never been a fan of paying for water, i always took the powder option whenever possible.) (60ml/Liter is a LOT, especially in a product buffered by water. the stuff we use is more like 15ml/gal or 5ml/liter for "strong" applications - and even less for foliar)

we do the occasional foliar feed with either Bud Fuel (k supplement) or VitaMax (b1) but not very often because we have humidity issues here... i think this round i'm going to do some side-by-side testing with the foliar feeds to see what sort of difference it really makes, if any.

the badboy's are just in there for veg, for flowering we are vertical barebulb hps-ers. what my man doesn't know yet is come fall i'm going to commandeer one for my overwintering houseplants mwa hahaha. another thing i've been wondering is whether those high-uv-output blue fluoro tubes (you know, the ones you see at nail salons?) are compatible with them. because if they are i'd be very interested in supplementing with them over the flower cycle too.


Moderatrix of Journals
i was just rereading woodsmaneh's post about pm and i noticed 'limonene' on the list.... which is an active terpene in "grapefruit" strains, etc.
i'm just realising now that the strains that showed the most resistance to pm etc. must have been high-limonene strains?


Moderatrix of Journals
this round we're running soilless + a couple amendments so not *soil*-soil exactly but i sure am a big fan of sphagnum now that we're back to it.


Moderatrix of Journals
transplant time!! play-by-play update:


the pots:

the dirt. the squiggle is my man's hand adding soil amendment -> grotek's black pearl, a bio-char and chitosan soil builder.


don't forget to water!

aaahhh, all done and wings spread:

say buh-bye! topping update to come soon:



Moderatrix of Journals
got bored and made a "music video" with some footage the man took last night:



Moderatrix of Journals
What do you use for amendments in your soil? Do you use worm castings?
this time around we're going with a full dose of grotek's "black pearl". it's a biochar and chitosan amendment. literally looks like crushed black pearls. comes highly recommended from my gardening guru.

we are more "team mushroom manure" than "team worm castings", although we've done a few side-by-sides and castings/mushroom hasn't been one of them; i'd be curious. maybe next time. i'm thinking of doing some nute side-by-sides once we flower this time so we used the same amended soilless for all of them.