Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

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what!!! i fucking love VitaminWater but i have never seen this one before. im gonna have to find one of these and give it a try. its gonna have to be really good if it wants to compete with Dragonfruit though.
its fake man, i already searched for it, lol i was like.. what!!! no way!!!, figured it was a marketing ploy or joke, like when red bull cola came out and it said 50 percent cocaine but obviously had no cocaine in it, and it was nasty.
ok, now i have a question that came to while reading the op.. it says that the amount of mcg's that gets laid comes from what form of crystal gets used to lay the paper, which is easy to follow along with.. so, the needlepoint would be 95mcg's, etc, etc... but how do we get blotters that are supposed to be say 185 mcg's, or 150mcg's, or what have you above say 95, which is the most pure crystal one can get according to the article?? is this were say double stacked or what ever one wants to call it comes in?? say if you're using 95% pure needlepoint, and you dip it 2x, would you get 190 mcg's, or is it really impossible to have a blotter over 95mcg's?? this is where i kind of get lost at with the story..
It's all in the dilution ratios. X amount of crystal in Y amount of solvent. More Crystal + less solvent = higher µg doses.

The numbers presented by Chinacat72 were designed to deliver each 1/4" blotter with 100µg of crystal. Subtracting impurities leave them at 95µg (for NP for example) Say, instead of using 110ml of solvent, he used 55ml, the result would be every 1/4" blotter being dosed with 190µg or 19mg per 100 hit sheet or 190mg per tenpack and so on. So rather than his usual ten tenpacks he will get five, with a bit left over to play with..

Can you imagine having the crystal residuals to PLAY with!?!? BWAHAHA :D :shock: :lol: ;)
ok, now i have a question that came to while reading the op.. it says that the amount of mcg's that gets laid comes from what form of crystal gets used to lay the paper, which is easy to follow along with.. so, the needlepoint would be 95mcg's, etc, etc... but how do we get blotters that are supposed to be say 185 mcg's, or 150mcg's, or what have you above say 95, which is the most pure crystal one can get according to the article?? is this were say double stacked or what ever one wants to call it comes in?? say if you're using 95% pure needlepoint, and you dip it 2x, would you get 190 mcg's, or is it really impossible to have a blotter over 95mcg's?? this is where i kind of get lost at with the story..

I heard a piece of blotter paper can store 2mg`s of chemical on it. That would be like 2000mcg`s!! It wouldn`t be hard, its all up to the guy who makes the blotter to decide how strong his making the hits. Theres propably the odd guy who wants a really cool print and a really strong blotter and just does it :) They obviously sell for more expensive though. All he would have to do would be to make the dip solution 2x stronger or dip twice, same thing :)
as i have stated b4 when i seen this. who ever wrote that is full of shit and just talking out of there ass. someone just a heard a story and got it wrong. first off true real family would never lay anything that weak. the real motherfuckers lay 4000 hits to a gur thats 250ug a hit. next in line amber aka slamber as called on tour is the shit of crystal you would get laughed at for even thinking about it. next paper has a certain absorption rate the amount of liquid it can hold. im here to tell you that 110ml is so far out of the ballpark its retarded
as i have stated b4 when i seen this. who ever wrote that is full of shit and just talking out of there ass. someone just a heard a story and got it wrong. first off true real family would never lay anything that weak. the real motherfuckers lay 4000 hits to a gur thats 250ug a hit. next in line amber aka slamber as called on tour is the shit of crystal you would get laughed at for even thinking about it. next paper has a certain absorption rate the amount of liquid it can hold. im here to tell you that 110ml is so far out of the ballpark its retarded

It's awesome to hear this from the horses mouth, Sven :D Thanks for setting things straight.
Out of curiosity, what volumes of solvent for layin a gram ARE realistic..? Just out of curiosity ;)
depending on the paper used as most stuff that is printed is smoother and thinner than say water color paper. I been doing gels for so long I can't rememeber the perfect amout for each 1 but 10ml is a good in between number. You don't want to use any more than the paper can soak up. Gel tabs are the way to they are almost fool proof if you know how to lay them. Maybe someday I'll write a tech on it
ok now that im home and looked at a chart i find my guess to even be wrong. ill have to get a needle off my buddy that has sugar and find out for sure. but either way back in the day 250ug was the law. if you got cheating at that you got shut off and that was that.
ok now i have free time. let me start by saying paper is a pain in the ass to lay right. you would have to be the king chemist and not have to worry about waste to just mix up a bath and start dipping. i have been around it all and maybe i was misssing something but i never seen it done that way. this isnt something you just jump into. you have to play around with it you take the paper your going to use. you do a dry run to find out how much grain it take to get it just the right amount moist. you want the paper to be able to retain all the liquid your going to mix you cid in. and the nice smooth thin preff'ed artwork stuff is even more of a pain in the ass. gel is the way to go if you know how to do gel you cant fuck that up. they are perfect every time. you can make them 1 strip bigger that whole way around for clean edges and reclaim your trim in the next batch. no muss no fuss no fucking around. mix pour dry done. always remember when making gel thinner is better. thick is brittle and glassy. and for the person that pm'ed me asking for my tek. there is no glass you order to make gels that i ever heard of. and what ever the stuff you ordered was i neevr heard of it and no there is no sugar in them
I didn't even finish reading this shit or the thread, but this is what I'm fucking about 100%!!! Every fucking day. People wonder why I take so many psychedelics (first its my tolerance, its NOT because I do a lot of psycehdelics, I barely do them, I just tend to go all out when I do!) I mean the fucking shamans eat mescaline and psychoactive substances to open their mind all day. It's fucking all they do."not all, but you know what I mean"
Can some seriously tell me why my LSD and psychedelic tolerance is so naturally high? It's like epidemic scientific levels. Like unheard of. I fucking take 10 hits of acid like nothing. I would do LSD all day, every day, my whole life if I had enough lol. Well maybe not everyday... I would need a few days to process... lol I mean I am a pharmacology expert and I can't figure it out.. Are my serotonin levels so balanced? My friends said they would go insane or have a bad trip. Im like does that even exist? lol I fucking take that shit to the end and theyre like WTF, and they can't do 1% of how much I take.
Naw, dude. I'm not like that. They seriously jaw drop at me when they see what im taking. And if they even take 10% of the acid they trip too hard.
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