ok, now i have a question that came to while reading the op.. it says that the amount of mcg's that gets laid comes from what form of crystal gets used to lay the paper, which is easy to follow along with.. so, the needlepoint would be 95mcg's, etc, etc... but how do we get blotters that are supposed to be say 185 mcg's, or 150mcg's, or what have you above say 95, which is the most pure crystal one can get according to the article?? is this were say double stacked or what ever one wants to call it comes in?? say if you're using 95% pure needlepoint, and you dip it 2x, would you get 190 mcg's, or is it really impossible to have a blotter over 95mcg's?? this is where i kind of get lost at with the story..
as i have stated b4 when i seen this. who ever wrote that is full of shit and just talking out of there ass. someone just a heard a story and got it wrong. first off true real family would never lay anything that weak. the real motherfuckers lay 4000 hits to a gur thats 250ug a hit. next in line amber aka slamber as called on tour is the shit of crystal you would get laughed at for even thinking about it. next paper has a certain absorption rate the amount of liquid it can hold. im here to tell you that 110ml is so far out of the ballpark its retarded
Naw, dude. I'm not like that. They seriously jaw drop at me when they see what im taking. And if they even take 10% of the acid they trip too hard.
You do live in Florida..? I live in S. Florida. I seriously have good connections lol.hmmm we should hang out