Mdma does tend towards a sandy yellow/orange colour due to impurities. I got a picture of mine for you
Thats all I know man... You could buy it and take 30-40mg of the stuff, if its mdma you should feel a nice high coming up which was sort of unsubtle with its rise... Kinda explosive like

A sudden climb

Can you trust these friends? If you can, then you might as well take it. I did a 30mg test on myself and waited a few nights before I took mine. It will be a lot more fun taking it with people or out in a club specially! A cool thing to do with taking mdma home alone is to go on your Facebook or w.e album you have and look at all your pictures from present to past. It shines a bright light on your whole life that way
And you should know what your exactly scared of here.
A)If you can trust your friends as far as not posioning you, then theres no reason to not take it after an allergy test.
B)If you want pure mdma and mdma only, chances are its not. But the chances are the one in the picture isn`t either. Maybe buy a drug test kit?
Also even if its not mdma, the "compound" they are selling should have a similar dose to it (leading off from the fact they aren`t trying to kill you).
If you decide to buy this, the absolute best you can do is buy a drug test kit, test it and then do an acetone wash which is described in this
thread. And also do an allergy test on yourself before. I`m not suggesting all of this to be necessary except the allergy test, but you seem to want to buy that powder anyway so I`m just doing my best
But bottomline is, taking any powder from an ilicit source has risks. Orange is a little unusual but I highly doubt its DMT. Maybe just mdma with a lot of impurities, this is a decision for you to make!