Cheese Powder orange MDMA? WTF!


Active Member
recently came across a bag of MDMA, exept it was ORANGE.... like the cheese that comes in a box of KD, the owner said it was "straight out of the pan" whatever that means, maybe its the pan they cut it in :lol:
does anyone have any info on the orange MDMA?
ps, i didnt buy any, i dont think it should be orange.
what makes it orange? did they fuck it up? any info if appreciated bongsmilie
maybe they cut it in a pot that had sum Eazy-Mac in it? maybe it was just sum methylone or MDAI spiked with orange food coloring?lots of possibilities, man. whatever you do, just be careful dude.
I wouldn't touch that stuff. Why would it be orange? DMT is orange, but I've never heard of someone selling DMT as MDMA... Have you gotten legit stuff from this guy before? And by legit, I mean have you tested it with chemical reagents? Most people would not know the difference if they ingested MDMA versus a research chemical.

If you're going to do drugs, I recommend investing in a dancesafe or eztest kit. It costs about as much as a night's worth of mdma, and its worth every penny!

When I was 13, my friends and I planned on getting high one day after school with a friend. It was going to be the second time ever (I'm smoking for the 3rd time TODAY lol). Our other friend wants to smoke with us, for his first time, so he picks up a dime from a kid on his bus. He comes up to me and asks me to look at the bag to see if its good shit. He pulled out the bag, and at first sight, it appeared to be crumbs of some sort. I tasted them, and they were Comboz, the pretzels with cheese in them! I found it pretty hilarious, but I'm sure my friend would have smoked that crap, had I or somebody else not made him aware that he had been duped.
ive never seen orange mdma before was it a fine powder or was it more like crystals? most likely it wasnt mdma good thing you didnt buy any
Lol just wait for another opportunity, that seems a little fishhyyy :(

My dxm sometimes comes out orange which is sold as MDMA sometimes. Its a powder no crystal
this "MDMA" came in rocks that easily bust into a crystalline substance...
my friends have done it, i have always been weary of it (never done it). according to friends it is "weak"
interesting that dxm and dmt are orange, but this stuff was definitely more crystal then powder
thanks for the help!
ps. what is clean mdma like? (trip, substance?)
Under a pocket microscope, it looks like little diamonds! It took me forever to find the real deal,... worth every lame, weak, fake pills/powder to get here. Six hours of heart openning fun are what to expect.

I only do it once or twice every couple of years now. The real deal is self-limiting - gives a sense of peace, gratitude and satisfaction that nourishes ones soul. This is only if you have that intent when rolling though. Otherwise it would just be a night of self-absorbed distraction and novelty.
Lol yes the internet ties with MDMA very well :p the crystal mdma looks like what he said, tiny little diomonds. Thats only if you look close though.. From afar it kind of looks like slightly white tented crystals. Thats all I can really say to explain it. Threes really no way of telling except maybe on of those ecstasy test kits which I've never used :(

Lol maybe its crack, crack looks orange kinda
when i say orange i mean ORANGE.
like the fucking tiger on the box of frosted flakes!
So, anyone ever see MDMA the color of this mofo?^
(not his tummy:-P)
Mdma does tend towards a sandy yellow/orange colour due to impurities. I got a picture of mine for you


Thats all I know man... You could buy it and take 30-40mg of the stuff, if its mdma you should feel a nice high coming up which was sort of unsubtle with its rise... Kinda explosive like :) A sudden climb :) Can you trust these friends? If you can, then you might as well take it. I did a 30mg test on myself and waited a few nights before I took mine. It will be a lot more fun taking it with people or out in a club specially! A cool thing to do with taking mdma home alone is to go on your Facebook or w.e album you have and look at all your pictures from present to past. It shines a bright light on your whole life that way ;)

And you should know what your exactly scared of here.

A)If you can trust your friends as far as not posioning you, then theres no reason to not take it after an allergy test.
B)If you want pure mdma and mdma only, chances are its not. But the chances are the one in the picture isn`t either. Maybe buy a drug test kit?

Also even if its not mdma, the "compound" they are selling should have a similar dose to it (leading off from the fact they aren`t trying to kill you).

If you decide to buy this, the absolute best you can do is buy a drug test kit, test it and then do an acetone wash which is described in this thread. And also do an allergy test on yourself before. I`m not suggesting all of this to be necessary except the allergy test, but you seem to want to buy that powder anyway so I`m just doing my best :)

But bottomline is, taking any powder from an ilicit source has risks. Orange is a little unusual but I highly doubt its DMT. Maybe just mdma with a lot of impurities, this is a decision for you to make!
hell yea. Transformers rule. i, in fact, love them so much i had both logos tattooed on my ankles. right side- Autobot. left side- Decepticon. if i had a camera id post sum pics. but i would love to have sum tabs like that too. they are the coolest that i have ever seen to this point.
hell yea. Transformers rule. i, in fact, love them so much i had both logos tattooed on my ankles. right side- Autobot. left side- Decepticon. if i had a camera id post sum pics. but i would love to have sum tabs like that too. they are the coolest that i have ever seen to this point.

I wasn`t expecting tattoos MB! :D Cool stuff :D They are apparently pretty good pills too, never had them but they are apparently 70mg mdma pure mdma each :D
what can i say. i put it all out there when its about something i love and care about. thats why i had to get the Tim Leary portrait too.

I never was into tattoos but I concidered a tribal tattoo when I was into working out as you know :D I can say if I ever do get one it will be something out of the psychedelic or cosmic world. I say that because I know thats never going to change about me, I`ll always love that sorta tattoo. Maybe something to do with Poi or Yoga too... hmmm getting ideas now :D Damn man, might just get a small one if I find a goodn :D
i like my Leary as a reminder as of the people of fight for the use of Psychedelics and what they stand for. its something i will always have a place for in my heart.
thanks for all your help Tenner, im not really interested in buying any of this mdma, but im more curious for the sake of my friends :lol:
at this point im guessing its really impure mdma, at best.
this really is a fun and informative forum bongsmilie:peace:
thanks for all your help Tenner, im not really interested in buying any of this mdma, but im more curious for the sake of my friends :lol:
at this point im guessing its really impure mdma, at best.
this really is a fun and informative forum bongsmilie:peace:

Haha you got that right, its the best forum ever!! Welcome!! :D

I think it is impure mdma too, if your friends know how the stuff feels like then they would know its mdma... You ought to try some of that stuff one time though, get them to let you know when a nice batch comes around :D If you ever regret it I`m going to change my name to Voldemort :D