1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
Love the chilli peace sign Don!!! And everyone else summed up the psychosis, looks jubbers. Glad to see the gas leak didn't blow the gaff up bru. Take it easy,

Peace, DST

p.s when you off on yer holibags?


Well-Known Member
Stoppin in for look Don. Looking good as always. Back home and tryin to get back in the groove. Got my first batch of CC and Liver going into Veg this week. Take care ALL


Well-Known Member
Hey Hemlock, good to see you are alright, Westy and I were just wondering where you had been. Peace bru, DST

mr west

Well-Known Member
Yeah as soon as i heard bout Amy on the news I instantly thought of hemlock and posted something in my cheese thread. Good to see ya hems

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
nice frog/toad whatever it is, not bad for the city mate i'm impressed :)
tents looking nice and clean and u got my address can u pop that big bud in the post pls lmao ;)
went looking for him again this morning but he'd hopped it. i know terrible.....
bud by post ist strictly verboten.......:lol:
:eyesmoke:Hey Don,
what a fabulous update and set of images! :lol:
wow, you have so much going on in your garden. Its so full of life. Thanks for sharing all of this with us!:lol:
I am soooo jonesin for phsycosis its not funny. Everyone has it but me and it looks and sounds so awesome.
I just planted 4 of the same flowers you posted, shit i cant remember their name right now. the colorful pointed ones.. not foxgloves( which i do have and the hummingbirds love) but the shorter version with the nice dark pointed leaves.
I planted them in a pretty shady area under my 100 year old cedar tree. :lol:
I hope they will survive!
I have alot of snail and slugs around my garden as well, but i don not have any massive frogs like you have! how cool. I wonder if you hear a bunch of ribbits at night! thats kinda trippy.:eyesmoke:
Your new babies look healthy and beautiful. I hope everything goes smoothly for you this summer with them.
I checked in on my babies this morning and the light was off!!!!!
i dont know what is going on. I tried plugging it into some different sockets and it went on once in another socket. But then it didnt work after i tried agian.
Im really worried about this. I cant understand what this could be.
anyway , have a wonderful evening and take it easy:mrgreen:
Hi Doc! haha yeah the garden is taking a nice form, the tommies are huge but with the abysmal rain the last few weeks I'm not expecting much. the plants are lupins. the neighbours has some cracking foxgloves, so i went with lupins and a nice climbing honeysuckle.

the light, sounds like a either a fuse or possibly a loose connection. Is the ballast still heating up?

no rabbits just bloody pigeons. cooing away like mad. lol thanks for the good vibes doc!
hey fingerez, you snuck this funny message in right before me.. Good IDEA on the BUD , buddy!!!!hahah
Don, dont you think i deserve the big bud more than fingerez! please send it to me instead. lol
i would if i wasnt smirking it mesen ;)
Love the chilli peace sign Don!!! And everyone else summed up the psychosis, looks jubbers. Glad to see the gas leak didn't blow the gaff up bru. Take it easy,
Peace, DST
p.s when you off on yer holibags?
haha cheers man, war and peace in one photo, i cant remember if they were meant to be badass chilli or just normal.. yeah no more gas smell, i think my downstairs is just a bit accident prone probably left the gas on downstairs or somethin. spoke to my landlord the other day said she'd lost her keys for the 5th time. her motors bashed to bits. i reckon she's a classi\c example of those types who have an incredibly organised work life (she's a doctor) but every other aspect of the life is chaos.

cheers bru, jollidays start at 5am tomorrow, im frantically getting shit in order. been getting the emails through but will probs not have much chance to do much other till i get back.
Stoppin in for look Don. Looking good as always. Back home and tryin to get back in the groove. Got my first batch of CC and Liver going into Veg this week. Take care ALL
sup bud! did you go to that nails school for anti terrorism or what? looked awesome fun man. james bond style strafing out of helicopters n shiz. you'll be back in the groove in no time.

right off to get currency sorted laters peeps


Well-Known Member
No worries with the emails lad. Get off and enjoy the holidays, (very jealous, my wife wants sun NOW!)
Superthrive, Seaweed Extract, Liquid Karma. first month only nutrients. 4 u SpinDR add some B1 Viti. cultivate up just below 1st leaf. good luck

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I need a Zatte too, very yummy beer. Had an awesome time meeting Don and D legends the 2 of em.
Now I'm sure Big A is way to hard on himself lol. Seeing his pic on his avy and with the wit and charisma that boy has,,,tell the truth westy, Donny's a stud, right ; ?)

Stoppin in for look Don. Looking good as always. Back home and tryin to get back in the groove. Got my first batch of CC and Liver going into Veg this week. Take care ALL
You must mean the first batch of clones going into veg buddy from that big momma you had

Superthrive, Seaweed Extract, Liquid Karma. first month only nutrients. 4 u SpinDR add some B1 Viti. cultivate up just below 1st leaf. good luck
You don't really need the superthrive but seaweed early and a kelp extract in late flowering is a good combo. Not sure what Liquid Karma is? I guess I have heard of it. Thought that's what I sweat and piss hehe

Schweeet!!!! Come up with a name yet?


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sunday is start of summer they r saying on telly weather
haha well here's to an indian summer
Superthrive, Seaweed Extract, Liquid Karma. first month only nutrients. 4 u SpinDR add some B1 Viti. cultivate up just below 1st leaf. good luck
you talkin to me?
Schweeet!!!! Come up with a name yet?
nah have i shite, was thinking cheese train but that doesn't really represent whats in it. think ill have to wait n sample it.
am dam then a week in the sun? It's latest for some! Lol enjoy
life's too short to worry bout it willy ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey don, when u add gravity do u include nutes in the water too? and usually what week do you start?
i probably asked before but it was a while ago, n i didnt feel like searching for it.