Found a Baby Deer


Weed Modifier
Just wanted to let everyone know that Baby's still doing great. She's drinking a lot per day now and eating grass and some grains on her own. I've put a chunk of saltblock in her pen with her so she has something to lick on and get minerals from. She stand about 2 ft now which is about 5-6 inches taller than when I first found her.

It's been raining outside for the last 2 days so her coats a little wet in the pic.
Nice to see Baby is doing well man ...good job, you saved her... Karma man karma ;)


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to let everyone know that Baby's still doing great. She's drinking a lot per day now and eating grass and some grains on her own. I've put a chunk of saltblock in her pen with her so she has something to lick on and get minerals from. She stand about 2 ft now which is about 5-6 inches taller than when I first found her.

It's been raining outside for the last 2 days so her coats a little wet in the pic.

You are doing a good job as mother it looks like keep it up.


Well-Known Member
i've been doing some fishing lately and i always see baby deer out at the lake. every time i do i think of this thread. :)


Well-Known Member
Here's some pics of Baby that I just took. You can see how much bigger than the cat she is now.

She's still kinda skinny yet but she's eating good and running around a lot. I picked up some sweet feed for her that she's still getting used to.



Well-Known Member
Pretty cool 420...what are your plans for her, long term?
Is the mother around at all or was she killed?
She will be harder to keep as she gets older but I am sure you know that.
Great job so far!


Well-Known Member
hey buddy. ive been keeping an eye on your thread since it started and its cool as hell what your doing and i wish i had the opportunity to do what your doing. see if you can find out what to feed her. you can plant high protein grass in your feilds to keep her in your yard when shes bigger. she looks like she needs a lot of protein now and needs to put on some muscle mass. besides that she looks pretty healthy. btw i love the way your cat looks in the second picture hes like yeah i just blazed a fatty....


Well-Known Member
also try to bond with her. see if you can put a collar and leash on her. maybe if your lucky you can get a good bond so she will always be there with you kinda like a dog. cuz its gonna be a heart breaker when she just jumps the fence and is gone for good


Well-Known Member
I'll put some sort of collar or scarf on her when she gets older and the fence she's in is short and mostly to keep my other animals away from her, she could probably jump it if she wanted to. I let her have a small room off the side of my barn all to herself, she can go in and out as she pleases. She recognizes me as her mother so I imagine she'll be around for a while.


Well-Known Member
oh goodness, she gets cuter everytime i see her. so sweet. it looks like she loves your cat. does she clean the cat? my dogs are always ceaning each other.


Well-Known Member
oh goodness, she gets cuter everytime i see her. so sweet. it looks like she loves your cat. does she clean the cat? my dogs are always ceaning each other.
They're always cleaning each other, more so when they sleep together. I let the cat finish the bottles she doesn't so they've become pretty good friends.


Well-Known Member
Here's some pics of Baby that I just took. You can see how much bigger than the cat she is now.

She's still kinda skinny yet but she's eating good and running around a lot. I picked up some sweet feed for her that she's still getting used to.
Glad to see she's doing well still! Those pics make me warm and fuzzy inside.