Raided By The Police, Not For Growing

Where in this thread did he say anything about this

Heres a quote in the OP OP
" Fuck off if you don't care, but I could use someone's help as to what to do."

Heres my advice
What the F happened to the dog?

I didn't really care enough to read back through the thread and trusted her that he said that. Can someone with some patience dig up the truth on this thread? I'm slightly inebriated.
It seems that this guy is harrasing the OP.
I think he went into his house, tossed it, stole his pot and let his dogs out of the kennel.
Then he proceeded to call the cops and tell them that the OP was mistreating his girl friend.
And the police are doing their best to not do their jobs...
I think..
illegal search n siezure...have your lawyer ask for drugtesting of those involved ... you know they smoked that shit !!! Sue the fuck outa them and use the money to move to a more mmj friendly state .... good luck ... good move getting a lawyer ....
it seems that this guy is harrasing the op.
I think he went into his house, tossed it, stole his pot and let his dogs out of the kennel.
Then he proceeded to call the cops and tell them that the op was mistreating his girl friend.
And the police are doing their best to not do their jobs...
I think..

wrong .
wow just read the whole thread. that sounds like a real shit storm and i am sorry that you have to endure it. i am glad to see that you got a lawyer that should have been the first thing you did when this first started. it might have been a good idea to have gotten a lawyer before you went and filed the reports the first time. as a citizen who is not familiar with all the laws and procedures it is a good idea to have representation any time you are dealing with any cops for any reason. the cops are not your friends, they are not on your side (even if they dont like the other guy), and they dont give a shit about you unless they can bust you for something and further their career.

even though you may have been the victim here, the police will see you as a perpetrator. they will charge you for all the drug shit that they took, that is one of the reasons why the took it all (evidence). you should be able to get it thrown out based on an illegal search. did they break anything? do you have pictures of the damage and/or receipts of items that may have been damaged, any bills for paying someone to clean up? from the police perspective this is the way they see it: they responded to a distress call and believed that someone may have been in danger. by law they do not need a search warrant to enter a property if they believe that someone may be in harms way. once they entered your place, if they saw anything illegal in plain view, that is grounds for a search warrant and then they have to submit a warrant to a judge and have him sign it. this would not be very hard for them to do, but they do not sound like the most organized department when it comes to paperwork, so hopefully they did not get a warrant. just listen to what your lawyer has to say and take his advice. the only other thing i might add would be to publicize this case in your local paper. if you live in a small town this will be more effective, if the cops in my town were doing their job like this i would want to know and when i did, as a voting, taxpaying citizen i would be pissed. also if the police department sees this publicized they might not like it and try to change their policies. good luck man and stay positive it will all be in the past eventually.
did you ever find out the status on the dog?
They might of shot it upon entering.Every raid I've seen they immediately put the dog down no matter how small it was.
Had the a similar issue a few years back. Make sure your armed, russian made 410 pistol with a 10 round clip for home defense is an excellent weapon small shot pattern less holes in walls behind intruder. Then I would move maybe consider moving, a little more rural. The brakes failed in my promblems truck about a week after our last encounter and he took a wild ride on an off I-95 ramp that day. He was not killed but his wheel chair needs oiling weekly. I just happened to be at a sporting event when all this happened you can never trust those foreign autos. If I had my way I would of used him for next grows fertilizer. But i don't have the problem anymore.
did you ever find out the status on the dog?
They might of shot it upon entering.Every raid I've seen they immediately put the dog down no matter how small it was.

same here, fucking nazi police.[video=youtube;RbwSwvUaRqc][/video]
That was totaly upsetting to watch!
And what do those asshats do if you hurt one of their mutts that they sic on you?? Jail
Frickn PIGS!
Calmly move forward. It will come out in the wash. If you have your lady get married have a life stuff can be replaced. Your trouble maker will make his own demise. If you have to repeat the statements: get the duty officer involved run it up the flagpole and announce your wedding. That should shut her mother up. Just a old story: I drove a wrecker: turned a flipped MG over so PD could search it. Parked on lot. Next shift took to bodyshop. Owner concerned there was almost a pound of weed? in the car 1978. Police did not find it? Was that a good thing? Where is the evidence? Two ounces is felony in Ga.
Glad to see one problem went away. Find out what future mother in law drinks make her happy a few times she will not be a problem.
dont harm him physically harm him legally.

1. your girlfriend now has a reason to file stalking charges against him
2. you have slander, liable, and stalking charges likely available to persue
3. you have a case against the city, count, police department, and any one in the police department including the officer that didnt file the paperwork for deriliction of duty, resulting in personal loss.
4. I would get the most expensive, high profile laywer on the phone, talk to him about a pro bono case possibility, and then procede to discuss some of the situation. im willing to bet, for 33% fee, you ll find a Great one that will take up the fight.