1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
likewise bru leg ends the lot of ya's! think i'm going to ask the lad in the local if he'd be interested in getting a few cases of the zatte shipped. I reckon it'd reet up their straat :)

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
well its been one hell of a weekend. i've not been that stoned probably ever actually. was still banjo'd this morning. Big shouts to the host with the most, looked after us a treat!

It was such a trip to be going into a coffeeshop with better gear than they had on the menu. top marks to ya D
Sounds like a memorable (if you can remember) week-end and I really liked your coffeeshop remark, it just shows the best is not on the market for public consumption.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hazy golden orange in color. Foamy head. Smell was nice with some bright fruits (pineapple, mango) along with a mustiness and and some hay/straw notes. Yeastiness is definitely present. The taste matches the aroma. It's more sweet than I expected, but enjoyable. Lemon, grapfruit, orange... notes of all are found. And it's VERY smooth. Medium body.
Like fuck he's tasting all of that! :D I love my foreign beers, used to be part of my job to import them in and find out what was good and which would go with which type of food.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a memorable (if you can remember) week-end and I really liked your coffeeshop remark, it just shows the best is not on the market for public consumption.
man at points i could barely speak. holding onto a jar of DOG kush for dear life lmao. and for damn sure the best is not for the tourists lol well except me west n lgp lmao
Like fuck he's tasting all of that! :D I love my foreign beers, used to be part of my job to import them in and find out what was good and which would go with which type of food.
!? say whaaat? this a write up of the zatte? only thing that might put the block on them importing would be its not pasturised. think its against our bazillion EU friggen laws...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Indeed, random google search tos ee what you were chatting about and this fellow claims he can taste and smell pinapple mango lemon grapefruit and orange. Put those in a glass as neat juice and i wouldn't be able to identify that many :D lying bastard i say haha! If they wouldn't let ius import it because it's not pasteurised, that's a crying shame, pastuerization certainly has advantages but it is flat destroying the quality of things these days.

Just had a quick nosey, kask ale is certainly not illegal, in fact it appears a good number of microbreweries are unpasteurised. Kask as opposed to keg. Don't reckon they'd be able to make it illegal purely on health basis, otherwise you could argue that cows should be illegal as they don't produce pasteurized milk :D although funnily enough a milk farm in america was shut down i think might even have been by swat, because they dold unpasteurised.

Wanna know what makes that lovely head on your pint at the pub, 2,3-dihydroxypropyl octadecanoate, personally i say fuck that give me something natural :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Indeed, random google search tos ee what you were chatting about and this fellow claims he can taste and smell pinapple mango lemon grapefruit and orange. Put those in a glass as neat juice and i wouldn't be able to identify that many :D lying bastard i say haha! If they wouldn't let ius import it because it's not pasteurised, that's a crying shame, pastuerization certainly has advantages but it is flat destroying the quality of things these days.

Just had a quick nosey, kask ale is certainly not illegal, in fact it appears a good number of microbreweries are unpasteurised. Kask as opposed to keg. Don't reckon they'd be able to make it illegal purely on health basis, otherwise you could argue that cows should be illegal as they don't produce pasteurized milk :D although funnily enough a milk farm in america was shut down i think might even have been by swat, because they dold unpasteurised.

Wanna know what makes that lovely head on your pint at the pub, 2,3-dihydroxypropyl octadecanoate, personally i say fuck that give me something natural :)
hahahah i dunno about it tasting like a fruit salad chew but its damn tasty. I think importing it would make it pretty steep for the boozer but shy bairns get nowt eh. could be a recipe for disaster the local getting an 8% beer in though they do the brewdog which is the highest % beer in the world at like 50% or somethin daft. they brew it then extract the water.
hahahaha, sounds like a fun time! what was the best hash/ weed you smoked? or did it all just blend into one after the first ;) lol
D's extensive collection was like being in a candystore/broom cupboard ( :lol: just messing D). Id say the lemon pledge(psycho killer) for overall taste and high was my fave tho there were plenty that were up there. the casey was lush but a bit heavy for me. Shish wise man, tough call. deep blue i think.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
few snaps of the next round and odds n sods from the yard.

cheesequake x qrazytrain looking very uniform

purple cherry cheese x livers reveg loving the 600

2 dogs getting a bit of lst

group shot



was checking my tommies n found a huge slug in the poppies a snail and this little fella.

psychosis, dry n curing up a storm, i've missed this stuffbongsmilie

popped a load of black cherry kush and a blackwater kush hoping for suitably sharp lookin stud.

cheers for watching peeps



Well-Known Member
holy crap batman, that psychosis bud looks so good. probably looks even better because im bone dry at the minute, but beautiful non the less.

cc x livers is revegging a treat aint she. grand gardening mate

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
holy crap batman, that psychosis bud looks so good. probably looks even better because im bone dry at the minute, but beautiful non the less.
cc x livers is revegging a treat aint she. grand gardening mate
cheers fella!
yeah the green eyed monster strikes hardest when your jars are empty man. aye the cc x l is loving the 600. first set of leaves weren't even mangled like usual.
Beautifull that mate. I wonder if the fairy has a psychosis cut for a small one eyed boy lol.
ta muchly lad, I imagine the the fairy has a few tricks up her sleeve ;) think she's away for a week then doing a round of snips

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
holy crap batman, that psychosis bud looks so good. probably looks even better because im bone dry at the minute, but beautiful non the less.

cc x livers is revegging a treat aint she. grand gardening mate
cheeky sod dropping my lyrics lol ;)

nice frog/toad whatever it is, not bad for the city mate i'm impressed :)

tents looking nice and clean and u got my address can u pop that big bud in the post pls lmao ;)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:eyesmoke:Hey Don,
what a fabulous update and set of images! :lol:
wow, you have so much going on in your garden. Its so full of life. Thanks for sharing all of this with us!:lol:
I am soooo jonesin for phsycosis its not funny. Everyone has it but me and it looks and sounds so awesome.
I just planted 4 of the same flowers you posted, shit i cant remember their name right now. the colorful pointed ones.. not foxgloves( which i do have and the hummingbirds love) but the shorter version with the nice dark pointed leaves.
I planted them in a pretty shady area under my 100 year old cedar tree. :lol:
I hope they will survive!
I have alot of snail and slugs around my garden as well, but i don not have any massive frogs like you have! how cool. I wonder if you hear a bunch of ribbits at night! thats kinda trippy.:eyesmoke:
Your new babies look healthy and beautiful. I hope everything goes smoothly for you this summer with them.
I checked in on my babies this morning and the light was off!!!!!
i dont know what is going on. I tried plugging it into some different sockets and it went on once in another socket. But then it didnt work after i tried agian.
Im really worried about this. I cant understand what this could be.
anyway , have a wonderful evening and take it easy:mrgreen:

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
cheeky sod dropping my lyrics lol ;)

nice frog/toad whatever it is, not bad for the city mate i'm impressed :)

tents looking nice and clean and u got my address can u pop that big bud in the post pls lmao ;)
hey fingerez, you snuck this funny message in right before me.. Good IDEA on the BUD , buddy!!!!hahah
Don, dont you think i deserve the big bud more than fingerez! please send it to me instead. lol