Who Would You Toke With?

Revival of the dead thread...

so I just realized I want to smoke out with tina fey after reading part of her book. she's a riot and I bet would be giggly as fuck if high
Damn i keep getting chills every time i see his posts, Seriously it's almost like he knew he was going to be put out to pasture soon
But i have one person in mind, my sweet crypt, he's kinda guarding the pasture right now lol
More people I want to toke up with....

the wayans brothers - all fifty of them
Jackie chan - so he can make me laugh with his clumsy style karate
Mike tyson - so he can tell me some of his fight stories and crazy antics, plus the dude is interesting
The Count from sesame street - dude will never let anyone get off the puff puff pass rotation as he counts everyone's hits
If i would smoke a bowl with anybody it would have to be the 'Jack-In-The-Box' mascot dude, with his big white smiley head... because i would laugh until my hack out my lungs, then i would shove them back in so i could laugh some more...
First string pick: Aldous Huxley, could talk to that man for hours about his work & society
Second string pick: Will Ferrel, funny as anything and that one star I think would want to be my friend
hell yeah

will ferral or jim carrey even steve carell
and a female jennifer lopez xD

mmj and geewhiz i wanna smoke with too