Man robs bank to get medical care


Well-Known Member
I heard if you don't have healthcare you can go to jail it's some new law, part of the healthcare plan.


Well-Known Member
i don't think all this defense spending is in the public's interest either. i mean, look at us, we are all against it but it's still going on!!

I agree Urca, the welfare system is fucked up too but healthcare should be a basic human right. preventative medicine would eliminate some of the worst cases and save money in the long run. All of the countries who have healthcare have citizens who live longer, higher quality lives than we live in the US. I would love to move to Europe but how can i get citizenship?


Well-Known Member
Ah I would avoid europe at all costs... I mean, taxes are way high to support a socialist system that really doesnt work. Look at Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland. All examples of how socialism failed. And, Im pretty sure if those countries can fail, others will too. You're better off moving to Canada than Europe


Well-Known Member
I heard if you don't have healthcare you can go to jail it's some new law, part of the healthcare plan.
let me guess, did you hear that from alex jones?

if you choose to forgo insurance in favor of the fine, it carries no criminal penalty. kinda hard to go to jail if you haven't done anything criminal :dunce:


Well-Known Member
let me guess, did you hear that from alex jones?

if you choose to forgo insurance in favor of the fine, it carries no criminal penalty. kinda hard to go to jail if you haven't done anything criminal :dunce:
a fine is silly too. this is a free country, why should we have to pay for healthcare if we don't want it. i don't like this plan. i think it should be payed for with tax dollars and no extra fee out of pocket. get rid of the middle men (insurance companies). oh wait, that would never happen because govt is in bed with the insurance companies...


Well-Known Member
hey i believe he should have gotten healthcare for free, but every other living expense?? well, sorry, but he had a job. which is more than most people have. healthcare is a human right, but expecting the govt to pay for someone and all their kids cause they want welfare is bs. Which is why I am a moderate. Cant wait for next year's election!!! I actually get to vote this time. And my dad didnt have insurance, which is how he got so deep into this hole. It hurts to see my dad suffering because people dont want to approve healthcare, and it hurts to hear him cry to me that he isnt a real father because he cant afford nice stuff for us, because he cant take care of us
so your dad isnt being taken care of because he cant afford it? yet you say the government shouldnt step in and make him better, so he can continue to provide? why make him miserable forever if you can just fix it? we could afford it if werent in these wars and send money to all these other countries


Well-Known Member
so your dad isnt being taken care of because he cant afford it? yet you say the government shouldnt step in and make him better, so he can continue to provide? why make him miserable forever if you can just fix it? we could afford it if werent in these wars and send money to all these other countries
the funny thing is, if her dad is unemployed and pulls in less than 133% of poverty (~13k - 14k per year) then he qualifies for medicaid under the recently passed patient protection and affordable care act (health care reform).


Well-Known Member
he makes too much on unemployment to get free healthcare. but yet his unemployment is barely enough to survive


Well-Known Member
a fine is silly too. this is a free country, why should we have to pay for healthcare if we don't want it. i don't like this plan. i think it should be payed for with tax dollars and no extra fee out of pocket. get rid of the middle men (insurance companies). oh wait, that would never happen because govt is in bed with the insurance companies...
the fine is only for those making 400% of poverty and above. that means if you are single and make about $40k a year, you get a $700 fine (eventually) if you don't insure yourself.

and if you are single and making $40k a year and don't insure yourself, that is dumb. really really dumb. hide yo kids, hide yo wife dumb.


Well-Known Member
the funny thing is, if her dad is unemployed and pulls in less than 133% of poverty (~13k - 14k per year) then he qualifies for medicaid under the recently passed patient protection and affordable care act (health care reform).
too bad he doesnt believe in evil socialism :fire:


Well-Known Member
he makes too much on unemployment to get free healthcare. but yet his unemployment is barely enough to survive
what does he make on unemployment? he has to make over $1,000 a month to not qualify for medicaid, or get seen for next to nothing at a local clinic.

come 2014, people in his position that make enough to not qualify for medicaid yet are still unable to afford insurance will be subsidized on a sliding scale to purchase insurance from an exchange. for someone making about what he does, that would mean about $25 a month for decent health insurance.


Well-Known Member
so your dad isnt being taken care of because he cant afford it? yet you say the government shouldnt step in and make him better, so he can continue to provide? why make him miserable forever if you can just fix it? we could afford it if werent in these wars and send money to all these other countries
I dont understand the point you are trying to make?


Well-Known Member
too bad he doesnt believe in evil socialism :fire:
I used to be the biggest socialist ever, until I actually thought about it. Free healthcare is good, its a basic human right. But all the other shit that comes with socialism? I'll pass. There has to be a middle ground somewhere.


Well-Known Member
I used to be the biggest socialist ever, until I actually thought about it. Free healthcare is good, its a basic human right. But all the other shit that comes with socialism? I'll pass. There has to be a middle ground somewhere.
i take issue with calling it "free" health care.

nothing is free, it gets paid for by someone. i prefer to call it "socialized" health care, as in everyone helps cover the cost.

with everyone in the pool, costs go down. just look at any other wealthy nation. they all cover ALL their citizens for less than we pay to let ours die or go bankrupt, and they all have everyone in the pool.


Well-Known Member
what does he make on unemployment? he has to make over $1,000 a month to not qualify for medicaid, or get seen for next to nothing at a local clinic.

come 2014, people in his position that make enough to not qualify for medicaid yet are still unable to afford insurance will be subsidized on a sliding scale to purchase insurance from an exchange. for someone making about what he does, that would mean about $25 a month for decent health insurance.
he doesnt even support healthcare for everyone... but i dont care what he supports, I know that healthcare is the only way he can get better. im happy that insurance will become availible to him, he needs it.


Well-Known Member
when i was unemployed, i made 500 a week.

40k a year is peanuts. i couldn't even pay my rent on that. i definitely couldn't afford another few 100 a month for health insurance. hopefully if you're making 40k you're at least getting some benefits through work.


Well-Known Member
I dont understand the point you are trying to make?
my point was that he is sick. although i dont know what he has, im somewhat sure they have a treatment for it, if its not able to be cured. so instead of not being able to afford insurance, living in misery because he cant get better, and still isnt able to work, wouldnt it be nice if the government helped him out with some cheap(or free) medical treatment? you know damn well he doesnt deserve to suffer. should he continue to suffer simply because he cant afford health insurance?

then, after the recovery, he is able to work and provide again.


Well-Known Member
when i was unemployed, i made 500 a week.

40k a year is peanuts. i couldn't even pay my rent on that. i definitely couldn't afford another few 100 a month for health insurance. hopefully if you're making 40k you're at least getting some benefits through work.
all you have to do is get private health insurance and you dont get fined...