My First Grow And Journal


Well-Known Member
SWWEEETTT.. im gonna try to get more pics like i took of the hindu...of some of the other girls maybe tonight.. it gets hard to move em out of the hps lights when they get big and have heavy buds.. im afraid to snap a branch. Here is some pics of the querkle from last night also :)
She is almost done.. and although she doesnt look like a great yielder.. the grapey fruity smell is wonderful

This is the best I could do with the cell phone camera last night.. I gotta clean off the disk for the digital camera.. all full of baby shower pics


Well-Known Member
Heres one of my little mama's ... She is purple kush.. and looks very indica.. love the wide fingers.. cant wait to flower some of her babies on the next round..

Some of her newly rooted babies :)

The rest of the newly rooted babies.. Laughing Buddha .. Alien OG .. Querkle ... and a reverted White Widow .. that rooted in 3 days lol

Still got about 10 more im waiting to root.. im gonna have to many.. ill just plant em in the neighbors backyard.


Well-Known Member
hahahahahahha !!! it would keep the heat off of you!! "uhhh excuse me officier, but I think my neighbor is growing....marijuana..." so great.


Well-Known Member
Hermies cause problems because they may carry the hermaphrodite trait with their offspring. Genetically the hermie condition is near impossible to reverse once started. Sometimes even plants from the hermaphrodite's offspring that did not display the hermaphrodite condition can still carry the hermie trait to future offspring. If you ever see all-female seeds advertised by seed banks you have the right to know whether or not these seeds come from female plants that were stressed into producing male flowers. In general, growers try to avoid hermie plants because they spoil sinsemilla crops and breeding projects.

I dont understand this at all, so wait since your plant hermied.. does that mean where you got the plant was faulty? or does that mean its just something that happened and now if you try to take clones from that plant they will all be hermies? or does this mean if you use the seeds from your hermied plants they will be all the same?... sometimes I think I shouldn't read so much cause theres a shit load of stuff I don't understand lol.


Well-Known Member
There is 2 kinds of hermie's.. genetic hermies.. and STRESS INDUCED HERMIES. Mine had to be stress induced.... As you seen in the pictures she is VERY female.. lots of the genetic hermies will have full on male parts... I know now she hermied because I stressed her.. the light leak that was hitting her right in the middle of her dark period ( about 2 pm when the sun hits the windows on the west side of the house). I have another one of the same genetics that is 30 days into flower with no signs of herm.. The purple kush that was next to her had 1 pollen sac starting too .. right in the middle of the bud.. THat plant was right next to her... in the corner where the light was shining... I cut hers off and she has been in flower for another week almost 2 with NO signs of hermie since I fixed the light leak.. The other 9 girls in their have NO signs of hermie.... So im almost positive that the 2 that started to herm was my fault with the light leak... BUT dont get me wrong.. im watching the querkle that is about 30 days in like a hawk .. incase it was genetic!... I have no problem killing her .. ESPECIALLY since I have 2 querkle moms from different sources... so I will kill one off in a moment if i believe its genetically hermie.... Another reason I am almost positive it was my fault it hermied is because others in the collective are growing the same genetics from the same mama.. and NONE of them has had a hermie.. at first I was hoping it was genetic so I didnt have to take the blame lol. Either way .. I have 6 other strains if the querkle becomes troublesome.. but I doubt I will have that problem again since I fixed the light leak. Plus you seen the coloring in those buds.. I really would like to keep these genetics for a while... All my friends and family who smoked it on sunday .. right next to 2 other strains .. said it was the best they had in a while.. and that plant only went 5 1/2 weeks as long as she stays female.. SHE is a keeper!


Well-Known Member
OHHHHHHHHH alright. they never brought that part up, I was fucking confused as shit cause that didn't make any sense to me. god if its genetic i'm literally going to cry. It has to be my #1 out of your plants, it's so effin perfect when it comes to colors and how you described the taste/smell suits it perfectly.


Well-Known Member
Well the one I harvested is from a different mother then the one I just posted pics of .. I have two different sources.. One has a really sativa phenotype... ( the one above) that is a different mama then the one that hermied.. The one that hermied is really indica looking .. and I have one of her offspring 30 days in .. SOO good thing is.. if the indica looking one is Genetically hermied which I HIGHLY doubt..cus the light leak... I will still have the one pictured above for a long time :).. So if ya wanna try the genetics of the querkle above in the future.. I dont think ya have anything to worry about :).


Well-Known Member
oh now that I remember I have a question. will my TV light effect the plants when they are in lights off? Cause some of the TV's light goes through the window with the screen close to my bed.


Well-Known Member
I dont know how its situated... to be honest this is what I did .. I had my wife zip me up in the tent.. and turn on all the lights in the room and open the windows.. then she unplugged the 1000 watters for a few minutes.. and bam a tiny pin hole leak in the top corner was shining right on in.. and you would be amazed.. how much light spreads form a leak when the WHOLE tent is mylar inside.. Every since then .. and we patched the leak .. i have had Zero problems... Be careful too.. because leds on fans .. ect can have lights on em.. dehumidifier ect .. but I think being in the tent with all the lights off.. is the only true way to make sure NOTHING is getting in while they are sleeping.


Well-Known Member
oh now that I remember I have a question. will my TV light effect the plants when they are in lights off? Cause some of the TV's light goes through the window with the screen close to my bed.
Green light is the only "safe" light for a plant during their down time. I would have to say the TV would be a definite no-go as being safe for your plants.


Well-Known Member
Ya DUbbz I agree.. but I dont know if hes talking about the light going through his tent or not.. cus I know its a tent grow... if you light proof the tent ... you can do whatever you want in the bedroom its in.


Well-Known Member
Yea thats the thing, my tent has velcro attached covers for the little windows that have mylar on one side and the tent fabric on the other, that goes over the mesh windows to block light... but i keep them open for passive intake.

But i'm sure it's not good for the plants, so im moving my TV out into the livin room during flowering.


Well-Known Member
why not just run ducting into these two holes at the bottom of the tent.. then on the outside of the tent put a bend or two so that way fresh air can be sucked in by negative pressure and no light can come in with it ... then just seal the flaps?



Well-Known Member
Coolio .. still have the gf lock ya in there and turn on some bright lights in the room.. that way you make sure there is no light leaks during flower.. :)


Well-Known Member
Couple pics of one of my girls.. did some supporting and inspecting on her tonight... Day 49 Flower.. shes got all cloudy trichs week or 2 ta go I think :)

Little reference of how big the side cola's are.. there are about 12 this size

Here is a new addition I had to squeeze into flower to make room in my veg closet for the newly rooted clones.. She is a purple kush who was topped and trimmed for clones.. did some minor LST..

As soon as one of my girls finish im gonna put a Alien OG in flower... My querkle and white widow I put in about 30 days ago are looking really good.. I will update with pics of those as soon as I harvest a plant or 2... its really hard to get to the plants in the back .. I dont want to break or snap anything on the girls :)

I really wanna give you guys an update on the 2 Chems.. but I cannot move em .. I can hardly spin them in the tent .. they are so branchy and the tops are heavy so when I move the pot .. im so afraid im gonna snap something.. SO i guess it will just have to wait till harvest time.. or atleast close to it.. that way if it does snap a branch .. i can just call it a sample :).. but it still has a week or 2 to go atleast.. lots of white hairs.. but the amount of buds... is insane..

Feel free to comment guys.. and look forward to the updates getting even better as it gets close to CHOP time :)