Raided By The Police, Not For Growing

Wait what? Are you saying unloading a mag into someones face doesn't deserve a life sentence? You are fucking insane. Lock that crazy asshole up and NEVER let him out into society. He fucking shot someone in the fucking face.

Am I the only one appalled by people thinking this guy does not deserve a life sentence?

Nah, guy fucked his wife. I'd do the same.
did he fuck his wife, or did his wife fuck him?

if your wife is fucking someone else it's on YOU. you should shoot yourself in the face because you failed. ;)
About time someone tried to bring some common sense to this thread. Heres a tip for all grasshoppers deverywhere.

If your wife is doing someone behind your back, it is HER fault, not HIS fault.
Yes you may have done something that "made" her do it but she is the one who locked her hairy growler around another man.
Men cannot resist the hairy growler, game over!! especially if your old lady is desireable.

did he fuck his wife, or did his wife fuck him?

if your wife is fucking someone else it's on YOU. you should shoot yourself in the face because you failed. ;)
Gota feel bad for the dude who got shot in the face... that girl probably didn't even tell him she was married...
if your going to shot someone shot the person who cheated... not the person they cheated with.

The girl cheated cause she is a hoe and only cares about herself... otherwise she could have just told her man she was unhappy and dumped his ass... but nah straight hoe status
Normally I would say someone that cheated was a worthless human and doesn't warrant the emotional response given to her. But in her defense the guy was crazy enough to shoot someone in the face at point blank range, so I don't really know the dynamics that were going on, or if she really had the option to say "you don't satisfy me, im gonna go bang someone else".
Where in this thread did he say anything about this
He did reply about the dog, they were put in a kennel at animal control and allowed to be picked up later. People just choose to read which posts they want :)

Heres a quote in the OP OP
" Fuck off if you don't care, but I could use someone's help as to what to do."

Heres my advice
What the F happened to the dog?
Every Story Has Three sides .... your side ... his side ..and the truth .

Just pointing that out :)

You say you slapped this guy about a while ago .... was it to do with this chick ?.....was she with him then ?.... or was he giving you and her shit before all that ?

You say you got engaged ... how long you been with her ?.....You not met the family members before ? (The ones that went to the police after being told she was in danger ? )
I take it they must know this guy ...and trust him enough to call the cops ...

I'm not calling you out dude .... but i see a few holes in this story that need plugging up
If I ever get busted the first thing I am gonna do is post all about it on a website I use to visit like the people there were my BFF and then after drawing them all I will ignore them again. Not to mention I will treat my dog like it was a dirty sock.
If I ever get busted the first thing I am gonna do is post all about it on a website I use to visit like the people there were my BFF and then after drawing them all I will ignore them again. Not to mention I will treat my dog like it was a dirty sock.

so you get on him for sharing his story, then get on him for not sharing his story.

you seem emotionally involved here. i like that. it shows that you still care about others. :hug:
I know a guy through a guy, who got cheated on. He took his wife afterwords and tied her up like he was going to get kinky.... (she didnt know he knew yet)
Really he tied her up and said "You shit on me, now im going to leave you with the same feeling" Pulled down his pants, hovered his ass above her face, and took a big nasty shit right on it, then left her there tied up, with no way of calling for help. :clap::clap:I personally think that's a beautiful story. Justly done! I probably would have executed it a little more extreme, but thats just me.
if the police fuck up again contact the at attorney general of your state, tell them everythign that happen but leave the weed part out. tell them the police force isnt doing a good job and your life and your wives may be at steak. your ovbiousy dealing with a psycho. fucking cops should be all over this guy.