• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Oddest Trip You Can Remember?


What's the most abstract trip or sensation you've ever had while on a psychoactive substance?

I remember one time when I slipped some blotter behind Wal-Mart with my friend Austin, the next thing I know i look down and I seem to be suspended about 100 feet in the air, we we're screaming the fuck out of our minds, I remember yelling "we're gonna die dude, we're gonna die!" then each blade of grass behind walmart in the field grew up to about eye level and eacth blade tip grew the walmart smiley face... all to conclude with paper planes, by M.I.A being sung by those smiley faces... then i kinda remember some other things-but they are to vague to attempt to post on a forum.
How bout you?


Active Member
i remember when i was on some shrooms and acid and smoke some og kush, cant remember how much of each we did that day, but i was staring at my ceiling all of sudden they shaped like horses and started stampeding towards me, when it got closer i was running around my apartment, then i locked my self in my bathroom then everything started to like cave in, then i try to run out but since i locked it and was trippin i couldnt oepn the door so i jumped in the bathtub, then it kinda stoped caving in but then i was staring at the mirror and all of a sudden thing come up shaping on my wall and ceiling like dragon demons lookin stuff, i close the shower curtain then turn on the water and i was like, if they are from hell the water will put them out. while all of this was happening i was screaming and my 2 roommates could hear everything and was like are you alright. crazy night. after that i never did all 3 thing at once. true story


Well-Known Member
I took 6.5 grams of some very potent "lab mushroom dust" at swagstock in 06'. I thought I was walking on water while visiting the stream that flows thru the camp. The full moon was out and it was reflecting off the water and it looked as If I was walking on a liquidy moon. It was amazing to say the least.


The night before mother’s day I got me and my friends to come out to a sand pit and go camping. There were 8 of us. Most of the guys had tried MDMA and Ecstasy but tonight I got them to trip mushrooms. I thought I knew what I was getting into since I tripped mushrooms a good 6 times before these ones, was I wrong!!!!!!!!!!! We ate 2.7 grams each and within ten minutes I was feeling the onset (I had told everyone earlier that we wouldn't feel it till half an hour. recalling my previous experiences) so when I felt it that quick I knew they were potent. The trip started off amazing with vibrant colors and pulses. I remember sitting on a big lawn watching waves of bright green grass shoot towards me. Everyone was feeling really good about the trip. Then one thing happened that changed it all. THE SUN WENT DOWN. Everything friendly and fun and positive about the trip turned negative. People started turning into themselves and getting trapped in their minds. One of my friends I recall said I don't want to be hear anymore. Me being the trip coordinator started feeling like everyone didn't want to be there and I thought that all my friends were going to turn on me because the trip was my idea. I made one mistake and started fighting the trip internally. I would say to everyone that this was fun and the trip is going good, but in my head I was telling myself I don't want to be hear anymore and I'm scared. In a last ditch effort to save my trip I had to follow my wants and needs. (At this point in my life my want was my girlfriend and my need was sex) I decided to phone my girlfriend and get her to pick me up because I didn't want to be surrounded by the woods anymore or at least that's the excuse I told her. I think to myself that I can just tell her I was a little drunk and that's it. She tells me she will be there in 15 minutes so I have to wait. I sit on the driveway waiting for her to pull up. I get stuck in a massive mind fuck when a little rabbit walks within ten feet of me and starts eating grass. I totally lose track of time and when I look up a car is pulling into the driveway. This was odd for me because it wasn't my girlfriend’s car but I decided to approach it anyways. When I get closer I realize who it is. My girlfriend is in the front passenger seat and her......... MOM is driving (her brand new 2011 car she got for a mothers day present). I hop in the back seat and feel like the vehicle is melting. I'm nervous and make the rookie mistake of trying to talk too much to act normal. I end up getting into a conversation with my girlfriends mom about how nice the car is. Then it leads to who has seen it yet. She tells me I'm the first one but we have to make a quick little stop on the way home. I asked her where we would stop and she replied just my parents quick. This really hits me that I might be a little fucked!!!!!!! We pull into the driveway and out comes Gramps and Granny. Granny is in her PJ's so she doesn't want to come up to the car. Gramps on the other hand jumps in the back with me. I start freaking out! Every time I look at him his face starts melting and his whole body starts pulsating. I was lucky it was dark so he didn't see my eyes. Danger averted, almost there almost to the big comfy bed with the girlfriend watching a movie and you know the needs thing to. We finally get out of there and get home. I quickly give my girlfriend’s mom a hug for picking me up and run down stairs strip down to my underwear and jump in bed. Once I got in that bed the whole trip turned around I had a wonderful conversation with my girlfriend I got positive again and I started coming down. The whole trip lasted 6 hours. I will not say it was a bad trip because overall it enlightened me. I will just say that next time I will plan out more careful when and where I decided to go down the bunny hole once again.

Sincerely yours CHEECHED7


i went back in the morning and they said once i left everything fell apart!!! they said they forget that my girlfriend picked me up and almost set a search party to look for me lol . I still cant believe they stayed in tents the whole night!


Well-Known Member
I ate an 1/8th of fungus with 4 friends. We went snowboarding and had the best time ever. I start to trip really hard and it was like we were surfing on clouds. We hiked up the mountain a ways and plopped down in the snow to enjoy the trip and roast a bowl. After smoking we strap back in and head down this steep ass chute. When I was halfway down the chute i see a big ass tree that has fallen and looking crazy. I cruise over to it unstrap and sit on it. I'm tripping hard as fuck by now. I had a vision of me being in wolf skin clothes from like 2000yrs back. I can't see my left leg but on my right foot I see what looks like a fur boot stopping just short of my knee. After a while of sitting there checking out the scenery I realize I'm still halfway up the mountain. I shake it off on cruise down to the bottom to rejoin my crew. I tell the about my vision and we all laugh it off like that shut was crazy. 3 months later I broke my right ankle and had an air cast!!! It was like a pre-vision of what was gonna happen.


Well-Known Member
I ate an 1/8th of fungus with 4 friends. We went snowboarding and had the best time ever. I start to trip really hard and it was like we were surfing on clouds. We hiked up the mountain a ways and plopped down in the snow to enjoy the trip and roast a bowl. After smoking we strap back in and head down this steep ass chute. When I was halfway down the chute i see a big ass tree that has fallen and looking crazy. I cruise over to it unstrap and sit on it. I'm tripping hard as fuck by now. I had a vision of me being in wolf skin clothes from like 2000yrs back. I can't see my left leg but on my right foot I see what looks like a fur boot stopping just short of my knee. After a while of sitting there checking out the scenery I realize I'm still halfway up the mountain. I shake it off on cruise down to the bottom to rejoin my crew. I tell the about my vision and we all laugh it off like that shut was crazy. 3 months later I broke my right ankle and had an air cast!!! It was like a pre-vision of what was gonna happen.
Hahahaha tripping balls while snowboarding, awesome dude! :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks man it really was one of the best times ever. But you gotta stay on your toes because you could easily pull some sonny Bono type shit and hit a tree!!
just had it and im still feeling it kinda......smoked dmt but it was the residue from two days before......it was kind like bieng shown something i didnt want to see and it took a long time to see it but it was all over almost just as fast as it came on but the after affects were the same as any trip before then.......ill post more later but for now i want some sleep and i cant remember some of it


Well-Known Member
DMT is awesome, even "bad" trips have exactly the same therapeutic results.
I was pretty much a manic depresive dilt till I smoked it, after that day I have never been 'alone' again in a pointless world.

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
I was pretty much a manic depresive dilt till I smoked it, after that day I have never been 'alone' again in a pointless world.
the "alone" part has been dealt with. what are we gonna do about the pointless part?

sidenote: society has outlawed drugs to keep are minds in the "box". it's these brief encounters outside of our reality that spawns things like passion, ingenuity, and creativity. i think i was pretty boring before my first encounters out of the box. i also think god gave us these little treasures to expand our minds. its where the unused part of our brain is used.


Well-Known Member
the "alone" part has been dealt with. what are we gonna do about the pointless part?

sidenote: society has outlawed drugs to keep are minds in the "box". it's these brief encounters outside of our reality that spawns things like passion, ingenuity, and creativity. i think i was pretty boring before my first encounters out of the box. i also think god gave us these little treasures to expand our minds. its where the unused part of our brain is used.
My DMT trips were awesome, they were mind blowing but I did them in a bad time, I had lots of bad stuff happen in my family, pretty fucked up stuff. The introduction of the "theres no point" idea turned me into a bit of a maniac for some time but I never regretted doing it, even while I was a bit of a maniac :)

Then I realised there isn`t a point for anything, but we make the points! Anythings possible and nothings set to be, its all as plastic as play-dough and that makes it a lot more fun! Who wants to live a life going towards a determined destiny. I didn`t need a god or higher power to guide me, never. I, we, they, them and it all IS :D


Well-Known Member
My most crazy shit always happens on mushrooms,the last time I did them, I dont think it was the craziest, but it was definitely up there


this guy takes the cake rofl


Well-Known Member
Lol that dudes funny. It looks like he just did some tweak or coke or something.

An eye dropper holds way more than 30 hits btw.... unless there are tiny eyedroppers.

wait nvm, I know what he means now. I was thinking of a visine bottle or something.