Anyone Else Ever Tip The Pizza Guy A Nug?


Well-Known Member
I always tip well in cash, but if dude gets here extra quick with a hot pie, and looks like he might be a head, I'll palm him a bud.

I never wait long for pizza. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I used to trade weed for pizza and chicken wings all the time. Dude would call me up like once a week like you ready to trade. Once I was waiting in line fir taco hell at like 2am dude delivered my pie in the taco bell line!!

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Wow. You sound like sort of a cunt.
yeah i guess...but after a 13 hour day and only eating apack of crackers..i was kinda hungry...and him arguing with me jus made me mad

hes the one that called his boss whining about


Well-Known Member
yeah i guess...but after a 13 hour day and only eating apack of crackers..i was kinda hungry...and him arguing with me jus made me mad

hes the one that called his boss whining about
Well, congratulations. I guess it's good to win.


Well-Known Member
I used to trade weed for pizza and chicken wings all the time. Dude would call me up like once a week like you ready to trade. Once I was waiting in line fir taco hell at like 2am dude delivered my pie in the taco bell line!!
Get to know your pizza guy well enough, and he'll stop and grab you beer on his way.


Active Member
I smoked with the UPS guy a couple weeks ago. My old lady didn't tell me she was expecting a package, so after I just smoked a couple bowls out on the front porch I see the UPS truck pulling up, he smells it, just smiles at me and I hand him my bong, sat down and toked a bit then went on his way.


Well-Known Member
When i went to detroit once, i ordered some pizza, i didn't know anyone in the area and when the pizza dude came, he was black and had a fucking rasta cap with dreds, i asked, " hey man, you know where i can score some green?" the dude in a white accent said," no man, i do not do that," and left, i didn't tip the asshole for being a dick!!!


Well-Known Member
That's awesome man, if I were that pizza boy that'd make my day, just over the top kindness/coolness. It would surprise the hell out of me!

I've never had the opportunity to do that, everytime they come it's usually a Mexican dude who can only speak broken english, none of em really look like they smoke..


Well-Known Member
I rarely get Pizza delivered....Always ends up being some guy with a monstrous stomach and a shirt 2 sizes too small on that isn't clean and has seen better days....Orrrr the dude who speaks limited english and is always in a hurry....Why is he in a hurry? Because he works for several pizza places and tries to juggle multiple deliveries.....result....Cold pie which is junk to me.....Nope I pick up my zza and expedite it home to the fam damily. Then stand back cause you could lose a limb walking into my place with a hot pie LOL.

Like any other service tipping should always accompany good service. Tipping with some green could be risky unless your sure of the recipients openess to it. I used to pay for cab rides with good afghanny hash back int he 80's but I also knew the cabby on a personnel level.


Well-Known Member
i don't know anyone who works at a pizza joint who doesn't smoke weed or is recovering from a serious drug problem.

no i won't tip the pizza guy bud, i'm not stupid. good on you for not giving a shit bro. lol


Active Member
I always let the pizza man hit the joint or what ever i am smoking but I dont give 'em any. Never know what might happen when he walks back outside.


Active Member
I smoked with the UPS guy a couple weeks ago. My old lady didn't tell me she was expecting a package, so after I just smoked a couple bowls out on the front porch I see the UPS truck pulling up, he smells it, just smiles at me and I hand him my bong, sat down and toked a bit then went on his way.
you are a good person.


Active Member
That's awesome man, if I were that pizza boy that'd make my day, just over the top kindness/coolness. It would surprise the hell out of me!

I've never had the opportunity to do that, everytime they come it's usually a Mexican dude who can only speak broken english,

none of em really look like they smoke..
you just dont know paisas are the biggest smokers.


Well-Known Member
if your talking about just giving it to a random person that I've never met/seen before.. ?!? Heck no.

If its a person that I've never met or seen.. then hell no. you'd be crazy to be just giving out pot to random people.

Ladies and gentlemen.. this is another prime example of "How to get caught".

I can see you seem to be a cool person.. laid back and chill. I'm the same way man.. and I'm not here to bash you.. so lets get that out of the way.

Nor am I "attacking" you or anyone else. I simply just want to try and help people stay out of jail.. that's all.

I too am a very giving person.. I'm a legit and sincere caring person as well, but when it comes down to giving out an illegal substance to strangers

at my front doorstep.. common sense should be telling you NOT to be doing what your doing.

If you ever get busted/raided... try and remember all the people you just gave out pot to and maybe you'll be able to find out which one narc'd on ya.

Seriously everyone.. I mean, lol.. don't be giving out an illegal substance like that. Especially to total fucking strangers.. its just common sense not to do it.

Good luck bud.
