My Nine Monster: A Story Written and Produced by TMB

How was the wind down your way? We had a few broken branches and had to tie 5 plants to supports cause of their lean. Fed today also and their loving it. Got to enjoy my first crook neck last night, wife made a killer peppered pork roast with the peppers from our garden. um um
Hey treeman... How much water are you feeding these ladies? I have 100 gallon smart pots. I've asked several people. Just getting everyones opinion. Just don't want to over or underwater them. More worried about underwatering them.
Hey Hodge-
No wind here, just nice breezes.
The wife and daughter are making BBQ hamburgers, with zucchini fries from the garden.....hurry girls...LOL. Harvested snow peas, I just eat them raw as I work in the garden. Hand full or two every day now, and all the plants are loaded with blooms. Soon I'll be overwhelmed with fruits and veggies, good problem to have.
Stay Safe-
Hey treeman... How much water are you feeding these ladies? I have 100 gallon smart pots. I've asked several people. Just getting everyones opinion. Just don't want to over or underwater them. More worried about underwatering them.
Tough question...
In the weed cage I've only hose watered this year so far, I count to 100 with the hose wide open in each raised bed. Every other day now.
Under the carport 2.5 gallons every other day MaxSea added, but this amount will increase as the plants get bigger and weather gets hotter. I also flood the area (ground) with a hose once a week.
So I cant answer your question.
I think everyday is too much unless on a drip system. I would hose water until I see water start leaching from the bottom. I would water every two-to-three days depending on weather and size. When feeding I would mix up 5-10 gallons, feed, then water in a bit. But many factors are involved, weather, strain, size, where your at, soil, how much you feed them, yadda, yadda, yadda.
So my beast advise is just pay close attention to your girls and they'll let you know. If they're happy and growing big, all should be good.
Good Luck...
Thanks buddy. Down here in San Jose. Using mushroom compost mixed with screened topsoil and perlite. Its been in the low 80s down here and in the foothills so there is a breeze most of the day. All plants are indica dominant strains. I mixed 5 tablespoons per 5 gallons and fed each 100 gallon with 5 gallons. Hope that's not to much.
Hello All-
Sunday nights low was 63.4 and yesterdays high was 93.4 degrees under clear/sunny skies.
Warmer temps today, near 100 degrees. The girls were watered this morning, gave them all extra water due to the HOT weather. The girls under the carport were given 5 gallons each vs. the 2.5 they have been getting, they also got a tablespoon of MAXSEA each.
Tasty.. Just cracked a jar of 09 Mango that is has fresh as when I sealed it.
Hey Hodge-
How do you store it that long?
In a basement? refrigerator? on a shelf? Thought marijuana only had a shelf life of 6-8 months? Damn I never knew....LOL
Last nights low was 68.9 (warm) and today's high under blazing skies was 98.8. Yesterdays temperature difference was exactly 30 degrees, today's was 29.9. Warmer tomorrow. The temp right now at 9:00pm is 82.3.
, Placed in a temp controled storage unit. Damn coyote's, got another one of my chicks just in the last 30 mins. Woke at 5:30 to my rooster going off and the girls (Queenslands) opening the slider screen from my bedroom. They chased the one off but quess it's pup was hiding near. I walked into the kitchen to start the coffee and heard my wife yelling from our room. she saw a pup come all the way to the steps of the deck chasing one of my wyandott chicks, after doing a count were short 1. Thought one of my dogs were getiing my eggs now I'm sure it's coyote's. They seem to not fear humans but once they see the dogs they'll run? Hate to kill anything for doing what's natural but I like fresh eggs and this makes 5 hens in the last 2 months.
, Placed in a temp controled storage unit. Damn coyote's, got another one of my chicks just in the last 30 mins. Woke at 5:30 to my rooster going off and the girls (Queenslands) opening the slider screen from my bedroom. They chased the one off but quess it's pup was hiding near. I walked into the kitchen to start the coffee and heard my wife yelling from our room. she saw a pup come all the way to the steps of the deck chasing one of my wyandott chicks, after doing a count were short 1. Thought one of my dogs were getiing my eggs now I'm sure it's coyote's. They seem to not fear humans but once they see the dogs they'll run? Hate to kill anything for doing what's natural but I like fresh eggs and this makes 5 hens in the last 2 months.

you must address the issue. raiding hen houses is not natural and if they show no fear of you you are creating a problem if you don't take care of it. Have young kids ?
, Placed in a temp controled storage unit. Damn coyote's, got another one of my chicks just in the last 30 mins. Woke at 5:30 to my rooster going off and the girls (Queenslands) opening the slider screen from my bedroom. They chased the one off but quess it's pup was hiding near. I walked into the kitchen to start the coffee and heard my wife yelling from our room. she saw a pup come all the way to the steps of the deck chasing one of my wyandott chicks, after doing a count were short 1. Thought one of my dogs were getiing my eggs now I'm sure it's coyote's. They seem to not fear humans but once they see the dogs they'll run? Hate to kill anything for doing what's natural but I like fresh eggs and this makes 5 hens in the last 2 months.
Hodge sorry to hear about the chickens. Could you elaborate on this storage unit and how much please. Sorry TMB I just would love to have one of those and know the temps I would have to keep it at. thanks dirrtyd
Where I am we have a coyote problem because of a lack of bears to keep them in check, and a lack of dear to keep them fat and happy in the forest. I'm still trying to figure out how to keep them away from my little ankle-biting dogs at night.

1 or 2 coyotes will be scared off by dogs, but a whole pack will kill dogs, as they are seen as competition. You can always use exploding bait traps, but those are not humane, and really gruesome to clean up. But anything you can string up that will make a loud pop will scare them away. Ahaha, my grandpa used to use those firecrackers with a pull-string, but those never worked!
Hello all-
Here with a photo & news update.
We had a baby Rattlesnake in the vegetable garden today. I was doing my morning rounds checking on the monsters, the veggie garden. Sitting right next to one of the flower beds was a Rattlesnake all curled up. Now I don't mind a Rattlesnake here and there, comes with the territory, but I like the BIG ones vs. them little babies. A BIG Rattler will let you know....GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! But a can't hear shit! No rattles, just a button, and often they won't warn you.....YIKES! So here are a couple photos of the snake, and of the garden....Enjoy!

The Snake


Here's the Vegetable Garden...


The carport...


The Weed cage...


Finally the greenhouse and bud box...


Last nights low was 69.2, and todays high under blazing skies was 99.0 degrees.
Yep, sure does look like one of those headless variety. Treeman, looks like it was our day to meet mother nature. Kinda Zen like...
Yep, sure does look like one of those headless variety. Treeman, looks like it was our day to meet mother nature. Kinda Zen like...
Hey Hodge-
Yep, headless variety...
I don't like killing them, but the dogs have been hit, the horse has been hit, and today was close enough for me, foot away from MY FOOT!
You know Hodge, I would rather put up with the snake, or coyote every once and awhile vs. the crap people put up with in the city. I love the foothills and I know you do to! We live in gods country!
Take care...
Agree, couldn't pay me to live in a city, any city. Been fortunate here when it comes to rattlesnakes, haven't seen one ever. Those young one's are pure terror, will hit you with all their venom in one strike, def not good to have them around with kids. Coyote was back this morning, locked all chickens in the hen house last night, may have to kill it if this keeps up. Dogs chased it all the way off my property (10 acres) to my neighbors. Think it's a mother and at least one pup, feel sorry cause were invading their space and it's just trying to survive and raise it's young. I normally let the chickens run loose and the door to the hen house open at night but if I start closing them in, maybe the coyote will see it's not such an easy meal?
Agree, couldn't pay me to live in a city, any city. Been fortunate here when it comes to rattlesnakes, haven't seen one ever. Those young one's are pure terror, will hit you with all their venom in one strike, def not good to have them around with kids. Coyote was back this morning, locked all chickens in the hen house last night, may have to kill it if this keeps up. Dogs chased it all the way off my property (10 acres) to my neighbors. Think it's a mother and at least one pup, feel sorry cause were invading their space and it's just trying to survive and raise it's young. I normally let the chickens run loose and the door to the hen house open at night but if I start closing them in, maybe the coyote will see it's not such an easy meal?
How about trapping and relocating the coyote? Then he would be happy and you just a thought. Well it looks like another hot day in the Bay. dirrtyd