Las Fingerez Grow Journal - Various Strain Scrog

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
haha no pressure. oh and i should of put some punctuation in that sentance i cussed u without meaning to it should of read

so more of a big up then a put down lmfao ;) cheers bro :)

well i thought i'd try the other batts and squeesed a few shots out there not the best but they are all i had lol :)

Psyco 60 days / 8 weeks 4 days 12.12

Livers 60 days / 8 weeks 4 days 12.12

Blue Cheese 7 weeks 12.12. wowser if u please... i'd like a little wizard like dumbledore from harry potter lol hopefully by next week it will have streched a bit more i'll get some good shots of it as there will be less in the tent :)

Lemon and my apologies this is where the camera died lol

hahahaha sorry sambo shouldnt of posted that pic of u i cant delete it now lmao ;)


i'd rather her but beggers cant be choosers lol
bump :)

and u pukka where u at lol :)


Well-Known Member
lol i told ya, its already too late for sambo.

pukkas jerkin it over the thought of harvest day approaching lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member

it still looks a little packed out and i've removed 2 of the bigger girls lol

always seems to be the buds i supercrop that turn out to be the biggest lol probs coz it was the main arm that was streching above the others that i bent down lol a little bit scrappy trim lmao ;)

just psyco a safe gestimate at 4oz bone dry

a previous grow lemon haze 4.5oz bone dry.

the lemon box is slightly smaller than the cheesy box so we could be onto a winner also the buds are a hell of a lot denser on the livers and psyco

i said 2 a few of my buddies on PM's that i've wanted 2 hit half a K or a Lb from my 1m x 1m tent 600w for a while. i'm thinking now that it shouldnt be far off that, maybe an oz or 2 under :) my mate of the boards did say he would join if i hit half a K just to say big up lol

i should be pulling the blue cheese at the weekend then the lemon bang on 10 weeks i think this time 70 days on the nose will be a week weds lol :)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey las whats happenin bro! I see we are posting pics of ourselves on our avys again. I'll see if I can find one of me. Never been to your neck of the woods man but if the rest of the peeps out there look like you, well, I, uh don't want to hurt your feelings but I think I'll just stay here thank you ; !)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
what u talking about HC i get loads of gash even with looks like this its my 2ft love stick the girls cant resist lol

edit i really dont think before i post sometimes lol


Well-Known Member
hows your psychosis smelling at the minute las? i wouldnt care to put a weight guess in but looks like you're gonna be happy with that one las!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
the smelliest strain i've grown 2 date and "ronnie biggs" my blue cheese cut fuckin stinks towards the end of 12.12

5" rhino and 5" fan held out though, cant knock them rhinos if there done up properly lol hahaha ;) new skool showing how its done lol. sorry old skool dont hate its just a joke :)

edit - but it dont smell now its in the red box under negative pressure ;)


Well-Known Member
when i opened up that little psych bud in my room it fully stank it out lol, i could see that. is ronnie biggs the blue cheese you keep revegging??

yeh rhino filters are pretty awesome, get the job done dont they!

haha but I bet your room fucking stinks ... unless you have a filter on your drying box? lol, that would be pretty narly

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
na the 4" intake fan sucks the air out of the dry box and blows it in the tent. the 5" filter extraction takes care of it from there. although the 4" fan and filter is in the loft at the mo so i could connect it if the weather heats up but i'm good for now lol.

ronnie has been re-vegged and theres been talk about her being re-vegged again as i fucked the clone on transport by not packing it tight enough :( another group of mates have ronnie, mop bucket cheese and the lemon, he blanked me for 2grams but rung me the other day so gonna get another ronnie blue biggs from him. its a pain in the arse could of done with not bothering at all but needs must, i'm only doing it for old slagboat sambo ;) i'd be happy with the livers but since he had a sample of ronnie hes been chewing my ear off for a clone lol just messing :)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:eyesmoke:Congratualations on a healthy, bountiful, beautiful Harvest!:eyesmoke:
I enjoyed the song and pictures.
That was cool the way that you separated out the strains in your tent with a drawn diagram. :lol:bongsmilie
All your dope look scrumptiously delicious.;-)
I really love the solo picture of your largest cola. ;-)
dr.amber trichomebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
damnnn couple of days n like 10 fn pages i gota read to catch up lol, you guys rock!! n girls :)
las the tent still looks poppin full lol great job brother!!!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
thanks for the kind words guys and girls :)

i know we seen him before but this ones dedicated to Cindy and DST :) out 2 u guys, maximum respect :)



Well-Known Member
Cheers Las, young Danny is a legend for sure. Did you see his first video I posted a while back? And the song from that - Funeral -is from the Band of Horse who we went to see in Groningen last week, they are also fab!!! Always nice to see a bit of home.

Peace, DST

EDIT: at the start of the video he is cycling in a harbour, that is about 200 metres from where my family come from;-):mrgreen: