I Don't Feel The Same When I Get High?


Well-Known Member
like ive been smoking weed since i was 15, but didnt regularly start until about this time last summer... but now that ive smoked so much, I dont feel the same... unless I smoke HELLA HELLA weed, and thats just wasting my precious money... i mean, i catch a good buzz, and things are still funny and etc, and I know im high, but where did that awesome


Well-Known Member
haha i dont really have control over what weed I get, its whatever the dealer has on hand


Well-Known Member
Are you smoking alone? When I smoke by myself I'm a lot more aware.
But when I smoke with people at a friends house I get the intense trippy feeling.

I think it has to do with having more shit on my mind when I'm alone.


bud bootlegger
like tiger has said, take a break and let your system clean out for a few days even.. you'd be surprised at how much higher you'll find that you get when you don't smoke every single day..
of course the longer of a break that you take, the higher you'll get, but even only two days or so will do wonders for you.. and again, i find that the longer i take off from smoking, it take a lil longer for my tolerance to build back up again.. after a shorter break, you'll get higher again, but your tolerance will build back up quickly ime...

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i agree with everyone above ^^^^ and i dont like taking a break and once you start again, it doesnt seem to take long to build up the tolerance again.
i always have great smoke and a variety so thats how i deal with it.

but also i dont smoke to get the over the top high. a few puffs and get feeling nice. but its many sessions a day.


Well-Known Member
I was just talking about this with my wife the other night.
Two or three weeks before harvest i am going to quit smoking and when i cut,dry and cure. I will go from smoking street regs that are always pretty much the same bagseed cfl buds that dont get you that lit.
To smoking rock solid genetics that won cannabis cups grown in my perfect conditions, an we will feel the most pure undistorted effects from that bud when harvested.
I cant wait. I hope i get the giggles again.
I have been smoking everyday since 2001 without any breaks other than maybe a day or two but rarely, so this should be quite the experience, i plan on documenting all of it. lol Bring on the giggles!

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
its funny last year i needed to find a job. so i quit smoking for 2 1/2 month give or take. it seemed like forever. i had a harvest curing and i couldnt even sample it until i was employed permanent lol


Well-Known Member
Get hold of some other drugs. Weeds boring for young people like us. Fuck yeah!!

OooooOOOO look at tenner, his going to turn into an ADDICT!!





Well-Known Member
Bahahahahhaaaaa!!! Either I'm really fuckin stoned (which I am :pd: < I bet youve never seen two tongue faces making out) or that was fuckin funniest thing Ive ever heard ever.


Well-Known Member
Haha, yeah, funny shit for sure...

My opinion on the original question, it NEVER is really like it was when you first started smoking. Sure, you can quit for a while and get super baked for a few days, but your tolerance just keeps coming back faster every time. I mean, I remember how it used to be when I first started smoking (16 years ago), and I was good for the first few years...but as soon as I started habitually smoking weed, it was never the same. Sure was amazing in the beginning though...Thats why a lot of people call weed a gateway drug, because in search of a higher euphoria we often move on to bigger and badder substances to abuse ;)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
it NEVER is really like it was when you first started smoking.
You have never vaporized BHO off of a nail in an oil dome, have you? :eyesmoke:

Thats why a lot of people call weed a gateway drug
No, they call weed a gateway drug because the DEA and Regan administration lied to everyone by saying smoking weed predispositions you to be a heroin addict......

when in fact it is the cigarette smokers who are FAR more statistically likely to move onto the *harder* drugs